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I was a little kid
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To be an anime voice actor
Graphic Designing, playing video games
Graphic Design
| Queen of Anime
Friday, February 24, 2006
So Sorry! >.

Current Mood: Calm
Listening To: Final Fantasy VIII VGMV- Right Here by Staind
Hey everyone! Sorry for not posting for so long! >.< My life has been way to busy... -.-'
School is such a drag. Everyday I get tons of homework to do that's due the next day. And, to add to that, I have to take the FCAT on Monday and Tuesday. And, The mid-terms for all my classes are on Friday! By Friday, my brain is gonna be fried! >.<
I've barely had time to be on the computer with all the homework I have. I actually have something I'm supposed to be doing now, but I needed a break, so I decided to post.
I do have some good news though. My dad bought a new scanner, printer, and fax machine. Well, I don't much care for the fax, but I'm happy that I finally have a scanner! ^-^ I've been wanting to put up my art work up here for a long time, but I didn't have a scanner. So, check out my artwork when I put it up! I'll probably post and tell you all that I put them up.
Oh, and I got a cell phone! I don't really use phones but they got me one anyway. It can even take pictures! I've been taking pictures like crazy! XD
Well, before I forget, here are some new wallpapers I made a while back. (Before all this homework started taking up my time... -.-')
Gaara of the Sand
Uzumaki Naruto
Uchiha Sasuke
Team 7
My club stats for these past few days!
Anime Lover's Club- 46 Members
Sasuke Fan Club- 35 Members
Gravitation Fan Club- 36 Members
Kyo-Kun Fan Club- 153 Members
Squall Fan Club- 13 Members
Juvenile Orion Fan Club- 7 Members
The Gravitation Fan Club is at it's 36 member. Just 4 more for the Gravitation Fan Club. Then the 40th member gets a special banner.
Oh! And I've decided on my next theme! I was gonna make it Neon Genesis Evangelion, but I decided against it. So instead, it's gonna be on this new manga I started reading. It's called Absolute Boyfriend. It's by Yuu Watase, if anybody is familiar with her work. I absolutly love the way she draws her characters! ^-^

Hopefully, It'll be ready by sometime in the beginning of next month. -.-'
Okay! Basically everyone got the mystery picture right. It was Uchiha Sasuke from Naruto.
Next Mystery Picture!
Mystery Picture-

To be affiliated with me, feel free to PM me with a 50 x 50 button for your club.
If you don't have one, I'll be happy to make you one. ^-^
Visit my new site. It's still a working progress...

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