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Saturday, July 9, 2005
The site is finished!
Alright! I finished the Squall Fan club site! ^-^ Here's a button to go there.
My club stats for today!
Anime Lover's Club- 15 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 16 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 31 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 113 Members
(Newly Added) Squall Fan Club- 2 Members
YAY!! I finally got what I've been waiting for in the mail!! I ordered the 12th book of Gravitation a couple of days ago. I've been DYING to know how the series ends!! I stopped reading it to come and post here though. But after this, I'm going straight back to reading it. ^-^
Oh, and I got XBOX Live yesterday! ^-^ Me and my brother have been taking turns playing Halo 2 Online. It's so much fun! We even got the headset, so we can talk to people too.
I made a new banner for myself that features the Squall Fan Club. It's with the rest of my founder banners.

And I changed my avatar to a different one of Squall I made yesterday. I made it transparent, well, just a little. And I've been trying to change the songs daily. I don't even know if you can hear it. O.o I hope you can. Today's song is 'A Sacrifice' A great Final Fantasy VIII song.

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Thursday, July 7, 2005
Finished making Banners!
Sorry, I didn't post yesterday! I went to my mom's work with her. See, she works in a resort, and she works in the main building. Well, in the building, they have an arcade. And they just bought in DDR to the arcade, so I went to play it. ^-^ It was a vey fun day yesterday. Although, I'd rather play Exceed...
Well, one person joined the Squall Fan Club...nobody else pm'd me! It was Maimai15. And, since she was the first (ond only) person to join, she got a special banner.

My club stats for today!
Anime Lover's Club- 15 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 15 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 31 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 112 Members
(Newly Added) Squall Fan Club- 1 (2 if you add me)
And I finished the last three special banners for the 70th, 80th, and 90th members of the Kyo-Kun Fan Club!

TokyoHamster's banner and Princess Monoko's banner are transparent. I like using the transparent thingy on photoshop, and I try to use it as much as I can.
And I entered the contest thing on the Hyuuga Clan's page. If you're a member of the club, you get to enter contests and such. The current contest is to make a background and matching avatar. All the entries will be displayed on the Otaku page for members to view. The members will then vote for which one they want.
The only rule is that it has to deal with the Hyuuga’s in one form or another… for obvious reasons. And I decided to enter! Here's my entry.


I still think it doesn't look right. I mean, I'm not that good at making stuff. O.o Or at least, I think I'm not...
Well, anyway, if your in the club, and you think mine is awesome, vote for me when it's up! ^-^

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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
Squall Fan Club!!
Hi everyone! ^-^ Since more than one person said they'd join my Squall Fan Club if I made one, I decided to make one. I've only just made one banner so far. Here it is.

Later on, I'm going to make a site for this club also, using, just like my other sites.
So, to join this new club, feel free to pm me asking to join. The first person to join (meaning, the first person I get a pm from) get's a special Squall Banner. ^-^
My club stats for today!
Anime Lover's Club- 15 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 15 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 31 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 112 Members
(Newly Added) Squall Fan Club- None but me, and I don't count.
I made two more special banners for the 50th and 60th members of the Kyo-Kun Fan Club. Just two more to go, and I'm done. ^-^

I tried doing something different with Agent Yuki's banner, like JungWoo's yesterday. I like the way it turned out. But it's new. It took a while to make. Just so you know, it's transparent on the sides and such. It's only black because of the background.

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Monday, July 4, 2005
Yay for internet!!
Sorry for the late update!! ^-^' My internet has been down for a while...see, remember when I said I was getting a faster internet than Dial-up? Well, I did, but something was wrong with our phone line, or something. Anyway, when you turned on the phone, it signed on to the internet. And when you turned off the phone, it signed off. And, that's obviously not normal. So, we waited a few days (without using the internet!) for some people to call and come over to fix the problem.
I spent a lot of my computer time playing snes games on the computer. My brother downloaded them a while back. There was this one freaky game called 'Clock Tower' It's supposed to be scary game and such. But since the graphics suck, (it's an old game) it isn't scary. At least, not to me.
And I get scared easily. I can't play Silent Hill 4: The Room without another person in the room and all the lights on. I'm not much of a scary game player. I hate playing games like that. I don't mind watching my brother play, (I do it all the time) I just can't play myself. Watching and playing are two different things.
Anyway, I made some banners while the internet was out! For the 30th and 40th member of the Kyo-Kun Fan Club! ^-^

I tried to do something different with JungWoo's banner. I hope it looks good. ^-^'
My club stats for today! (Or in this case, the past few days)
Anime Lover's Club- 14 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 14 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 31 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 112 Members
I'm thinking about making a Squall Fan Club! But, is that a good idea? O.o Would anyone join if I did? I don't want to make a Fan Club and have no one join it.
Oh, and one more thing to say.

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Thursday, June 30, 2005
New theme!
Okay! My new theme is up! And as I said before, it's Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII! ^-^
The background I have up is a background dedicated to Squall. I found it a long time ago. I don't remember where though.
I have other backgrounds that I found for Squall too. So, I'll be changing my background soon.
My club stats for today!
Anime Lover's Club- 13 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 13 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 30 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 111 Members
Oh, and I decided to make special banners for the Kyo-Kun Fan Club members too. So, the 10th, 20th, 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th, 70th, 80th, and 90th members will be getting special banners soon. So far, I've only got the 10th and 20th done.

Now, as for my next character theme, I'm not sure. I don't have any ides who I should make it. Comment and give me some ideas. ^-^

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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Disney Quest!

Wow! Disney Quest was AWESOME!! I had so much fun!! I spent the entire time playing Exceed: Pump it Up.

