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B.C. Canada, I wish I was somewhere deep down in the Earth, where it's warm.
Member Since
I am a Assassin
Real Name
Not too many yet... But I'll make sure to inform you of any.
Anime Fan Since
Half My life, around 7 years
Favorite Anime
We's Love's Weiss! & Inuyashas a close second, Just because of Sesshoumaru, he's so cool with his pink Eye shadow! And Yu yu. Some of the Gundams. Not SEED though.....
To get as many people addicted to anime as possible.
I love Video Games! Can't live without them! I Also Love Sports soccer is my fav, I love to draw and wright fan fictions.
I like to Draw, I don't know it's a talent. I just like to do it. I am a great leader, surprisingly said by many. *shurgs* I didn't ask to be Queen, but if the crown fits...
| QuicksilverBlood
OK Here's the deal! I love Anime, almost all of it, there are some that I prefer not to watch or draw, but most of it is good. all my friends love anime. but, I also love video games, sports and fire! (I don’t know, it just fascinates me) some may call me a freak, I act strangely, just to be different. sometimes I do stupid stuff that endangers my life purely for the thrill, dose that make me strange? well that's up to you.
Ya, and all you people out there that think Weiss is about four hot guys with no other reason to the Anime. Think again. Weiss has a very intriguing story line with dramatic twists and emotional trauma. The characters are fully developed and are quite unique with there own little quirks and interesting personality conflicts with in the whole thing.
All and all it's a great story with morals and everything, it's the fact that it has four hot guys that just ties it together :)
“You shouldn't believe everything. What you see isn't always right. Is what you think truly right?
Please, think about it again.
A heart that obediently accepts things is fine, but shouldn't you question something just once?
The truth is in a place you can't see.”
- Koyasu Takehito
Go home. Just go home.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Somewhat chaotic
Yeah, events of the year have been quite Chaotic, but I have plenty of new art to upload, some even not realted to my lovely Weiss or schwarz boys.
Soo, just wait with me untill I'm done moving from place to place.
Maybe I'll find a home soon, hopefully.
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Friday, September 16, 2005
Love is a battle field.
Old songs and Anime are much better then the crap they are working out with today.
Animes from the late nineties, they rock!
Why can't they keep getting better.
It seems they are just getting cheesier and more about the show.
I know I can't say much as a Weiss fan, (Most Cheese and crapyness I have ever seen in a anime)
But the manga is ALWAYS better.
the storyline is so much better in it.
Manga artists are still, at heart working for the pure entertainment of the people.
(Oh yeah, bakc again)
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Saturday, July 2, 2005
On another note.
My scanner has been toasted.
No more pics for... Until I get a new one! *Cry* I can't believe it died on me!
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Hey wassup?
So, this weekend, I am sick.
And not cool, because I am sick.
And I didn't get online for awhile.
And things are getting stressful.
I am just on my way to saying goodbye to a new friend, and hello to an old one.
The new Weiss art is amazing!
OnAdayOfSnow. Is truly great and blesses us with her talent in the Weiss hub.
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Luv hate and war.
I have not been online in SOO long,
It feels good to be among old friends.
And know that someone has been keeping up with at least SOME new Weiss art.
I will be posting some more sooner or later.
Exams killed me.
How about you?
I would love to here how everyone is doing.
But I know I don't deserve to know.
I like ditched everyone.
I'm sorry...
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Monday, May 9, 2005
Just for laughs
So, after a small amount of my time I have come up with a list of Quotes form video games and Anime that have given me a good laugh.
Some are from Fanf fictions as you might guess. But hey, if they make me laugh I just wanted to share them.
Most of them are Quotes from Weiss, because I simply adore Weiss and Schwarz, and think they are funny.
'Silly Hiro! Your ‘post to eat it!’
-Quatre (don't know how to spell his name)(Gundam wing)
‘Don’t touch me, I’m PMS-ing!’
‘Don’t touch him, he’s LMS-ing!’ (LMS= Little man syndrome)
-Nagi(Weiss Kreuz)
'Damn that waters cold!'
-Bradley Crawford (Weiss Kreuz)
'No my STDs in a bottle!'
-Schulditch (Weiss Kreuz)
‘I don’t think that was supost to happen, Bob.’
-Billy-Joe (Some American thing)
‘So! it’s a skirt! I still have this cool sword right guys....Guys?’
- Kenshin (Riounie Kenshin)
'Yohji I didn't know you wore a thong! *snap*'
-Schulditch (Weiss Kreuz)
'God forbid’
-Farfarello (Weiss Kreuz)
'Who says you can't smoke heroine?'
-Schulditch (Weiss Kreuz)
‘Your not ‘post to do that!’
-Omi AND Yuuki (Weiss Kreuz)
‘We thought you were dead!... untill you moved’
-Ken (Weiss Kreuz)
'Drugs are bad Schu'
-Farfarello (Weiss Kreuz)
‘You have to be kidding me’
-Aya/Ran (Weiss Kreuz)
‘And let me guess, we’re pretty high on the extremely short list of nominees, to head up this Extremely suicidal mission?’
-Daxter (Jak three)
‘Should of seen that one coming’
-Brad (Weiss Kreuz)
‘And YOU have come to stop me?’
‘Lest the darkness forgets... The light is our sworn enemy’
-Ansem (Kingdom hearts)
‘It’s not that I don’t like you (Schuldig) It’s just, I’m not into men’
-Yohji (Weiss Kreuz)
‘Whip it! Whip it good!’
-Ken (Weiss Kreuz)
‘The itsy bitsy spider crawled up Schuldigs Ass!’
-Farfarello (Weiss Kreuz)
‘Are you here to spy on your teammates? Or kill Tackitori’
-Nagi (Weiss Kreuz)
‘Spy on our teammates!’
-Ken (Weiss Kreuz)
‘See the blazing Tackitori before us!’
-Farfarello (Weiss Kreuz)
‘Strike a match and join the chorus!’
‘It’s over kill, Realy’
-Aya/Ran (Weiss Kreuz)
‘I’m very pleased to meet you (Brad Crawford) ‘caus I think I would of never been able to wake up if it wasn’t for you causing all that trouble and killing my brother’
-Aya-Chan (Weiss Kreuz)
‘And part of your extremely screwed Family relation is Oka’
-Nagi (Weiss Kreuz)
‘I’m borrowing your boyfriend for a moment’
-Schuldig (Weiss Kreuz)
‘And the old man, was an old geezer with Koala side burns’
-Omi (Weiss Kreuz)
‘AWww! Who’s my most favorite under cover agent! (Weiss) Who's the best little spy on the planet!’
-Schuldig (Weiss Kreuz)
And to end my extremely long quote fest that is sure to knock Ichigo's socks of.
'Um.. I think I did something... Bad.'
-Schu, (Weiss Kreuz)
Of course, who else would say something that stupid!?
Hugs and kisses for all. Spread the love. Spread the Chaos and for gods sake spread the insanity!
Oh, and just for you Ichigo!
‘Do it! I DARE you! Piss in the eggnog!’
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