Waaaah... school starts tomorrow, I really don't wanna go back! Oh well, yesterday I found mangavolume.com, so I've been pretty busy lately XD I love that site ^^ Anyhow, last night I couldn't get to sleep, and finally at about 2:30 am I drifted off, then my mom woke me up earlier than usual, say, 9:30 ^^ And then she made me peel enough pears that could populate an entire country ;_; (My hands are positively RED).
Anyway, what's up with you people, how come no-one's been commenting lately? I mean, I can understand if you have a lot to do, I'm just curious. So, I hope you all can rush back soon ^^
1. What is your favorite quote?
2. What do you love most about your mom?
What do you love most about your dad?
My Answers
1. Better to be hated for who I am, then to be loved for who I'm not.
Besides that she's a Christian, how much like a teenager she is. I mean, she listens to the same music as me, and wears the same clothes as most of the girls in the dorm, like I said, really cool. ^^
3. He's also a Christian, and I love how big he is, and how he always has both feet planted solidly on the ground ^^
Anyway, have a good day ^^
Queen of Sheba