I didn't even play any racing games like last time. Except that one game, Artic Thunder. Because it had air hitting you while you were racing so, I used it after dancing.
I can do level 3 songs now!! Before, I could barely do level 2's. It's all 'cause this one guy started playing with me, and I let him pick the songs and he picked all level 3 songs. I know he could do more but he was being easy on me. So, after that, I started soing level 3 songs, and I think I got it! ^-^
My legs are really sore today, but I had a great time. Oh, and I talked my mom into buying the Exceed game system!! Now, all I gotta do is figure out where to buy it...any ideas...? ^-^'
Oh, and for those of you who don't know what Disney Quest is, it's like an arcade. It's a huge building with TONS of games in it.
My club stats for today!
Anime Lover's Club- 13 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 13 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 30 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 111 Members
The 110 person to join the Kyo-Kun Fan Club is...daisukechibi! And I made a special banner for her!

Oh, and you know, I think I might just skip my Yu-Gi-Oh theme and go straight to my character theme, Squall Leonhart. I don't have many pictures of Yu-Gi-Oh because I'm not a big fan of it. I only watch it (and only sometimes) because Joey is in it. He's my favorite character. Leave me alone. -.- I know, I'm weird.
And I have plenty of pictures of Squall. (He's so cool!) And I totally love Final Fantasy 8, (It's my second favorite FF game, 9 is first.) so I have plenty of pictures of everyone. Except Rinoa. I don't like her. Never did...
But anyway, yeah, I might just go straight to my Squall theme and skip Yu-Gi-Oh.
Oh, and I'll be getting a faster internet connection tomorrow!! I have Dial-up and it's SO SLOW!! But, my dad bought a new one and it 30 times faster than dial-up. (It's all we can afford...) I can't wait 'till tomorrow! ^-^

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Monday, June 27, 2005
My power?!
First off, it's Monday! So, new kanji of the week! I actually didn't forget.

And the 30th member of the Gravitation Fan Club joined! It's Princess of Anime.

And since I made a special banner for the 10th member of the Sasuke Fan Club and the Anime Lovers Club, I decided to make a special banner for the 10th member of the Gravitation Fan Club. Which is redmoonchick.

I'm not sure if I should do the same thing for the Kyo-Kun Fan Club members yet.
My club stats for today!
Anime Lover's Club- 12 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 13 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 30 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 109 Members
The next person to join the Kyo-Kun Fan Club will be the 110th member. And, guess I could make a special banner for them. Yea, so, the next person to join the Kyo-Kun Fan Club will get a special banner made by me, just for them.
And it's decided. After the Yu-Gi-Oh! theme I'm going to do next, I'll put up my first new character theme. And, since I'm listening to so many FF8 songs, it'll be Squall Leonhart! ^-^ He's so cool.

Oh, and I'm finally going to Disney Quest!! I'm going tomorrow! See, the reason I couldn't go the last time was because, after the fishing trip, my brother and my mom got sunburn. O.o They were really, REALLY red. Especially my mom. My dad got burnt a little but not as much as my bro and my mom. I didn't even get burnt at all.
The power went out in my house for like, 2 hours!! I was writing this post and the power went out!! I had to write it all over again. -.- My computer needs a new battery. It would usually give me a minute to do whatever I need to do when the power goes out, but the battery is dead. -.- I learned that the hard way...stupid battery!

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Sunday, June 26, 2005
New banner!
Okay! I made a new banner again! But this time, for the Sasuke Fan Club. This banners' not on the site yet. But it will be soon.

Oh, and I joined a new club! The Rurouni Kenshin Fan Club!

And KamiyaUsagi made me this! It's so funny! ^-^ Thanks Kamiya!

My Club Stats for today!
Anime Lover's Club- 12 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 12 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 29 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 108 Members
The spot for the 30th member of the Gravitation Fan Club is still open. Whoever's the 30th member get's a special banner made by me, just for them.
Oh, and I think I've decided on my next theme. I haven't done Yu-Gi-Oh! yet. So, that'll be my next theme. After that, then I'll pick a character to be my theme. And, I've been listening to a lot of Final Fantasy songs (they're downloaded on my computer) so I think my first character theme might be Squall...or something...@.@ I got to stop listening to these songs...

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Saturday, June 25, 2005
New Theme!
Hello everyone! As you can see, I changed my theme! And as promised, I put up Rurouni Kenshin. As I said before, I found a really cool RK background, so I wouldn't be making one. The avatar and welcome banner were made by me though. ^-^
Oh, and I made another banner for the Anime Lovers Club!

And it's been a while since I made a banner for the Kyo-Kun Fan Club, so I made a banner for that too!

Neither of these banners are on their sites yet. But, they will be soon. When I have time to put them up.
Now, I don't know what my next theme can be, so, I thought, instead of having an anime theme, I'll have a character theme. Is that a good idea? Comment and tell me which character should be my next theme. ^-^

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Friday, June 24, 2005
Hey everyone. I had a change of plans today. I ended up not going to Disney Quest today. Although I really wanted to go, we're going some other day.
So, since I'm stuck at home today, I made another banner! It's for the Anime Lovers Club, of course. It's already been added to the site.
My club stats for today!
Sasuke Fan Club- 12 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 29 Members
Anime Lovers Club- 11 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 105 Members
The tenth member joined the Anime Lovers Club!! It's AgentYuki! I made a special banner for her. She wanted an Ed and Roy banner, so I made it for her.

And the next person to join the Gravitation Fan Club gets a special banner!! Because, they'll be the 30th member to join.

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