Queen of Anime
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Friday, November 19, 2004
My life is rated PG-13
 My life is rated PG-13. What is your life rated?
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Something random I found
"So... tell me more about yourself." | Created by berrybella and taken 631 times on bzoink! | The Basics | Name | Sariku Niwa | Birthday | 11/22/89 | Marital Status | Single | For Friends To Know: Favorites | Color(s)? | Orange | Food? | Ramen | T.V Show/Cartoon/Channel? | I have lots like Yu Yu Hakusho or Inuyasha. I'm not sure which one, of all the ones I've watched, is my absolute favorite. | Sport? | Soccer | Animal? | Cat or Dog | Time of day? (Morning, early afternoon, midnight, ect. ect) | Night | Plant? | Rose | Movie? | Yu Yu Hakusho Movie | Candy? | Crunch | Holiday? | Birthday | Type of cake? (I dunno, just thought it'd be nice to ask ^_^) | Chocolate Ice-Cream Cake | For That Special Someone: Your Perfect Date | Your Astrological Sign (Cch- like that matters! Love is love!) | Sagittarius | Gift? (To give/receive) | I need to know who I'm giving the gift to./An Anime or Manga or anything to do with those types of things. | Place (A restaurant, the beach, the theatre...) | | Food (Fancy with a full-course; casual with burgers...) | | Background Music (Classical orchestra, live concert, birds chirping...) | | The Finale (Dancing beneath the stars, running along the surf...) | | For Stalkers: The Details | What side of the bed do you get out of? | Left | The hand you hold your fork with? | Right | The foot you put a shoe on first? | Left | Your third favorite perfume/cologne? | Don't wear any. | Your current computer desktop wallpaper? | Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition | The last time you needed a bandaid? | Two months ago | How much ketchup do you put on your food? | Not alot, if not any | How do you greet your friends? | Hi | Most often used word/phrase? ( | Congradulations | Common mannerism? (eye rolling- annoyance; lip biting- nervousness...) | Eye Rolling | Pet peeve? | My Brother | Biggest fear? | Too many to pick just one. | Seedless fruit, or with seeds? | Seedless | How do you eat your Reeses? (Remember, there's no wrong way) | I unwrap it and put t in my mouth. I don't even want to know any other ways. | You only sing when... (there's an audience; in the shower; never sing) | I'm alone | Number of jackets you own | 2 | You have a collection of... | Anime and Manga | The poster on your wall is of... | Dragon Ball (It came with the Shonen Jump Magazines) | For Your Psychiatrist: You feel ???? when... | What? | Happy | When I'm with friends | Depressed | Alot of the time | Angry | When my brother annoys me | Annoyed | when my brother makes me angry | Giddy | Not sure. | Amused | When I see something amusing | Panicked | When I feel like someone is watching me | Shy | All the time | Thoughtful | When I think of something | Bored (Heh, I'm guessing 'Now' since you're taking this survey -grin-) | What was your first clue? | ^_^ Congrats- the world now knows a bit more about you... | ...your friends should've known all that already... | ...go out on that perfect date with your special someone... | ...your stalkers want a longer interview with ya... | ...your psychiatrist announces you're crazy, for filling this survey out... | ...and I absolutely heart you for making this worth making ^_^ Take care! | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
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Thursday, November 18, 2004
Nothing new except that I'm having a party on Saturday. Still reading fanfic's, as usual. I'm so boring... -.- I guess my little 'sick act' didn't work out all that well yesterday. My dad made me clean my room -.- I guess I had to do it anyway since I was having a party ona Saturday but still...I didn't want to. I guess I'll go play Runescape now. I'm tired of reading. I'm reading the weirdest thing now. I guess it all started with one of my favorite authors of one of the Naruto stories that I read. Anyone want to read fanfic's? I say to go to I have two Inuyasha stories that I haven't updated in like a year...and I have a Naruto story. I used to have a really retarded story that had no point whatsoever. I called that story 'Pointless' because that's what it was. Pointless. I got to 19 chapters before fanfiction deleted it. And I liked that story too. I think someone reported me. Damn people...If anyone wants to read it, just tell me. I'll be glad to give you the chapters. You can e-mail me or leave a comment. And if you like DN Angel, I have a DN Angel story too. It's on my DN Angel site. I don't trust fanfiction anymore...I have up to 5 chapters done on my DN Angel story. But Krystal won't give me the damn chapter 2 so I can't put them on!!! Whoa...wrote too much, better stop writing. Be sure to vote! ^-^
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Wednesday, November 17, 2004
I faked sick to get out of school early. ^-^ Now, I'm on the internet and I'm not supposed to be. Me and my brother both get 2 hours a day, except on weekends. I go on from 6 to 8 and he goes on from 8 to 10. Then, the computer goes off. Stupid used to be half the day to me, then the other half to my brother. My friend really was sick and she convinced me to skip school by pretending I was sick too. I worked! ^-^ Well, better go read some fanfic's.
