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Kai Lover
In the pits of hell working for satin
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i nave none
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played violin for 7 years
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to became a vet and help the animals. and to be satin's right hand in evil. *i love him*
writing. drawing, going for long walks, riding my bike around twon, watching the darkness of the night, play my violin, play feild hockey, listen to my rock cds
the violin, drawing, writing, and field hcokey
| Queen of darkness
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Thursday, June 29, 2006
I was allowed to ride my horse today. i was at the farm for 5 hours and i worked with her the hole time. it was fun. a show is comeing up and she is going. ( she's not going to be showen) it's to see how she does at one. it's going to be fun
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Friday, June 23, 2006
hey can someone plz tellme the cade for the img? i can't get it to work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Sunday, May 21, 2006
hey there. how r u? i will not be able to go to ppl's site today sorry. i was traning my horse today and she wanted to go out. she didn't want to listen at all when the other mares were going out. i get top give her a bath this week. ^_^ me so happy. i love hannah so much she's my 1 ton baby. lol. well ttyl love yas.
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Saturday, May 13, 2006
hey everyone. how r u?i got to see Hanna, my horse, today. i counted how many jobs i have and it was four. i babysit two dogs, clean newly built homes, and work on the same farm my horse is at. i didn't get to play woth her cuz when i was done work we had to go. V_V me was sad. i can't wait for our first horse show with her one brothers won worlds. he's the best. and her other brother one rsv. i can't wait to see what she gets. well g2g. love you all.
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Friday, May 12, 2006
hey there
sorry it's been in forever be i have been busy. i got a horse now so i don't think i will have time for almost anything.
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006
hey every one
hey me is back. sorry to everyone that didn't get my message today. i tryed to get everyone. well i am back and will be back to visting site when ever i can. i was gone because of big problems with my computer. and i don't know if i will have time everyday to vist sites because i am working a lot so i have the money to buy this horse i am looking at. i am starting riding lessons monday and i can't wait. lol. really it's going to be fun well g2g.
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hey every one
hey me is back. sorry to everyone that didn't get my message today. i tryed to get everyone. well i am back and will be back to visting site when ever i can. i was gone because of big problems with my computer. and i don't know if i will have time everyday to vist sites because i am working a lot so i have the money to buy this horse i am looking at. i am starting riding lessons monday and i can't wait. lol. really it's going to be fun well g2g.
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Friday, January 27, 2006

hey there i will try to go to sites. later tonight. ^_^. when everyone is done updateing. i was dressed like a vampire today. it was cool. everyone loved my shoes. lol. my bf called them hooker boots. lol. what does he know. lol. that made my laugh. well not to much going on. what do you think of the new theme? i hope every likes it. i know i do. i love it okay byes. ^_^
if you try to IM me and i don't answer then i'm sorry sometimes i don't see the IM catcher. so if you want to IM feel free to. i am going to start looking for it. okay. sorry to the ppl that tryed to IM and i didn't answer.
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Thursday, January 19, 2006

Hey there ppl! sorry i haven't been on in a long time. i have been so busy it's funny. i am still with my bf the a socker. i broken up with the other in a week. lol. sorry i haven't been on. i was also have a misuderstanding with one of my friends. i got that worked out. i hate some ppl at my school. i hate school. lucky there is only 18 more weeks left of that hell hole. lol. well i try to get to your sites today. BYE!
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Wednesday, January 4, 2006

today when i was in homeroom me and my one friend wre talking about fighting and i told him i don't hit or kick. i bit and he was all like " get away from me you vampire" lol. that was funny. i was laughing so hard. AHH! i'm bleeding. wait thats cool. I LOVE BLOOD! aol is being stupid. and slow again. my bf scared me today in pd.3 at school. i didn't know he moved to the side of my desk and i was talking to Kelly ( my friend) and i saw something brown on me desk. it was his hoodie. and i loked over and he scared me he was right there and i didn't know that. lol. sorry i didn't get to everyone's site yesterday. i will try today. Byez for now!
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