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myOtaku.com: QuicksilverBlood

Saturday, March 5, 2005

   Let's sanitize our little Brains....
I swear the teachers brain wash us! Today I watched a French video in French class. With no talking in it! After the video ended I quietly reached my hand into the air asking very politely; 'What was the point of that?' I think it was a brain washing video. Something about being against racism. I'm all for that. But in French? I mean I'm not to great in French and now your trying to brain wash me too? *Sighs* I wish I had P.E. Then I could play soccer! Something I'm actually good at! And spaghetti bridge building? I mean I didn't get to build a bridge out of pasta for Gr.9 science and then miss and entire day of school to see who's was the strongest! (My good friend T.G. won! Go Trent!) But I still think that's unfair. I had to learn about hemoglobin and they get to build bridges! *Pouts* On the pulse side my other friend lent me his Anime DvDs, (slayers) and now I get to watch it! And my boy bought me Anime! I was so proud of him. He went out looking for Anime and got me some. It was nothing worth watching but it was the thought that counts. So me and him watched it Friday. One more week till spring break! I get to go see my very best friend Halo! she's my evil twin incarnate. Actually we're both evil. I don't know how that works but...
Bye Bye my good friends


“Squeeze harder Schulditch, I can still breath!" -Farfarello

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