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myOtaku.com: QuicksilverBlood

Saturday, February 5, 2005

   Good and Bad, We take them as they come.
Good news and bad news, mostly good though, I fixed my computer monitor! I can now see into the screen perfectly fine, before the screen was so dark I could hardly see anything! this may be the reason why all my art looks very light! Sorry guys! and I thought there was something wrong with my scanner because my images were too dark! no it was just my monitor. So I can see clearly now the screen is fixed! other good news, a new Weiss pic of Schu and Farfy I am rally quite pleased with that one, besides the fact that I was playing with the image and it turned Schulditches eyes blue! they were green and now they are blue, *sighs* Ok, bad news. The new group pic of Weiss that one I mentioned in the below post. my brother was being himself and took my art binder, which I carry all of everything on outside into the snow and because it was still open scattered my drawing everywhere! I wanted to beat him into a bloody pulp! anyway, I saved most of them . all but the one Weiss pic that had fallen into the puddle below the outside water tap that constantly drips. it was a sad day from me. so I wrote a Fafry poem and called it a day. I'll just have to stat again on that pic.

P.S. I still think color is very hard to work with!

P.P.S it’s funny because my spell check on my computer replaces ‘Farfy’ with Fairy. *giggles* Farfy fairy get it? oh never mind.

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