Queen of Anime
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Greetings and yet, another Wallpaper!

Current Mood: Calm
Listening To: Naruto AMV- Listen to your Heart
HI everyone! Just a quick post for today!
Sorry I haven't posted in a while! I've been busy doing this and that for Christmas and what-not. In fact, I'm going shopping with my mom today for something for my brother. She doesn't know what to get him. I already got him my gift a while ago. It's a black shirt that has Jack from Nightmare Before Christmas on it. He loves Nightmare Before Christmas. 
And I've made another wallpaper and some greetings for Christmas! 
Christmas Greetings-
D.N.Angel- Daisuke
D.N.Angel- Daisuke
Kingdom Hearts- Sora
Digimon- Yamato Ishida (Matt)
Other Non-Christmas Greetings-
Full Metal Alchemist
Uchiha Sasuke
Uzumaki Naruto
Naruto Characters
My club stats for today!
Anime Lover's Club- 45 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 34 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 36 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 149 Members
Squall Fan Club- 11 Members
Juvenile Orion Fan Club- 7 Members
The Gravitation Fan Club is at it's 36 member. Just 4 more for the Gravitation Fan Club. Then the 40th member gets a special banner.
The Kyo-Kun Fan Club is on it's 149th member. It's almost to 150.
As you may, or may not have noticed, I put up an AMV! It's a Naruto AMV that has the song- Listen to Your Heart. I find the AMV so cute! And it fits with my theme so, I put it up. ^-^
Okay, basically everyone got the mystery picture right! I guess the red gave it away...It was Inuyasha from Inuyasha.

Next Mystery Picture!
Mystery Picture-

To be affiliated with me, feel free to PM me with a 50 x 50 button for your club.
If you don't have one, I'll be happy to make you one. ^-^
Visit my new site. It's still a working progress...

Comments (6) |
Sunday, December 18, 2005
A Wallpaper and more Christmas Cards!

Current Mood: Hyper Happy
Listening To: Naruto Song
HI everyone! Just a quick post for today!
I'm glad everyone liked my wallpapers! I worked hard on most of them. I actually made another one since then. 
Full Metal Alchemist- Edward Elric
Last nights episode of Naruto and Full Metal Alchemist was awesome! >.< I've been waiting for the longest time for Naruto's seal to break!! I love that part! It's one of my favorites! And poor Rose! The military can be so cruel! >.<
My club stats for today!
Anime Lover's Club- 45 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 33 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 36 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 149 Members
Squall Fan Club- 11 Members
Juvenile Orion Fan Club- 7 Members
The Gravitation Fan Club is at it's 36 member.
Just 4 more for the Gravitation Fan Club. Then the 40th member gets a special banner.
The Kyo-Kun Fan Club is on it's 149th member. It's almost to 150.
I got some more christmas cards! Thank you guys! 

Oh, and thanks to AgentYuki for telling me that my inbox was full. I didn't even realize it!
Okay, most of you got the mystery picture! NarutoBlackmail, raven fire93, whitecat, and ILuvKyoKun got it right. It was Dark from D.N.Angel.

Next Mystery Picture!
Mystery Picture-

To be affiliated with me, feel free to PM me with a 50 x 50 button for your club.
If you don't have one, I'll be happy to make you one. ^-^
Visit my new site. It's still a working progress...

Comments (7) |
Friday, December 16, 2005
I'm so sorry!! >.

Current Mood: Hyper Happy
Listening To: Naruto Song
HI everyone! I'm SOOOOOOOOOO sorry that I haven't posted in days!!! >.< I've been so busy! Finals were this week at my school and it's Friday so it's finally over!!! YAY!! I think I did horrible on my first two finals, but the other two were okay...I guess...
Yea, while I've been gone from myOtaku, I made a couple of wallpapers! ^-^ I guess I'm going through another one of my 'Wallpaper Fazes' again. Yea, I just recently learned how to do a bunch of stuff on Photoshop like blend images, or make them glow. And I wanted to make wallpapers using what I learned! So, here's what I've made these past couple of days.
Naruto- Uchiha Sasuke
Naruto- Uzumaki Naruto
Yu-Gi-Oh!- Jounouchi Katsuya
Fruits Basket- Yuki, Tohru, and Kyo
Fruits Basket- The Mabadachi Trio
Full Metal Alcehmist- Edward Elric
Final Fantasy VIII- Squall Leonhart
Final Fantasy VII- Cloud Stirfe
Naruto- Naruto and Sasuke
Yea, like I said, I'm going through another one of my 'Wallpaper Fazes' again. I think the FMA one is my favorite. ^-^ I guess it's 'cause it took me an hour to make.
My club stats for these past days I've been gone!
Anime Lover's Club- 45 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 33 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 36 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 148 Members
Squall Fan Club- 11 Members
Juvenile Orion Fan Club- 7 Members
The Gravitation Fan Club is at it's 36 member.
Just 4 more for the Gravitation Fan Club. Then the 40th member gets a special banner.
The Kyo-Kun Fan Club is on it's 149th member. It's almost to 150.
One of the things I was busy on was making a Fruits Basket Site. I know a little more about HTML and I was able to make a Fruits Basket site using just HTML codes. It's to replace the old Furuba site I made with a friend. The layout images were made by me, but the codes for the layout were made by someone else. I just changed the images. I think it look better this way. You can see the Original Layout under 'Kyo's Shrine'. That was the original layout.

