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• 1989-11-22
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• 2004-11-13
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• Gabriela
• Active Anime Congoer
Anime Fan Since
• I was a little kid
Favorite Anime
• Right now, Death Note
• To be an anime voice actor
• Graphic Designing, playing video games
• Graphic Design
| Queen of Anime
Saturday, April 9, 2005
Hi everyone! I haven't posted for a long time. Sorry about that. But like I said before, I'm playing FF8, or at least trying too. The day I got a new one, I went over to my sister's house and played it there to see if I could play it now. I could, but when I had to fight and I summoned Shive (I junctioned it to Squall) it would freeze. So, I tried it again, and it still froze. So, Since that was my last day to trade it in, I have to live with it. I have to go through the entire second disc WITHOUT using Shiva, which sucks because she one of my strongest GF. Her and Ifrit (I junctioned Ifrit to Zell). But, I think I can do it.
And in other news, I got a REALLY lucky break on Friday. I had a project due in art where you had to make a poster of some sort (I'm still not too clear about it...) And I didn't do it! So, I went to school on Friday with nothing and while we were in class, the teacher said, 'Okay class. We can present the project on Monday.' Which shocked everyone in class. My friends that did do it were like, 'WHAT?! I WORKED HARD ON THIS AND NOW WE HAVE TO WAIT TILL MONDAY?!' One of my friends in partcular, because she started it on Thursday and had to work on it during school (We all have art last period of the day). So she worked on it all day just so she wouldn't get a bad grade and it turns out, we're doing it Monday! That lucks out for me because I didn't even do it so I've been working on it since yesterday. I decided to make my poster a Naruto theme (It has to have some kind of theme). And so far, it looks nice. (I'm taking a little break from working on it) We also have to do another project that's due on Monday for art. You have to draw a picture and put big squares on it and make all the squares different colors. I decided on drawing Hiro from Fruits Basket for that. (I already have the picture so I don't need to print it out)
Anyway, I'm just rambling on and on so I'll just stop now. ^-^ I'll go work on my project now.
Current Mood: Happy! Happy that I might actually finish all my project and not just wait till the last minute! ^-^
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