Queen of Anime
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Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Thing I found.
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Gravi Quiz!
 Your ideal Gravitation guy is Yuki! YOu better stay away from him though. If you steal him away from Shuichi I'll hunt you down. Shuichi's been hurt enough, poor guy...
The Gravitation Dating Game brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, December 25, 2004
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, everyone! I just got another present from my parents that I didn't find until this morning! It's an air-hockey table! It was in the living room and when I went to the living room, I saw it! Me and my brother even got a new chair for the computer since all our chairs keep on breaking... ::rubs back of head sheepishly:: Hehe...chairs break to easily...anyway, I just wanted to post something on here on Christmas day. Here's some more random pictures!

So, yeah. Some of those are really weird like the one that has Dark with read hair...hope you enjoy the pictures I found! I tried finding one of everthing on my list that I have a the top about all the anime/manga that I like. Merry Christmas everyone and a Happy New Year! Ja ne!
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Friday, December 24, 2004
Christmas!!! Yay!! Presents!!! ^-^
I GOT 100 DOLLARS FROM MY PARENTS!!! Usually, we wait until midnight to open the presents but my parents were eager to open the presents because it's my nephew's first christmas and they wanted to give him the toys they bought for him. Well, we opened the presents at about 9:00! I got a lava lamp from my aunt, a shirt and pen that plays the national anthem from my other aunt and her daughter, a gift certificate from my sister, and 100 dollars from my parents! I just used up ALL of the 100 dollars on DVD's and books on the internet. I'm so stupid sometimes! XD I don't regret it though. I'm happy I got those! I bought the rest of the Gravitation DVD's, that means 2, 3, and 4, and I haven't even watched number 1! And then, I bought Gravitation books 3, 4, 5, and 6 with the rest of the money that I had left over. I already have Gravitation 1 and 2. Well, I got 100 dollars and spent it all in one night! I'm so stupid! XP Merry Christmas!!
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Chritsmas in 1 day!!
Yay!! Christmas is tomorrow!! And, I just finished this one Gravitation story I've been reading since like 3 days ago. I think that's the only Gravitation story I've been reading...oh well. Tonight, my family is gonna stay up, like always, and wait till midnight so we can open our presents. It's been like that ever since I can remember...I think my sister might be coming over. If she does, that means she'll bring my little nephew Eric! This'll be Eric's first christmas so I figure she's gonna come over with Eric and Victor, her fiancé.(or however you spell that word...) Can't wait to see what I get! Actually, I know I'm getting about 50 dollars from my parents because they always give me and my brother 50 dollars for Christmas every year. And with 50 dollars, I CAN BUY THE FULL METAL ALCHEMIST WATCH!! OR BETTER YET, GRAVITATION DVD 2 AND/OR 3!! Hmm...wonder which one I should choose...oh, and thanks for the help swtanimechick. I've actually been to once before. I was looking for a site that had DN Angel so that I could pre-order it before it came out and I found it there! And for like 30 dollars but I wasn't disappointed! I love that DVD. It's so funny! I checked it out today and looked for Gravitation. But for the first Gravitation DVD and the Artbox, it's like 25 dollars. That's cheap but the one I found, is cheaper. Only 15 dollars! ^-^ But, thanks for your help anyway! I'll probably be going there to buy the other DVD's once I have the money. Either there or I'll see later, when I get my 50 dollars for christmas! You can be sure I'll be online ordering stuff like crazy! Until Christmas, Ja ne!
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Thursday, December 23, 2004
I ordered the first Gravitation DVD yesterday!! And really cheap too! I found one for 40 dollars and I kept looking around and eventually, I found one for 15 dollars! That's a HUGE change from 40 to 15. So, I bought the 15 dollar one. But, I still have to wait like 2 weeks...damn mail...why does it have to take so long?! Can't wait to see it though! I just know it's gonna be funny. I just started reading Gravitation on I read fanfic's on everything, don't I? Let's see, it started with Inuyasha, then Yu Yu Hakusho, (because of Krystal...)then I forgot...but I do know that right now, I'm reading Naruto stories as well as Yu-Gi-Oh and Kingdom Hearts stories. Gravitation is a new addition. Oh, well! Enough ranting! Till tomorrow, or something! Ja ne! ^-^
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Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Runescape, DN Angel, and Gravitation!
