Queen of darkness
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
i made ten dollers by leaving a dog out and playing with it. lol. thats a lot of mony for just doing that. i miss travis he is going to be gone until wednesday night so i won't see him until thursday. *cry* i am as bord as hell. tomorrow is thankgiving. i have to go to my grandma's and i hate my family and everyone is going to be there so i am plaining on running off into the woods after i eat. heehee they will never find me. well got to go. i will post on how tomorrow goes. it will be hell on earth for one day.
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Tuesday, November 22, 2005
sorry if i didn't get to your site i am short on time today. so i didn't get to everyones. sorry.i am not be posting for a few days i havn't been feeling good. i will try my best to get to everyones site. i don't think i will. and i am sorry if i missed you.
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hi everyone
i don't have much to say. today was soooooooo boring. i am off for like 5 days for thanksgiving. that will be boring. V_V. i hate holidays. V_V thay are do boring. i have to go to my grandma's and my dad is go the bring the bow so i cah shot it after i am done walking in the woods. well here is a pic to take up room

i love this pic so much. travis isn't going to be home at all so i won't be able to see him until thursday. all my friends are going somewhere. and i am the only one that isn't go about a mile for thankgiving. lol. my bro's one friend looks like onee of my ex-bf which is now my good friend. lol. there are a like difference. ^_^. i feel like there is something watchong me. i quess i had more to say then i thought. well byez for now.
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Monday, November 21, 2005
hey is a note from my bf. it's so funny

Here it is. you will lagh so hard that you may fall out of your seat.
Hey honey,
Sup, nothing here just siting in the car wishing we were there. But it's all the same waching cars go by and sitin in trafic, my CD-player ain'y worken. Man, I'm bord and my mom is bitchin about something lol. I can't wait till this wee-end is over so I can see you again. i want to give you a long kiss.If that is ok with you. I want to go a little deeper in ower relationship.Hey i was i thinking we should go on a date, well it isn't really date but we could meet at the red center on friday after vacation or something. i really think we're going to be together for a long time. that may ofsounded non trusting will it wasn't. I just love you so much thats why. Okay what was i saying, ahhhh oh yeah I was telling you how much i love you, well this is how i feel about you> my love for you is like a river that keeps flowing to same where to a lake thats deep or a to an endless waret fall. My love is a river flowing to an endless water fall. I really mean that I'm not just saying that. I mean that is how i feel.Really. your the fire in my paints. lol. siricly. i hope you feel the same. i wanderung that well it may sound a little early but i was thinking that i caould kiss you after 3 pd at the main stairs. I like put my arm around you when we do labs or at our seats. whatever you want. oh look a car just passed us what a surprise lol. man i just want to hold you in my arms so tight that you may
Funny isn't it. it's like " i'm sorry travis but you first have the break the ice that is around my heart and get in working again. i am swon it's self." i won't tell him or should i? tell me what you think of that. okay. so how is everyoine? i wasn't bord today. well then ttyl later.
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Sunday, November 20, 2005
to much nose

