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Shizuoka...well that's my birth place
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Getting a GPA of 3.5 once...
Anime Fan Since
i was 8??
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Final Fantasy VIII, Furi Kuri, Ranma1/2, GTO
become a great guitarist and bassist, be successful in life(whatever that is)
playing the drums and the guitar, basketball, swimming, drawing, cook
same as above and being able to blow a balloon with my nose...hehehe
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Today in class, we read a writing piece about ourseleves and when we felt the most emotional. I wasn't suprised to hear everyone's were feeling of anger and sadness, that's how my class is, but I never expected some to be so serious. Here is one story I thought was very touching...
(I'm going replace names here)
My classmate, let's call him Omi is the tough kind a guy. He's the kind who keeps to himself. It was in the writing piece when he seemed to spill his life...
His mother was once married to a man, Bill. They then bared a son and named him, Tony. Bill had a mental disorder and decided that he didn't want to be a father anymore and so he left Tony and his mom, who had to work 3 jobs to support both Tony and her.
It was then when Tony's mom met John. They then got married and had 2 sons named Omi and Jake. Jake was handicapped and people would keep staring at him like he was an alien. With the great support of Jake's family staring back at the strangers, Jake feels the love his family has for him.
Tony go older began to break almost every other under-age law.
Omi as the middle child feels like a loner. His parents were too concerned about Jake and to busy screaming at Tony to pay attention to him. That was how he believed that the only person he could relay on was himself.
There was this one day when the police had come to his house. Omi's mom was screaming at the cops and just couldn't take it anymore. She and her husband were very dissapointed in Tony and just told the cops to take him away...
Omi loves Tony even, but he never heard Tony say "I love you" to him. Even after being chased with a knife and beaten up hourly, Omi still loves his brother dearly. He might have not been like this is his father hadn't left him. He's sorry that Tony didn't have a father that loved him.
Seeing him being taken away to jail, torn Omi apart. The family was already torn apart and now it just had to break way for the easy way of living to come through.
Omi cried all day. He didn't know if Tony were to be back. Back with the him so he can have someone that will notice him.
Tony eventually got out of jail and served in the army. He seemed like a changed man after that. He said "I love you" to everyone and never beat up anyone anymore.
Now Tony is Iraq as Omi awaits his arrival. For all that Tony has done for Omi shows the great love that he has to change in becoming a better person. Omi wants to see his brother again. To be able expirence his presence lost from the many year before. If there is one thing that bugs Omi's mind, it's seeing a coffin covered with the U.S. flag, coming back home...
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Friday, May 20, 2005
Hi peoples!
The funniest thing happened today. In spanish class my classmate raised thier hand to go to the bathroom, but our teacher(who gets so into his lectures) said, "No."
Our next class was history and the same guy asked to go to the batheroom, but the teacher just replied saying no repeatedly. It was then when pottyboy here immediately runs out of the classroom w/o permission, leaving a trail of tiny puddles of pee. LOL!
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
Wow my first post ever! What to say...
Today in science class some guy choked on the spring of his pen. (He likes to chew a lot...)Well that's pretty much it. cya!
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