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B.Kai.T...(you believe?)
blue belt aikido
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Rurouni Kenshin,yami no matsuei,trigun,E's,D.N.Angel,get backers,spriggun,X,hellsing,slayers,wolf's rain.
To be an anime artist and to make myself a name in the anime world!! mua ha ha
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Friday, November 4, 2005
i changed my style. and also added one new scribble work. i should be puting up my xmas drawing up this weekend~! WEEeee.
sudden happiness and glumpiness is very confusing.
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Not in the best of mood
I ended my first week of school with a not so good mood and a swollen eye thanks to a speck of dirt tt shot into my left eye. Well. all isnt tt great in life. i really dont want to quote this phrase.. but really there's nothing to explain anything in life. " Sh*t always happens"
Dont you guys agree? Im going bonkers with my own studies. and my surroundings isnt much of an encouragement to me. but all else fail but i shall not fail my myself.
I cant afford to do badly in sch work. Who can? Everything can be overcomed once you have defeated yourself. your greatest enemy is yourself. isnt so?
I hope you guys in otaku are doing well in sch~! wish you guys as much luck as you need~!
Oh.. and.. can you guys tell me whenever you update and post a new drawing up? i wanna see and place my votes~! i havent had the time to really search off one by one of my friend list. too busy.
Sorry for the slow update.
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Sunday, October 2, 2005
i havent posted for a long time.
WOoo... tt's is a seriously long time. I meant that school has been so busy. i actually completely cramped for my exams for nearly 5 weeks. DAmn tired. still is ,even though the exams are over.*scratches head* too much infor in the head. eyes puffy and face feels weird. not sure why. *yawn*
So hows the pips here doing? i really didnt have the time to see all your art works.i'll come by one day. today's tiring.It was like... trying to catch up with friends. And i was hit with a nose bleed. I think it was too much chocolates or... heaty food. WEee~!!! chocolate = happy food.
i've recently watch POT's movie. and all i can say is: O.o WHat THE.... it didnt really reached my expectation. it hit way below 6pts upon 10. Arghh... weird story line..
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
Finally up loaded
i finally got the drawings uploaded. JUst asking... what is the time of the day when you guys log into myotakus? hmm.. cause i realise that... whenever things are updated on. im usually sleeping.hahahha. i mostly only see blackwings on this site.
my mood isnt that great for the pass few day.starting to dread going to school.But archery club has been fun... Cant afford to miss the trainings.I finally got upgraded to a 26pounage standard wooden bow. Hmm... cant wait to purchase my own 32pounds c class bow in two months.AWHAHAahhaa!!
There's a national competitions coming up.i forgot it;s name.Hahaha.
Question of the day: if you were able to be a character in the anime world. which would you be and why?
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Monday, July 4, 2005
teacher.. dont come any nearer.
Im in class right now. Suppose to be doing my assignment now. But im surfing the net. too hungry to concentrate. WOoo teacher is coming nearer to my comppp~!!! Alt-tab~!!
All right. she's gone.That was scary. My stomach's aching. need to eat some thing. A hungry men is a dangerous men. surviving on water at the moment. it's like 2pm in my area here. i havent eaten anything.
Even had this feeling of wanting to get you hands on to anything and devour it?hahhaa. im having it now.
Oh. i did a request for my little sis's friend. it's a character out from her fan fic. i'll add her link to her story for yar all later on when i get home. at the same time. i'll upload the requested drawing here soon. need to get home to my scanner. hahahha
Her -RPG like- story is very interesting. you guys should take a look. Yes... i know. i have to get the link,i have to ask my sis for it. hahaha. but i do know it's under fanfiction .com
WAit for the drawing .
It's coming soon.
brb to upload link and drawing.
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Sunday, June 5, 2005
it's the second week...
one week has passed. im almost falling asleep in my first lesson of the second week.... bleahhh... i guess my membership in otakus is dying down real fast.too lazy to keep updated with the otakus and to leave comments for friends under links. Well.. here a little trailer for yar if you wanna see... FMA the moive . THERE ARE SPOILERS in this trailer.especially if you havent finish the tv series of FMA, welll... here it is.

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Monday, May 9, 2005
soo sorry for taking for ever guys. the last time i posted.. Wah. it's nearly half a year? Bleah. Gomen!! any way.. to apolgise to you ppl.
I added a newwww!! new!! drawing here. check it out at the bottom link of this page. it's named... C.O.A nameless. well. i havent really completed it yet. i was playing with it using the negetive thingy on turned out nice. even though i didnt do anything but pencil drew it. when im complete togther with effects and colours. i'll upload them allll. See yar.
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do you have a blog?
you know. ever since i had a blog of my own.. i didnt have the time to come back and up date my post in myotaku here. sorry ppl. but.. here i am. back !! anyway.. what's new happening in here?
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Monday, February 28, 2005
hey ppl
so tiring,.. archery training.. suntanning in the main field. getting weird tan tones on my arms. cant wear any sleeveless shirt.. ahhhhh.cchooo.. stupid haze... now my country looks like london. hahaha. soo foggy.. or rather hazy. im sneezing like nuts.
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Monday, February 14, 2005
nothing much happening,
Stuck in computer lab.with a boring teacher... everyone is slacking around,doing their own business.Sorry ppl. for not posting for a long super duper long time. third term of sch is really messed up. can someone keep me updated on what's happening in the havent got i touch with the otaku world for eons. hahahha. hope you guys are doing well now. i'll try to have a look around in in your sites soon. cyar ppl. take care.
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