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Saturday, January 22, 2005
More stuff!
Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I fell asleep again. I did, however, order what I've been wanting to order for the longest time yesterday! I bought a Full Metal Alchemist watch and the Gravitation Soundtrack!
Here's a picture of the watch.

It's the same watch that Ed got when he became a state alchemist.
And, here's a pic of the soundtrack.

I heard the music in the DVD and I HAD to have the soundtrack. Here's what songs are in the soundtrack.
From Bad Luck
1. Break Through 2. Spicy Marmalade 3. Blind Game Again 4. Smashing Blue 5. In the Moonlight
From TV Animation
6. SUPER DRIVE 7. Glaring Dream 8. Sheplees beauty 9. THE RAGE BEAT
From OVA
10. Shining Collection
From Audio Comics
11. Welcome to my romance 12. NO STYLE
I've only heard part of 4 songs. There's The Rage Beat, Glaring Dream, Blind Game Again, and Super Drive. Super Drive is the Theme Song and Glaring Dream is the Ending Song. Shuichi sang 'The Rage Beat' and 'Blind Game Again' in the episodes.
Oh, and I'm glad you guys liked my story! Chapter 3 will be up when I finish typing it. Maybe Tuesday...I'm real busy so I don't have alot of time to sit and type it. But, I'll try to get it in as fast as I can. ^-^
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
I adopted Shuichi!