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Tuesday, November 16, 2004
I just noticed something. I used to play Runescape all the time and now, I don't. All I do is sit in front of the computer and read fanfiction. I'm so boring -.- ...If nobody knows what Runescape is, I'll tell you. It's basically an online game where people from all over the world come and play. I have a level 46 character. ^-^ Although, that isn't high at all, I'm still proud of it. My brother plays that game too, only he plays it non-stop. @.@ I don't know how he doesn't get bored of it. He's like, what, level 90-something now? I forgot, he levels up too fast. -.- I am proud of my woodcutting though! ^-^ It's level 62, almost 63! I guess it's because of all those maples I cut...I used to be a member but I'm not anymore. I guess I will be again, eventually. But I didn't want to pay five dollars each month if I wasn't gonna even play it. If you want to play or if you're already playing it, feel free to talk to me if I'm ever on. My name's Cut Slash. Don't's the first thing that popped in my head...Just be sure to tell me your from otherwise I'll think your some kind of weirdo who's stalking me.
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Monday, November 15, 2004
Just some random thing I found.
super duper quiz | Created by xBr0k3nxInside90 and taken 33 times on bzoink! | Hi, are you Bob? | Last time I checked, no | do you have a life?? | again, last time I checked, no | sorry about that, do u forgive me?? | um...let me think about | u shouldn't, cuz i didnt do anything. | you're so right | u heard me!!!!!!!! | ... | U WANNA GO PUNK??? | YEAH!! BRING IT ON!! | yeah that's what I thought. | Freak... | are u single?? | yup | are you a single.......male?? | hell no | do you think i'm a cannibal? | i don't know, are you? | whats ur AOL screen name?? | wouldn't you like to know | groovy baby. | ... | do people consider you a punk? | not sure | a goth?? | again, not sure | a prep? | HELL NO!! | if not, what do they consider u as? | Freak | oh really?? thats kool. | yup | do u find me attractive?? | I just went blind by seeing you | i find me attractive. | good for you | even tho i'm not a lesbian, are u? | no | kool. | yup | do you like to sing?? | a little | lalalalaaaaalalalalala. i wanna be a oprea singer when i'm older!!! | I'll be sure to avoid all your concerts | how old did u say u were???? | 16 | oh awesome. | yup | I'm 10,009,878 | Really? You must be the oldest person alive. | do you like video games?? | yup | me too! | ^-^ | what kind of music do u like?? | Japanese | rock is the best no matter what u say. | Oh, sorry, Japanese ROCK. | do u poop on a daily basis?? | yes, it's kinda normal. Completely out of my control. | I do!!!!!! | I would be worried if you didn't. | Do you think the old guy from the Six Flags commercial is sexy?? | Doesn't everyone? | His bald head is just sooo hott, don't you agree?? | yup | no?? | no | do you think I'm a freaK?? | yes, but in your case, that's a good thing. | how old were you again?? | 16 | oh yeah, i remember now! | you're not very quick, are you? | Well,.........I think I'm gunna go now... | but, we just got started talking! | unless you want me too stay?? | STAY! | is that a no? | NO!! | or is that a yes?? | YES!! | okay well byebye | -.- You're leaving anyway... | I'll ttyl | Hope you don't sing then. | BUH BYE GURLRAAAAAAAANDDD | ^-^ bye. | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
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More banners
Here are the rest of THAT banners I could've chosen from, incase you wanted to know. I stuck with the classics.

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I thought these banners were funny! I found them on the THAT banner site. I wanted to put them on my main page -not as a post- but it wouldn't fit on it so, I decided to put them as a post. They're called 'Who do you brake for?' banners. You'll see why. Here thay are ^-^

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The Winner...
It's that time of week again! To announce the winner of the contest! Since it just officially started yeterday and nobody voted, I will pick(again)who the winner is! And...drumroll please!
::Drummroll comes from nowhere::
The winner is, Uchiha Sasuke!! YAY!! ::Throws Conffetti:: Anyway, Sasuke will be the winner until next monday(which is my birthday!)and if anyone actually votes, it might me someone you want to see there! See, if only one person votes, they still win because it's one vote and I don't count. So, VOTE PEOPLE!! I COMMAND YOU!! I AM AN OTAKU GAURDIAN AND A MEMBER OF THAT!! On second thought...don't vote...then I get to pick the winner every time! ^-^
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Otaku Gaurdians
I joined the Otaku Gaurdians today.

There were so many banners to choose from.

These are the banners I wanted but couldn't fit on my site.

It's just the rest of the banners. I only picked two 'cause I could only fit two.

Want to be an Otaku Guardian? Then ask the founder herself- Blue Hawk

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