I just got a yoyo! There's a Santa in the middle of Falador and Varrok who, if you talk to, is giving away free yoyo's! He's gonna be there for 2 weeks and then he's gone. Once he's gone, you can't get a free yoyo, ever. So, you better go and get one fast (that is, if you play runescape...) Oh, and I finally got DN Angel 5 in the mial!! I ordered it like a week ago, maybe more, and I just got it today! I haven't read it yet though. 'Cause at the same time that I ordered DN Angel 5, I ordered Gravitation volume 1 and 2. (Note, I'm talking about books people...) I started reading volume 1 when I got home from school and I finished and I'm almost finished with volume 2. I guess gravitation is alright. It has it's funny moments. I think it's awesome! I wanna read DN Angel 5 but I wanna finish reading Gravitation first...and, when I get like 20 more dollars, I'm gonna buy Gravitation volume one for the DVD. So far, I think they have 4 DVD's I right? The first one comes with a box that you can put all the Gravitation DVD's in and in time, I WILL GET THEM ALL!!!! I WILL GET THEM ALL IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! a little carried away...I think Eiri Yuki is so cute! Is it wrong to think that...? I mean, don't get me wrong, Shuichi is cute as well as Yuki but I think I'd pick Yuki over Shuichi. Did I even spell his name right...? I'm too lazy to get up and check...and Hiro is cute too! But, I'm not too into long hiar. I used to be, what with Inuyasha, but not anymore. At least, not as much. Oops! I guess I wrote alot! Silly me! I got too into Gravitation! Well, I just came on to get the yoyo from Santa on Runescape and leave but I ended up posting this. I really should stop. Besides, I'm almost finished with Gravitation volume 2 and I want to keep on reading! You know what, I bet I can get my parents to buy me Gravitation DVD 1 and 2 for christmas, if not just number 1...Oh yeah! I almost forgot! My friend/cousin, Sakia, she found this awesome pocket watch! Why am I telling you this, you ask? Well, if you've ever watched Full Metal Alchemist,(and if you haven't, you should.) it's the watch that Ed has!! It looks so awesome! But it's like 40 dollars!! Can you believe that?! I still want it though. But if I do get it, I think I'm gonna have to pick between Gravitation or the watch. I don't think I can choose!
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Monday, December 20, 2004
Personality Disorder Test
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Sunday, December 19, 2004
Yay! More Quizes! ^-^
Which Kingdom Hearts Character are You Most Like? brought to you by Quizilla
 You got Riku! He's determined, confident, and HOT to boot! If you don't mind the fact that he opened his heart to darkness (kinda like me) then you're all set! Overall, he's a good guy! You go!
Kingdom Hearts Date Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
 You are...
Which Character from Kingdom Hearts are you? *Images* brought to you by Quizilla
 Your Leon! Your kinda wise, but just speaking whatever is on your mind. You try to act cool and un-caring, but it just doesn't work. Your very loyal and will protect your friends if they are in trouble.
Which Kingdom Hearts Character are you? (not obvious!) brought to you by Quizilla
 You're in love with the brave, adventureus, hott, muscular Sora. I know he has a funny outfit but its cute. (cant beat that hair)
Kingdom Hearts: Do you love Riku or Sora? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your a Winter. Your playful and joyful about mostly all the time:) You love to lie in the soft white blanket of snow. The cocoa is just right it's hot but, not too hot. Perfect for a wonderful winter girl:)
What Season Are You??? (Amazing Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 The Bandit...
What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Quiz Time!
I just took this quiz! I think that the guy in the pic is so hot! =P Although I know I'd never do what it says I'd do...
 The guy you want is probaly the popular guy in your school. Which is great to me:) He's so dreamy that you'll want him to notice you so badly your do anything. Like in the cafateria you'ld trip on something infront of him to make your food spill all over you!!! Even if it's a brand new shirt or your favourite skirt!!! Oh well at least he'll notice you:)
Who's Perfect For You??? (Cute Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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