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Graphic Designing, playing video games
Graphic Design
| Queen of Anime
Saturday, October 15, 2005
New Theme!

Current Mood: Hyper Happy
Listening To: Dearest (Inuyasha)
Just a quick post for today.
My theme has finally been changed! ^-^ It's Edward Elric! In honor of ILuvKyoKun! She wanted Ed. Yay for Ed! 
The background was made by yours truly, but it isn't one of my better backgrounds. At least, I don't think so.
And, it's Saturday!! I can't wait for FMA and Naruto tonight! ^-^
Wow, Thursday night was awesome. We had this kind of party thing at my school called 'Knight-Fest' and I went. All the clubs had booths where you could buy stuff. My friend, Azura, was in the Graphic Design club so she was with their booth. And most of my other friends were all around the Anime Club booth. They had DDR! ^-^ My friend Patrick bought all his dancing games a long and everyone was playing it. Everyone was having fun until the police kicked us out. O_o Apparently, someone had a weapon. There was a fight about a half-an-hour earlier before they kicked us out and someone had a weapon there.
Friday was the Homecoming float thing, but I didn't go, I didn't want to.
My club stats for this past week!
Anime Lover's Club- 43 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 27 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 36 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 146 Members
Squall Fan Club- 8 Members
(Newly Added) Juvenile Orion Fan Club- 7 Members
The Sasuke Fan Club is at it 27th member. The Gravitation Fan Club is at it's 36 member. And the Squall Fan Club is on it's 8th member.
Just 3 more members for the Sasuke Fan Club and 4 more for the Gravitation Fan Club. Then the 30th and 40th member get a special banner. Just 2 for the Squall Fan Club.
The Kyo-Kun Fan Club is on it's 146th member. It's almost to 150.
No body knew who the mystery picture was. But, that's probably my fault, it wasn't a good enough picture. Here, I'll give everyone a second chance.
Mystery Picture-

To be affiliated with me, feel free to PM me with a 50 x 50 button for your club.
If you don't have one, I'll be happy to make you one. ^-^
Visit my new site. It's still a working progress...

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