I was also making an anime club site for the anime club at my school. If you want to see it, I guess I could post it on the next post.
Oh, and I got this from ILuvKyoKun! ^-^ Thank you ILuvKyoKun!

Okay, nobody got the mystery picture. But, I guess I wouldn't have got it either. It was Sanzo from Saiyuki.

Next Mystery Picture!
Mystery Picture-

To be affiliated with me, feel free to PM me with a 50 x 50 button for your club.
If you don't have one, I'll be happy to make you one. ^-^
Visit my new site. It's still a working progress...

Comments (9) |
Friday, November 25, 2005
New theme!

Current Mood: Calm
Listening To: Naruto Song
Hi everyone! Just a quick post for today.
I finally changed my theme! ^-^ I know that a couple of weeks ago I said that I would make my theme Tokyo Babylon, but after thinking about it, I decided not to. So, I went with this theme instead. I've been reading lots of fanfic's about these two for the past couple of weeks. I just can't get enough of them!! >.< So, I made my theme in honor of Sasuke and Naruto as a couple. (At least, in my mind they are. >.< Damn it all that it's not true!!!)
My club stats for this past week!
Anime Lover's Club- 45 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 32 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 36 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 148 Members
Squall Fan Club- 9 Members
Juvenile Orion Fan Club- 7 Members
The Gravitation Fan Club is at it's 36 member. And the Squall Fan Club is on it's 9th member.
Just 1 for the Squall Fan Club and 4 more for the Gravitation Fan Club. Then the 10th and 40th member get a special banner.
The Kyo-Kun Fan Club is on it's 148th member. It's almost to 150.
Remember that "surprise" place I said my sister was taking me to? Well, we went on Wednesday, and she took me to Disney Magic Kingdom! ^-^ It was lots of fun, even though it was freezing. O_o She wanted to go on Splash Mountain in the freezing cold. I didn't, because it was so cold, so we ended up not going on there. We went on all the other rides though. Like Thunder Mountain, or whatever it's called. And Space Mountain. It was so much fun. ^-^
I ended up doing something really un-selfish. I used my $50 bucks that I got for my birthday on presents for my family. I got my mom a $30 crystal thing that says 'World's Greatest Mom' and a $20 shirt that has Jack from Nightmare Before Christmas on it for my brother. I got my dad some fudge with whatever I had left. O_o I ran outta money before I could buy anything for him.
Okay, only one person got the mystery picture right, marz who PM'd me with the answer. It was Kai from Beyblade.

Next Mystery Picture!
Mystery Picture-

To be affiliated with me, feel free to PM me with a 50 x 50 button for your club.
If you don't have one, I'll be happy to make you one. ^-^
Visit my new site. It's still a working progress...

Comments (5) |
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Current Mood: Hyper Happy!
Listening To: Dearest (Third Inuyasha Ending Song)
Hi everyone! Just a quick post for today.
First off, It's my birthday!!! YAY!!! ^-^

Although, I didn't get anymore presents from my friends...I did, however, get $50 bucks from my parents. And my sister is taking me somewhere tomorrow, but she won't tell me where. -.- It's a 'Surprise'.
My club stats for today!
Anime Lover's Club- 45 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 32 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 36 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 148 Members
Squall Fan Club- 9 Members
Juvenile Orion Fan Club- 7 Members
The Gravitation Fan Club is at it's 36 member. And the Squall Fan Club is on it's 9th member.
Just 1 for the Squall Fan Club and 4 more for the Gravitation Fan Club. Then the 10th and 40th member get a special banner.
The Kyo-Kun Fan Club is on it's 148th member. It's almost to 150.
And this was made by ILuvKyoKun for me! Thanks ILuvKyoKun.