today was so boring i took a 45 min walk cuz i had nothing else to do. i read a little of me book i got yeterday. it's really bro has his friends over and they have a band and the computer is in the same room as the band. and it's so loud. i hope tomorrow is more fun then today was. i will try to go to everyone's site today but if i don't get to yours don't be mad. i am short on time today.
Today's Problem:
i am looking up rabbit care cuz i need to find out what my rabbit can chew on and what she can't. trixie (my rabbit) is chewing the hell out of her bed and if i don't find something hard for her the chew on then her teeth will get very long. i have a chewing wheel for her but she don't like it to much. so if anyone know what i can get for her to chew. tell me in a comment or PM me it.
Thank you.
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Monday, November 14, 2005
some day today was
i was in a very bad mood today. this girl was running in the halls and run into me. it was back in the mucis hall. i was putting my vionlin in it's locker for the day and this girl cames running through and runs into me i was pissed. no one runs into me and gets always with a face bit to the ground or me yelling at them. i yelled at her cuz there was a teacher right there or would have done wrose to her. i was so pissed. but my bf made me happy for one whole class. then i was back to being mad. my ex-bf was killing me in dead or alive today. we are good friends now but i think i still like hiom a little, so i guess i will go to him when my new bf breaks up with me. my bf now in named travis. and my ex-bf it named sean. so that way i can just use their names okay ^_^. sean live up the sreet from me and is a year older but that don't matter i just feel like typing something. my figers don't hurt that much anymore. on the bus my one friend wasn't talking to me. it was like i wasn't even there. i want to know what her problem was. i felt like i was dead, i don't like when my friends don't tell me what is wrong with them. kayla if you read this i already know whats wrong with you.-_- lol. i can post the mule killing a lion but it may take a few days. and sorry if i don't get to go to everyones site i don't have that kind of time at night okay^_^. this is a long post for me. look it's a heart <3 cool huh? i learned that in school from a friend that i love sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. thats alot of O's 0.0. i know this doesn't sound like a bad day i just don't really feel like talking about it. i just found out that travis smokes. 0.o what to do there. i am trying to hold a bf cuz i have been too picky in the pass year so now i am trying not to be so picky. i don't think this is going to work out between us?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? what to do????? i guess i will live with it until a fight rolls around. V_V i will do that. i tryed to tell sean that i still loved him but i was with friends and he thought we were joking around and i wasn'tV_V and now i have a different bf and he still doesn't know that i still love him. and he doesn't know about my new bfV_V. all well i will have play it by ear and lesten to the little voice in my head that tells you what is right and what is wrong and all that good stuff. i forget what it is called. were is kayla when i need her. lol. well then this is a long post for me i don't remember when i posted something this long i guess i just love to type stuff and tell others about how i am doing now a days. and i am not doing so good. 8th grade sucks and i am lieing to my self again. maybe i should have told travis no i could be back woth sean by now but i don't think anyone here really cares about my love live so i will shut up about it. i had to take a test i missed in homeroom today i didn't study for it so i hope i pasted it. i have health tomorrow and i have an E in health right now. how do you get an E in health? i don't even know how i did it. well got to go. ttyl ppl.
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Sunday, November 13, 2005
i ripped all my nails off today. they weren't real they were the ones you glue on. and i pulled a little of my real nails off too. so now they hurt really bad and i am have so time trying to type. i was even harder when i tryed to play my voilin but i played it and did worry about the pian. i was playing for a half hour. i am happy now even if it was a sad song i was working on. V_V it was a good sogn. it was all high notes so i lost a little bite of hearing in my left ear but that cames with being a violin player ^_^. my mom sent me this e-mail about a mule killing a lion. lol. it's true story to and it did really happened it was to a friend of her friend. they even have pics of it i will try to post it later. it's sooooooooooooooooooo funny.
hey if you can raed tihs pasot yuor anwser oaky?! i saw tihs in an e-mail i got. it geos to sohw taht selplnig ins't ipomrent so if i hvae the frsit and lsat lteter rgiht tehn you can raed this the hmuan mnid olny looks at the frist and lsat lteter and not the wohle tihng as a wrod. cerepy huh?
isn't that creepy. i learned that in a e-mail. well later!
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Wednesday, November 9, 2005
TODAY was very....very.....very......very very.....very.... i forgot what i was trying to say. last night i did get to watch inuyasha i was happy. even if iu did see the show a million times already yummy....i love pot-pie. where did that came from? don't know. i don't know a lot of things. i got a mcr hoodie today ^_^ that made my day.i had violin today and were talking about smooth foods. what the hell does food have to do with the violin?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!you know what sucks, my new bf has a different luch time then me and i have olny one class with him and i still have to get his phone number. i think i will write him a note in my study hall tomorrow. i have back to back study hall i will be so bored. i hate when i have them >.< maybe i will plan the day and time for when i will take over the world? oh and how. or not? i will just stay up late tonight and go to sleep in study hall. i just missed beyblade >.< stupid pc look what you made me do! * hits pc and then bruns it* damn thing don't do it again! well then i have to run. the light is starting to brun me. *walks back into the shodows*
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staying up late waiting for inuyasha to come on. i have an half an hour. i am so sleeply. i will be sleeping in school tomorrow. i will propabably get yelled at cuz for this marking pd all but one, put me in the front row. thats not counting my study halls. i don't think i have one tomorrow so thats out of questoin. i still didn't do my h/w. who cares i have all B's. a big thanks to the people thats signed my gb and will came back and be a friend. well then got to go. tomorrow is going to be a bad day i can feel it now. V_V
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