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you'd like to know, wouldn't you?! ...alright, fine, i'll tell you. my name's andrew (if u want to see tomorrow, never call me andy)
soon to be eagle scout, honors student, and i'm thinkin of butchering clay aiken
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1999 (who knows?)
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FLCL, Trigun, Inuyasha, anything Bebop
get rich quick and get a girlfriend
video games, anime(obviously), movies, anything other than school work
i'm really smart (if that's a talent at all)
| quietstranger16
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, May 18, 2004
AAAARRRGGHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so pissed right now! i just got a ticket on the way home. Do u know they gave me a $100 ticket for not making a "full and complete" stop! To put it eloquently, I'm seething with rage right now. at least my mom's cool about it, and my friend cheered me up with this quote:
"Too often we lose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles to frown, BUT it only takes 4 muscles to bitch-slap that little f@#* upside the head :-D"
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Saturday, May 8, 2004
well, it's been a hell of a long time. I've seen alot of good anime recently, but i'll just talk about my most recent viewings.
1) Zone of the Enders: Idolo. very cool, gave some well-needed backstory to the game. makes me want to see the ZOE series and see what happens to Idolo.
2) Samurai X movie: very nice, decent story and sad ending. i would have preferred animation more similar to the OVA's
3)Samurai X Reflection: Ok, this has to be the saddest anime i've ever seen!!! I'm still a little redeyed from crying, AND I NEVER CRY! it was so unbelievably remarkable, depressing, and fulfilling all in one!
This OVA definitely proves a theory of mine: anime can stimualte moral, mental, or some other drastic change in your life. Since watching this, I feel like a new person with a different outlook on life. Kenshin has taught me some valuable leasons, like choosing how to live your life and living with the consequences of your actions.
Anybody else with a similar story?
 Which Wolf's Rain Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, November 21, 2003
car troubles
well, its almost time for midterms. I'll be studyin all weekend, cause my crappy math teacher's planning on giving us this huge test on tuesday. Anyway, i've also had car troubles lately. I really need to get a car, but i can't seem to find one that my parents are willing to help pay for. Hopefully i won't end up getting a pice of s*** geo or something.
All complaining aside, here's my latest quiz pic.
PS-does anyone understand my quote from civil disobedience above? comment your thoughts.
 Woo Hoo you are Himura Kenshin!
(With pics) What Rurouni Kenshin Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, November 11, 2003
 Your Inuyasha! You are a punk, you like to pick fights and hate being in school, your grades are slipping but you don't care, you are having to much fun to actually do anything about it!
What Inuyasha Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, November 7, 2003
long time no post
Wow, i cant believe i haven't posted lately. School's been so busy. I'll try to put up a quiz pic soon. For now, lets talk about Blue Gender. I finally watched the final episode. All i have to say is, what the hell?! Its cool that you-know-who survived, but whats with the weird sound after that? I dont know, maybe i'll post stuff about this on the board. Anyways, christmas is coming up in another couple months. My mom's already started shopping. I got my list of stuuf i want: family guy dvd, .hack manga, south park movie, and lots of cash. Until i post again, seeya!
P.S. if any of you know of a good site with HTML faq's or guides, could you give me the url. I don't know HTML yet, and i really want to learn!
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Monday, September 29, 2003
just watched the yu yu hakusho movie. Very sweet! Full of action and drama. so pumped right now, i cant write complete sentences. (read this over again, you'll get it) compared to the series, this movie kicked some serious a**. Overall, the anime was much sharper and faster. it had a decent story, too...
i'm thinkin of watchin M.D. Geist. anybody have comments on it? email/im/or comment me the info.
y'all come back now, ya hea!
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Thursday, September 25, 2003
FF7 quiz
Silent, strong, and very very very deadly. This is one bad mofo, and you don't wanna piss him off. He lives in a constant nightmare, and is extremely lonely.
What FF7 char are you?? brought to you by Quizilla
vincent is so cool! i'm glad i got that quiz response. anyway...finished watchin blue gender. definitely cool. plus, i got my first manga: .hack//legend of the twilight
get it if u like anything .hack
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Saturday, September 6, 2003
for the few...
that ever read my posts, i finally got a nice banner from Shippo. Thanks a bunch man, you rock. Anyway, bin watchin Blue Gender and Inuyasha. Very tight shows. Could divulge more details here, but that would ruin the fun! check them out yourselves!
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Tuesday, September 2, 2003
I'm back on board(god thats a terrible pun)
My board account is back up, and hopefully you'll see my posts. Thanks to the otaku staff(you guys rule). Now i need a banner. If you can make em, check out my post in the banner request thread. Moving on, bin watchin Blue Gender lately. I haven't been dissapointed yet, it looks pretty good. Similar to Starship Troopers minus the nudity(sad, right?). There's some freaky stuff goin on too(with the military and sleepers). If youre interested, check out CN Mon-Thurs @ 12:30. Thats all for now.
See ya on the not-quite-flipped side
ps-if anyone needs a bud, pm or email me. I need more friends so i can start a club!
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Monday, September 1, 2003
Holy crap!!! I saw the conclusion to .hack//sign on tv last night. Holy crap!!! In case you can't tell, i absolutely loved how the ending ties in with .hack//infection(on ps2). Also, i'm desperate for friends right now. e-mail me if you're interested. Right now i'm having trouble accessing my board account, but hopefully i will be able to post soon. Until the next time i feel like wastin time, seeya!
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