Okay, everyone who commented got the mystery picture right. Yay! It was Temari from Naruto.

Next Mystery Picture!
Mystery Picture-

To be affiliated with me, feel free to PM me with a 50 x 50 button for your club.
If you don't have one, I'll be happy to make you one. ^-^
Visit my new site. It's still a working progress...

Comments (3) |
Monday, November 21, 2005
My Birthday is coming up!

Current Mood: Calm
Listening To: Dearest (Third Inuyasha Ending Song)
Hi everyone! Just a quick post for today.
First off, sorry for not posting in a while. ^-^' I've been really busy...
Second, My birthday is tomorrow! ^-^ YAY! One of my friends already gave me a stuffed cow as a birthday present, even though it's tomorrow. I named it Haru!
Yeah, I went to Disney Quest on Saturday and it sucked. First, I was freaking out because I couldn't find the dance machine. But then, I figured out they moved it to the 4th floor. But when I found it, there were these really good guys that were hogging the machine so I didn't even get to play it all that much. They practically stayed there the entire frickin' day. And to add to that, Not one of the 5 friends I invited showed up. So, it was basically me and my brother.
And I just noticed something, it's been weeks since I changed my 'Kanji of the Week'. O_o It's supposed to be changed weekly...well, I'll change it now because it is Monday now! Okay, so, here's the new kanji of the week.

Oh, and I don't know if anybody noticed, but I made a Hakkai Wallpaper! I made it a while back but I'll put it up here for you to see.
Saiyuki- Hakkai Wallpaper
My club stats this past week!
Anime Lover's Club- 45 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 32 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 36 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 148 Members
Squall Fan Club- 9 Members
Juvenile Orion Fan Club- 7 Members
The Gravitation Fan Club is at it's 36 member. And the Squall Fan Club is on it's 9th member.
Just 1 for the Squall Fan Club and 4 more for the Gravitation Fan Club. Then the 10th and 40th member get a special banner.
The Kyo-Kun Fan Club is on it's 148th member. It's almost to 150.
ILuvKyoKun was the only one who got the mystery picture right! It was Bakura from Yu-Gi-Oh!.

Mystery Picture-

To be affiliated with me, feel free to PM me with a 50 x 50 button for your club.
If you don't have one, I'll be happy to make you one. ^-^
Visit my new site. It's still a working progress...

Comments (5) |
Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Current Mood: Happy!
Listening To: Fukai Mori (Second Inuyasha Ending Song)
FINALLY!!!! I'm soooooooo sorry that I haven't been here in a long time!! My computer broke down! The damn thing! >.< 
Yesterday, my brother took the computer over to my sister's house and her fiance fixed it! He's really good at computers. Anyway, he fixed it, but it's still sorta, it might just turn off at any moment. O_o So, sorry in advance if I don't update in a long time, it's not my fault! And when the computer broke down, everything on the computer was lost. But luckly, I backed up my entire folder before it broke down so I still have all my pictures and wallpapers and such saved. ^-^ Yay me!
My club stats this past week!
Anime Lover's Club- 43 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 32 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 36 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 148 Members
Squall Fan Club- 9 Members
Juvenile Orion Fan Club- 7 Members
The Gravitation Fan Club is at it's 36 member. And the Squall Fan Club is on it's 9th member.
Just 1 for the Squall Fan Club and 4 more for the Gravitation Fan Club. Then the 10th and 40th member get a special banner.
The Kyo-Kun Fan Club is on it's 148th member. It's almost to 150.
Yeah, and because of my computer breaking down, I wasn't able to change my theme. So, I'll do it when I can but it might take a little longer than I expected. ^-^'
AbyssRiot, kyoluver, Azura the Kitsune, Shadowed Sky of Fate, spirit gun2, and whitecat got the mystery picture right. It was Yoh from Shaman King.

Mystery Picture-

To be affiliated with me, feel free to PM me with a 50 x 50 button for your club.
If you don't have one, I'll be happy to make you one. ^-^
Visit my new site. It's still a working progress...

Comments (3) |
Friday, November 11, 2005
Dark's Birthday!

