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B.C. Canada, I wish I was somewhere deep down in the Earth, where it's warm.
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I am a Assassin
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Not too many yet... But I'll make sure to inform you of any.
Anime Fan Since
Half My life, around 7 years
Favorite Anime
We's Love's Weiss! & Inuyashas a close second, Just because of Sesshoumaru, he's so cool with his pink Eye shadow! And Yu yu. Some of the Gundams. Not SEED though.....
To get as many people addicted to anime as possible.
I love Video Games! Can't live without them! I Also Love Sports soccer is my fav, I love to draw and wright fan fictions.
I like to Draw, I don't know it's a talent. I just like to do it. I am a great leader, surprisingly said by many. *shurgs* I didn't ask to be Queen, but if the crown fits...
| QuicksilverBlood
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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
Ah ha!
It’s one of those moments where you get past the most stupid thing and now you get to do the fun stuff. It’s been one of those days. Art class was extremely boring as usual, but I’m past the extremely boring part so I can now work on my own stuff. I am actually doing well in French! I’ve got like a B! Ya me! I can do it I can do it! I’m past all the emotional icky stuff in my fan fic , (which has been updated) so I can writ more creepy/ funny stuff. And I scored a new sketch book and five new like super fine-tipped pens to work with. They are like soo cool! I drew Aya with Them but I’m still debating whether or not I want to post it, because in order to scan it I have to cut it, but it’s such as good piece, a bit bloody but still a good piece.
In conclusion if anyone can tell me What Schwartz means I would appreciate it alot. And ya, Omi-kun’s so cute with his sunflowers!
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Saturday, February 19, 2005
Well, later past this week, I had the never to try and Draw Schu Chibie! I did and then lost it, but today while mindlessly surfing the net I got a E-mail. and in this E-mail was one of my very good friends who had heard of my misfortune. She felt badly for me and had gone in search of Chibies to make me feel better, and so I now have so many Chibies I don't know what to to with them. Everything from The Weiss gang to Kenny (Kenshin) Chibies! from everything, I'm so happy I have great friends, I'll thank her when I get back into school, but for now I just had to post this for her. Luv ya!
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for three days now I have been stuck on my Art, nothing to draw, and when I did it was so crappy I would tear it to shreds, thus I have been Viedeo-Gaming for quite awhile, and so just today I got stuck at that too, I'm also stuck on my fanfiction, I know what to write, I wrote it, I just think I should write it all over again because it's not the best I could do, and it's impossible to make better. it sound to broken and the Characters are just out of the ordinary not themselves, I have to find out another way to write this chapter. And it's real long! but Good thing, I got unstuck from my Art, Drawing three good pieces in the same night! there not even that crappy! Any way Bye bye
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Schulditch; A German singing in English.
Wow, Never let that guy Near a microphone again! That hurts my ears! has anyone heard Schu sing? Wow, it's a experience I could of lived without. I had to go research the lyrics to find out what he was saying! Farfarello on the other hand has a wonderful singing voice, very creepy lyrics and all but I prefer him over Schu any day. anyone want to find out for themselves. Downloads at: OR or was it Schuldig? one of them. Check it out! dyed my hair one again today, now it’s real red, like blood red! it was so cool, the dye was like blood and it looked like my friend had murdered someone because she dyed my hair. the gloves were real red. I’ve decided I like being a redhead more then being blond. Ok, bye bye guys and gals
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Sunday, February 6, 2005
When I am drawing, my imagination is set free.
I have decided to never work in color again, after that disaster, I just can't seem to get the same depth to my color pics as I can with my good old HB pencil. So I’ll stick to that. I don’t know I’ve tried a bunch of stuff to work with, charcoal was great to work with, Just long as it’s not for ever drawing I do. I’ve tried those other pencils, you know, H3 B2 F and all that stuff, but I just can’t give up my good friend HB. it’s just what I am comfortable with, it’s my comfort zone, when I have a piece of paper and my eraser I can imagine anything and think anything, it’s my time. time left to my imagination, my work is not to be judged, until it’s finished. Then people can tell me all of what I have done wrong, but until then, I am free. anyone else share my visions? Well that’s all I have to say fro now, bye bye.
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Saturday, February 5, 2005
Good and Bad, We take them as they come.
Good news and bad news, mostly good though, I fixed my computer monitor! I can now see into the screen perfectly fine, before the screen was so dark I could hardly see anything! this may be the reason why all my art looks very light! Sorry guys! and I thought there was something wrong with my scanner because my images were too dark! no it was just my monitor. So I can see clearly now the screen is fixed! other good news, a new Weiss pic of Schu and Farfy I am rally quite pleased with that one, besides the fact that I was playing with the image and it turned Schulditches eyes blue! they were green and now they are blue, *sighs* Ok, bad news. The new group pic of Weiss that one I mentioned in the below post. my brother was being himself and took my art binder, which I carry all of everything on outside into the snow and because it was still open scattered my drawing everywhere! I wanted to beat him into a bloody pulp! anyway, I saved most of them . all but the one Weiss pic that had fallen into the puddle below the outside water tap that constantly drips. it was a sad day from me. so I wrote a Fafry poem and called it a day. I'll just have to stat again on that pic.
P.S. I still think color is very hard to work with!
P.P.S it’s funny because my spell check on my computer replaces ‘Farfy’ with Fairy. *giggles* Farfy fairy get it? oh never mind.
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Thursday, February 3, 2005
To Color? or not To Color?
Been experimenting with color in my art, I’ve never really done anything on color besides painting. working with pencil crayons and colored pens is difficult. so far nothing worth putting up on the art, alot of Schu just because he had the best hair to color, some of Sesshoumaru and a group pic of Weiss I am trying to Finnish, sometimes I hate Yohji because his eyes are so stubborn! I finally got Farfarellos eye, he had the most exquisite eye in all the Anime people I have ever drawn he has the most different, he has no shine to his eyes, excuse, ‘eye’ none. that little white spot on all the eyes, he has no shine. strange, yes? it took me some time to figure that out, his eye just looked wrong with the shine to it. here I am blabbing on and on, hope to get more stuff good enough to call art up on my site. bye bye.
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Monday, January 31, 2005
Weiss, again, and new art!
for all those people out there, the ones who watch Weiss Kruz. I seriously disagree with the current description, sure it may be slightly dramatized, (Ok, maybe a little more then a little) but I thought it acceptable entertainment, who can say without lying that they don't enjoy watching a bunch of guys do away with there enemies just as we might if there was no law against it? I know I enjoy it when I see someone get there sweet revenge served to them on a silver platter. (Aya) and to top it all off, they just happen to be the four hottest most interesting guys in Anime. I just don't agree with the description. Oh ya, for all those who care, new fan art, new Weiss stuff! ya!
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Sunday, January 23, 2005
Art is in the eye of the Beholder.
Don’t you just hate it when people watch you draw? I mean people who think you are so great at sketching. and gawk at your ‘abilities’, and the people who watch you make mistakes and tell you how to do your own art? don’t you hate people who think just because you have a different way of doing or drawing something, it’s wrong? is it wrong that you do it differently? I think not, people have different styles of drawing and therefore should be allowed credit for there art even if you don’t see it great. maybe they have a different view then you, so next time when you are going to tell someone that they are doing something wrong, or you see that someone has put a line out of place on a drawing, stop and think. is it right to tell them what's wrong without permission, after all the best way to learn is by correcting your own mistakes.
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
Fan Fictions
anyone know of any good places where I can Submit Fan Fictions? I've been looking but can't find anything, is there a place on this site? Most likely not. pleas help me.
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