Yay! tomorrow my dad is picking me up, and we get to go camping at the little acreage that we own. I've been so sick lately, but I hope to feel a lot better soon.
A few days ago, my cousins and me went out and shot rifles at some flying targets, and got totally chewed up by the local mosquitoes >:P Oh well, it was fun.
For about a week now, I've been living with my cousins while my dad tries to get a home in line for mom and me. Then he's going back to Kenya soon to pick up my mom and new little Kenyan brother Marcus ^^ I can't wait to see him again, I miss him so much!
So...today's sunday, so we went to my cousin's church, and man it was so teeny. I mean, not only the building, but even the congregation. I mean, in Kenya, the tiniest places are just crammed with kids who want to know about God, and here, people don't even make their kids go to church because it's SUMMER! o.O the world is just wacking out I guess.
1. Have you been sick recently?
2. What's the last thing you were sick with?
3. Was it a quick recovery?
My Answers
1. yes, for about a week.
2. the worst cold ever! TT_TT
3. I'm still recovering TT_TT
Queen of Sheba