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| Queen of Anime
Tuesday, October 4, 2005
New Wallpapers!

ACK! O_o I didn't update yesterday! Sorry! I was working on a couple of new wallpapers and before I knew it, my computer time was up!
And it's Tuesday, and yesterday was Monday. Okay, new kanji!

I'm still feeling a little sick...-.- It didn't go away, but at least I don't feel as bad as last week on Friday...
Oy, and I got midterms tomorrow and Thursday. And I know I'm gonna fail half of my english test. We read two books, Animal Farm, and Night. I read Animal Farm, I kinda liked it, but I didn't read Night. It just wasn't interesting! But, it's on the test and it's half of the test. The other half is on Animal Farm.
My club stats for the past week!
Anime Lover's Club- 41 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 26 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 36 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 143 Members
Squall Fan Club- 8 Members
(Newly Added) Juvenile Orion Fan Club- 7 Members
The Sasuke Fan Club is at it 26th member. And the Gravitation Fan Club is at it's 36 member. Not to metion, the Squall Fan Club has been on it's 8th member for a while.
Anyway, just 4 more members for the Sasuke Fan Club and the Gravitation Fan Club. Then the 30th and 40th member get a special banner.
Oh! And here are the two new wallpapers I made! And, if you've noticed, I changed my wallpaper to the second Dark wallpaper I made. I said I'd do it on Monday, but I forgot. ^-^' Heh, silly me!
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wallpaper
Gravitation Wallpaper
I don't think that the current Dark Wallpaper is as good as the last one I had up. But It's there none the less. 'Cause I promised I'd show you guys...Oh, and glad you all liked my FMA one I made the other day. ^-^
Okay. Everyone got the mystery picture right. Damn, that wasn't hard at all. spirit gun2, ILuvKyoKun, Baka No Hanyou, and Finalfan1015 got it right. It was Kouga from Inuyasha.

Okay, next Mystery Picture!
Mystery Picture-

To be affiliated with me, feel free to PM me with a 50 x 50 button for your club.
If you don't have one, I'll be happy to make you one. ^-^
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