Queen of darkness
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Monday, January 2, 2006

i was at my bf's from 1:30 to 10:00. we went on a 3 mile hike then we lose the trail and had to find the road. we did and we had to cliam up a cliff. that was fun. ^_^ the walk on the road was another 3 miles. lol. then we watched movies. it was so much fun. ^_^ GOD I LOVE HIM! will byez.
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Saturday, December 31, 2005

sorry i haven't updated. but i have had no time with the holidays and all. ^_^. i have been having fun. so far. i haven't talk to my bf for 5 days. i should call him. he's probably do sometime. like always.he is always busy and up to something the last time i called him he wasn't home. V_V. i will call him tomorrow. ^_^
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Thursday, December 22, 2005

today i was in a very good mood. that was new for me. it's been month. i have been mad for the longest time. and i don't know why. tomorrow is a half day and i am going to go shot my bow when i get home. ^_^ that will be fun. i hope i am back to my normal self be tomorrow. i don't like being happy and i don't really talk to really happy ppl. they scary me. lol. really they do! well g2g byez
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
He's talking to me again.

mey bf is talking now. ^_^. i have to start the conversion. V_V. i hate doing that. but hes talking to me again. ^_^. me happy. thank you everyone. On if anyone can't see the card i sent out or if i missed you say something ok. and i will send the card to you. lol. i was going fast when i was sendimg them so i think i missed some ppl. lol. thats just me. ^_^. the strings have to do a concert in front of the school tomorrow. that iwll be so much fun. i love them so much. christmas is all most here. and i still have shopping to do. lol. i will do that tomorrow. ^_^ well not much more to say so byez.
i may not get to everyone today. sorry.
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
okay my bf isn't talking to me after i kissed him. what is going on? why are guys so hard to read? man i want to know so bad but i'm scaried to ask.V_V. i will never learn i guess. lol today was good all and all together. my math teacher yelled at me and animefire03 cuz i gave her, her notes to look at. i hate him sooooooooooooooooo much. my one study hall teacher gave me candy. Yum! i was eating it all day. heehee and i still have some. yummy to my tummy. lol. now i sound like a little kid. lol. i had this preson come in for health class to talk to us about sex. i already know. and i am going to wait until i am married. cuz i'm worth waitting for!!!!!!!!! hey kayla brooklyn told me to tell me stupid friend Animefreak031 he said hi. lol. well g2g. byez.
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Monday, December 19, 2005
my date was good. i didn't want it to end. i was thinking could time frezze plz. i want to stay here. longer. lol. i loved it. i got the kiss i have been waiting for. i had to ask for it. i don't think he knew what was going on at first. lol. 4 and a half days until chistmas break. YAY! no school!!!!!!!!!!! i will be bored. lol. like always. lol. i don't even like chistmas. i don't like takeing things from ppl. i don't feel right at all when i do that. why? i want to know. maybe it's just me. lol. i got a new HIM CD. yay! my fav band. lol. really well g2g Byez
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Saturday, December 17, 2005
big day

today was my chistmas concert!it was good. one of the best ones we had. my bunny bit me cuz i wasn't peting her. the evil little thing.its hard having both the bunny and my cat wanting me to pet them. i have to lay in the chair for my i haveto many small pets. lol. i love them both to death. tomorrow night is my first date with my bf. it's going to be fun. i can't the bunny and cat are scared of each my cat is stupid. well thanks to everyone to came to my site yesterday,
Later Dayz
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Friday, December 16, 2005

today was fun for some reason of what i don't know. i will get to your sites today. i will try me best. my computer is being stupid and if i don't then i will PM somethig to you. okay. tomorrow i have my chistmas concert for strings and it is ging to be a mad house. well not much to say so byez
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Thursday, December 15, 2005

some of my friends that i didn't see yesterday which was a lot of them. gave my birthday cards and my bf gave and a late gift. it's a cute doggie Ty. and a very very very very very very very very very lovey dovey card. i was all like "WOW! HOLY SHIT THIS IS DEEP!" it sounded like something a a card for a married couple. is was really deep. and it's only been a month. and this is the same guy who tryed to smash me hand between two desk at the beiinging of the year. i think there is a twin i don't know about. this i the same guy i told to "Shut the f**k up before i kick your ass." and the same guy that i hated and he was very mean to me too. i don't think it is the some preson once i think about it. but then again, must guys are mean to the ppl the like before they tell them. oh well. my mom told me to keep him happy. so i guess i will now. hey do you guys want to hear how deep this little card was? if you do tell me and if i get a lot then i will write in my next post. today was a better day for me. lol. my cat was trying to get in a closed box. stupid she likes to touch things with her face i don't know why she just does it. i want to know why cats do is so funny sometimes. i was getng mad at my schools computers. cuz they wouldn't let me put my password in to get into my school stuff. i was so mad at it. i felt like hit it then threwing it out the window. damn computer. then when i want back to the compter lab the do my projcet i want to a back computer and it worked. i was like "i hate you... damn computers" i was going to kill it right then and there. Oh i finshed vampire kisses. it was very good. i loved it. it was the best book ever. it was better then twilight. it was 100% better then twilight! i can't wait the get the sequel: Kisses Vampires 2: Kissing Coffins. now i am reading Blue is for Nightmares. thats go some far. Byez
* me is going by that now. my real name *
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

today was my 14th birthday. i thounght it was going to be fun, but i wasn't. once again everyone in my family forgot about it. i had 10 ppl say happy birthday to int in 4 min. and all throught the day. that was a lot of "happy birthdays" lol. i can't ven do anything for my birthday. i had to sit out at dance today cuz i am not going to be in the show becase of strings. i was so bord. then the dance teacher to me and the girl that is all not going to dance on the other side if we want. i didn't feel as those i should have worked on the dance cuz i am not even going. i don't know any more.V_V. i can't wot for sunday. i am going to travis's. * my bf * that will be fun. and last something i will injoy doing. it's been a long time that i found "joy" in something other then my CDs and books. lol. it's time i got out of the house and into the sun light for a little. i have been inside for the longest time. i am only out when i am walk home for the bus and walking to the bus and in the morning when i am going to the bus it's dark so i love that. NO SUN YAY!!!! i hate the sun so much. it's to bight and to hot and it hurts my eyes cuz my eyes are a very light blue they are a white grey blue. a little lighter then hashky eyes that are blue. so the sun hurts them a lot. that why i don't go out there in that sun light. IT'S EVIL I TELL YOU EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!! i love when it is dark out. the night is so pretty. and paceful. that when i am out the must. at night. when it is above frezzing.jklol. i got out when it is blow frezzing this morning it was 6* out it was warm adn everyoone was saying how cold it was out. i thought i was warm.i need more black cloths. i always have like 10 or more e-mials and half the ppl i don't even know. how do they get my e-mail? a long time ago when i had my old username some kid was yelling at me in a e-mail over something stupid about how she's going to marry this one anime preson. i was all like " HOW CAN YOU MARRY SOMEONE WHO ISN'T REAL!!!" she never e-mailed me again. lol that was funny. hey i smell cookies.
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