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Gravitation Story
Okay, well, if any of you remember, I posted the 1st chapter of the Gravitation story on Jan 14. Well, I didn't get too many responses to that...Hopefully, people will respond more. Either telling me to continue, or stop. Either way, they are welcome. If you really want me to stop posting them, go ahead and fell free to tell me. I'm a nice person, I'll listen. Anywho, here's the second chapter. If you haven't read the first one, go to my archives. It's there somewhere.
Title- (As of title...we can’t think of can comment with suggestions if you want. I guess it's just called Gravitation...)
Rated- PG-13 (For now anyway because I know Yasmin and she’ll want to write a lemon...and don't worry, I won't post it on here. She can write it for all I care but I'm not reading it, let alone typing it.)
Genre- Romance/Comedy
Summary- *Spoilers* Throughout the Gravitation manga’s and animation, Shuichi’s POV was used. But what if it was in Yuki’s POV instead?
Disclaimer- I don’t own Gravitation or any part of this plot line too. Whatever any of them says, was taken from the DVD’s, word for word. So, it’s not mine either.
Chapter 2- Confrontation
Yuki’s POV
"If you wanna commit suicide, get assistance from someone else. Dumb ass!" I say glaring at the boy. Rain streams down his face from his hair.
"How long do you plan on standing around here? I sneer drawing my sunglasses onto my nose. The boys face flushes darker than his light pink hair.
"Uhhh..." He says. Car horns honk furiously behind me.
"What's wrong you people?!"
"It's a green light!!"
"You wanna get killed, you moron!?!"
"Get outta the way!"
"Crack head!"
The boys face flushes darker. "Um...well...uhhhhhh...I was...y'see...look..." The horns honk louder and more people start to shout. I roll my eyes.
"Just get in the car, okay?" I say. 'What a reject!!' I mumble to myself looking at the boy over the rim of my sunglasses.
I let the boy into my apartment closing the door behind me. I leave him in the living room to retrieve towels from the linen closet. I go back to the living room.
"Here's a towel, dry yourself off." I command tossing him a towel. It hits him square in the face silencing his impeccable thanks.
"I appreciate it." He says with a small smile. He removed his wet jacket, dropping it over a wooden chair. I glance at him out of the corner of my eye, putting an unlit cigarette in my mouth.
I turn away from him, ignoring him completely. I silently change into another button up shirt, not bothering to button up the shirt when I'm finished.
"Hey, what do you have against me anyway?" He mutters, draping the towel over his head. I don't turn to look at him but answer.
"What do you think?" I say. "You almost ruined my precious Mercedes." I pick up the can of beer from off the table.
"Not that. I mean, that's understandable." He drops onto my couch. "But I'm talking about the other night in the park..." I snap the tab on my beer.
I scowl as I glance at him. He rubs the towel over his head. I take a careless sip of beer. I turn to face him before answering.
"What are you babbling about?" I ask, holding my beer and cigarette in the same hand. I put my other hand in my pocket, acting as if I didn't know what he was talking about.
"Come on remember..." he tells me, drying the back of his hair. I find it somewhat odd he keeps his hair this long. I mean, it's somewhat...feminine.
"Is the interrogation over?" I ask. "I think it's you who owes me answers. Are you trying to kill yourself or were you just trying to get my attention. Either way, it's a loser thing to do."
I run my fingers through my hair, lifting it from my eyes. The boy stands up, face flushed a deep red.
"I'm Shuichi Shindou!!" He points to himself ranting. "I'm not a loser!" He tugs at the towel over his head, his violet eyes shining indignantly.
"Whatever dude. Shuichi...loser...same difference." I say, I sauntered toward the counter leaning against it. I smirk once again, putting the unlit cigarette in my mouth.
"Heh. You don't seem delicate enough to go for a Sylvia Plath-style finish." I pick up the lighter from the counter next to the cigarette case.
"Thanks a lot, bastard." Shuichi growls at me. His fist tightens around the towel as he grits his teeth.
"Sounds like you take everything personally though." I light my cigarette and take a brief drag. "Could it be you wanted to make a killer out of me? Is that it? Contrive a tragedy, make us legends?"
"I didn't mean to...It's...I just..." Shuichi's eyes shift downward and a blush creeps up his cheeks.
I push myself off the wall and walk closer leaving my beer on the counter. I stick both hands in my pocket.
"I-I just wanted to see you again...that's all..." Shuichi stutters, keeping his eyes to the ground. His cheeks turn a darker red.
I look down at him frowning. 'What...the hell?' I think. My eyebrows furrow and my eyes widen slightly.
"I see..." I respond. "Whatever I did, you took it pretty seriously. Poor pitiful pop star." I sneer. Shuichi looks up at me with beady eyes.
"You just said you didn't know...what I was talking about..." Shuichi smiles holding his index finger up.
" I lied, you moron." I barked. Shuichi's smile fades. "Your lyrics were awful. I try to forget them, but then my memory wakes up screaming." I take the cigarette out of my mouth and stare down at Shuichi, eyes cold.
"WHA-?" Shuichi screeches, jumping up. He comes to stand in front of me. "Quit telling me how much my lyrics suck! GODDAMN IT! You don't need to remind me!"
"If you suck, you suck. That's not my fault." I tell him calmly.
"Because of you," he continues to rant. "I don't get to eat lunch for a whole month!" Shuichi stands glaring at me, growling under his breathe.
"Is it your habit to go around trash talking people you've never met?!" he yells waving his arms around frantically.
"Someone has to tell you the truth man. It's not like I get a charge out of it." I tell him calmly. "Look at you. No wonder you wrote such putrid drivel. You're was too caught up in your own trip.
"I can see you in ways you won't let yourself see. You've got zero talent. Trust me. I should have never brought you here." I taunt. Tears stream down his now heated face.
"Go home, crybaby, before you piss me off even more." I turn my head to look at him.
"Because I'm a good guy, I have one more piece of advice...If you don't want to kill yourself, you should probably stay away from Mercedes SLE's and SAAB Cabriolets."
I smirk, sending him a jaunting look. "Because if you get in front of me again, I'll hit you and then back up over you for good measure."
Knowing I got my pont across, I smirk and saunter away, leaving Shuichi to show himself out.
End of Chapter 2
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
My Lil' Anime Character!
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Monday, January 17, 2005
I'm most like Riku.
Take the quiz: "Which Kingdom Hearts charater are most like?"
 Riku Your Riku! His age is 15. He may seem cool and collected for his age, but he is far from the quiet type. Always curious about the unknown, he begins to question the small, closed world in which he lives.
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Beyblade Quiz`~I'm Kai!
Take the quiz: "Which Beyblade character are you?"
 Kai Fight to the end
And, I finished both of the projects I was doing. The Gravitation pic turned out pretty cool! I drew them both exactly how they were and for the background, I wrote 'Gravitation'. Then, I colored it. It's pretty good. I better get an A for it. I worked hard on it.
And I though this quiz was pretty funny.
Take the quiz: "Which yu-gi-oh character should you kill?"
 Anzu Masaki if we all just work together... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
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Sunday, January 16, 2005
Funny Picture!
I found this funny picture while I was looking up pics for my project agian.

I'm working on another one too. I'm drawing a picture of Shuichi and Yuki from Gravitation on a poster board. I'm almost finished too! Here's the pic I'm using.

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Friday, January 14, 2005
My Kanji word!
What Kanji word best suits you? brought to you by Quizilla
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I'm Sasuke!
 Which Naruto Character are You? quiz by
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Cloud Strife
I just felt like putting this picture up. ^-^ I think Cloud is awesome! ^-^

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