Wow...I just watched the 6th Sense last night (at last) and I now have enough hyper energy to run away from any ghost ^^ It's a totally awesome movie though, and I love it so great ^^
Anyway, today I start packing TT_TT As it turns out, my mom and little brother have to stay in Kenya as my dad and I fly back to Canada, and they'll be here until the adoption process is complete TT_TT I'm gonna miss them SO MUCH!!! TT_TT
Anyway, I just had a thought...when my younger brother is 15, I'll be 30, my older brother will be 38, my mom will be 60, and my dad will be 70...*hides under bed* What are we getting ourselves into?!! (No, I'm just kidding, I love my little brother so much, so he's totally worth it all ^^
Oh yeah, his 1st birthday is in September, so my mom and him should be with us in Canada by then ^^
1. Have you ever seen the 6th Sense?
2. If you have, what do you think of it?
3. If you have siblings, what are the age differences between you and them?
My Answers
1. Heck YES!!! XD
2. It rocks so hard!!! ^^
3. a 15 year difference between me and my younger brother, and an 8 year difference between me and my older brother...yikes! o_O
Queen of Sheba