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| Queen of Anime
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Juvenile Orion Fan Club

Well, I finished the Test. But now, I have to read chapter 8 of the book. I don't really feel like reading it, but I have to. -.- And I have Spanish this semester, so I have to study for that too. And it's hard, 'cause I don't know what the hell's going on!
Oh, I have my little nephew over again. It's Sunday so he's here. Little runt won't stop following me around. Everyone says I look like my sister, his mother. Maybe that's why...
I changed today's song to 'Boss Fighting Song'. Which is the song that plays when you fight a boss on the game. I's actually called Still More Fighting.
My club stats for today!
Anime Lover's Club- 29 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 23 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 34 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 133 Members
Squall Fan Club- 6 Members
(Newly Added) Juvenile Orion Fan Club- 6 Members
Well, the Anime Lovers Club is almost to it's 30th member. You know the drill, whoever joins as the 30th member gets a special banner made just for them. Which means, the next person to pm me saying they want to join, get's it.
I put up the Juvenile Orion Club on my site now. It's officially open. I made myself a banner to put on my site alone.

And you've already seen the banner I made for the club. But I'll show it to you again. And the banners that darklore kaname made.
Made by me-

Made by darklore kaname-

Here's the button I made for the site. I didn't make the site though. darklore kaname did that. And it's great! ^-^

So far, there's only 6 members. Or at least, that's what the site says.
I guess I'll make Naruto my next theme. (The entire series, meaning all the charaters, not just Naruto). I don't know if I'll make a background for the theme. You'll know if I do, it'll have a big 'Made by: Queen of Anime' on it.

Okay. Only two people got the mystery picture right. whitecat and raven fire93. Whoa, that's weird. The same people from yesterday. The picture was Katsuya (Known as Joey in the American Version) from Yu-Gi-Oh!.

Next mystery picture!
Mystery Picture-

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