Current Mood: Calm
Listening To: Fukai Mori (Second Inuyasha Ending Song)
Hey everyone! Just a quick post today.
Still going through a wallpaper faze, but I keep switching around so I'll basically finish them all at the same time. Isn't that weird? I did, however, finish 3 new buttons, in honor of Saiyuki and Neon Genesis Evangelion. Two new things I can add to my 'favorite anime' list. ^-^
Saiyuki- Goku

Saiyuki- Sanzo

Neon Genesis Evangelion- Shinji

My club stats for today!
Anime Lover's Club- 43 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 32 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 36 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 148 Members
Squall Fan Club- 9 Members
Juvenile Orion Fan Club- 7 Members
The Gravitation Fan Club is at it's 36 member. And the Squall Fan Club is on it's 9th member.
Just 1 for the Squall Fan Club and 4 more for the Gravitation Fan Club. Then the 10th and 40th member get a special banner.
The Kyo-Kun Fan Club is on it's 148th member. It's almost to 150.
Oh, and I won't be here tomorrow because I'll be at Disney! ^-^ That is, if I can contact my friend...(-.- Jill...) I need to talk to her, and when I finally do, I forget to ask her what I need to ask her!! >.<
Oh, and if I'm not mistaken, I think it's Dark's birthday today! Yeah, November 11, Dark's Birthday! So, I made this in honor of Dark. ^-^

Okay, sorry for not having a mystery picture yesterday. I had to go clean my room! >.< Stupid messy room. Anyway, here's today's mystery picture.
Mystery Picture-

To be affiliated with me, feel free to PM me with a 50 x 50 button for your club.
If you don't have one, I'll be happy to make you one. ^-^
Visit my new site. It's still a working progress...

Comments (11) |
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Still More Wallpapers!

Current Mood: Calm
Listening To: My Will (First Inuyasha Ending Song)
Hey everyone! I have no school today! ^-^ I don't have any school tomorrow either.
I'm glad everyone liked my wallpapers. ^-^ I've even made a couple more. Looks like I'm going through a crazy 'wallpaper' faze. Just like when I went on my button/banner craze.
Neon Genesis Evangelion Wallpaper
Samurai Deeper Kyo Wallpaper
Saiyuki- Genjo Sanzo Wallpaper
Saiyuki- Sha Gojyo Wallpaper
Fruits Basket- Yuki and Kyo Wallpaper
I'm still making more wallpapers too. But they aren't finished. But since I don't have school today or tomorrow, I'll spent a lot of that time making more wallpapers.
My club stats for this past week!
Anime Lover's Club- 43 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 32 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 36 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 148 Members
Squall Fan Club- 9 Members
Juvenile Orion Fan Club- 7 Members
The Sasuke Fan Club has found it's 30th member! Kamiya Usagi! Here's her special banner.

The Gravitation Fan Club is at it's 36 member. And the Squall Fan Club is on it's 9th member.
Just 1 for the Squall Fan Club and 4 more for the Gravitation Fan Club. Then the 10th and 40th member get a special banner.
The Kyo-Kun Fan Club is on it's 148th member. It's almost to 150.
Okay! AbyssRiot and whitecat are the only ones that got it right. It was Shinji from Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Mystery Picture-
Sorry, no mystery picture today. I have to go clean my room! @.@
To be affiliated with me, feel free to PM me with a 50 x 50 button for your club.
If you don't have one, I'll be happy to make you one. ^-^
Visit my new site. It's still a working progress...

Comments (4) |
Sunday, November 6, 2005
More Wallpapers!

Current Mood: Happy
Listening To: My Will (First Inuyasha Ending Song)
Hey everyone! just a quick post for today.
I'm glad everyone liked my wallpapers. ^-^ I've even made a couple more and am working on one right now that isn't finished yet.
Kingdom Hearts Wallpaper
Final Fantasy VII- Cloud and Tifa Wallpaper
Final Fantasy VII- Cloud Strife
Special- Raime
The Raime Wallpaper was made at a request by Raime. She wanted me to make a wallpaper with a picture of her character, Raime.
My club stats for this past week!
Anime Lover's Club- 43 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 29 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 36 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 148 Members
Squall Fan Club- 8 Members
Juvenile Orion Fan Club- 7 Members
The Sasuke Fan Club is at it 27th member. The Gravitation Fan Club is at it's 36 member. And the Squall Fan Club is on it's 8th member.
Just 1 more member for the Sasuke Fan Club and 4 more for the Gravitation Fan Club. Then the 30th and 40th member get a special banner. Just 2 for the Squall Fan Club.
The Kyo-Kun Fan Club is on it's 148th member. It's almost to 150.

Okay! Everyone got the mystery picture right! Hoo-rah! It was Gaara from Naruto.

Mystery Picture-

To be affiliated with me, feel free to PM me with a 50 x 50 button for your club.
If you don't have one, I'll be happy to make you one. ^-^
Visit my new site. It's still a working progress...

Comments (10) |
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