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Monday, January 3, 2005
sooo sorry dudes!!
i know i haven't posted in ages... since before xmas. anyway.. to add to this posting i have uploaded two little chibi drawings of my friends in school! hope you forgive me for my extremely slow posting... i know i took too much time.. and haven't commented at any of the otaku's blog.
but dont worry!! im back for now!! and hopefully i will be able to colour up those drawings i did not coloured yet.. due to the fact that a good friend of mine borrowed five of my most important colours!!! the tones of black!!! and grey!!! and of course the colourless blending marker.. *sob*
com'on man! remember to bring the next time you come to my house!! *sigh* i feel so lost without those colours!!!
okie.. i have to go and do my project now!! i will be bak tml morning to post again during my computer lab session!!!
ja ne!!
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Sunday, December 12, 2004
i just got back from my trip. YEAH!! i managed to find lots of DVDS and VCDs of animations in hongkong!!! if you are going to hong kong anytime. and want to buy some anime stuff .. you can PS me. i'll give you the address!it is really cheap. exmaple: currency exchange: aus $1: HK$6
Its about that.i bought deeper samurai kyo for HK$100 ... so you can calculate how much it will be.. in AUS$.hehe
the trip to HOng Kong was fruitful. but not the one to china... i had food poisoning there... was sent to the hospital and place on drip ,along with three jabs in the butt. *sigh*try to make a guess wat i ate....
It was cold jap soba... with some funny tasting sauce... i actually still think it was the bad tap water used to wash the soba...hmm... watever it is.. it was painful... i was punking like a fountain.to the extent of seeing my gastric acid in the toilet bowl ...*had no more to punk out.. so.. out came the acid..*
BUt now im feeling better.but .sick now.cough flu and the works... if you get what i mean.

Whatever it is! HAPPY HOLIS AND MERRY XMAS TO YOU ALL OTAKUs!!hope you enjoy your hols!!
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Wednesday, December 1, 2004
In china now... going to head to hong kong for shopping
This has been a long trip overseas. I was in Miyazaki, japan for nearly a week. Staying with my host family and understanding many unusual facts about a japanese family. And boy did i do many silly stuff during the stay. Basically.. we have a real difficulty commuunicating. i only have been learning the language for 6 months?
anyway... the grandmother in the family keeps feeding me weird slimy beans.. called nato? hahha.. then she will laugh out loud and say something abt my facial expression.. *sigh* im gonna miss my host family.
anyway.. now im currently in weihai, china.. i came straight to china a day after i came back from japan.next.. im going to shanghai ,china.. then to hong kong for shopping!!!
Oh.. i heard from many friends that Hongkong has many shops and is also well know for selling lots of animations at a good price!! yeah!!!! i actually would rather buy from japan.. but ..my japanese isnt tt up to standard yet.. so.. i perfer to get those with translations.. hahhaa... okie..
noew.. the Qustion! .. does anyone know any good places in hong kong that sells good and lots!! of animation? tell me!
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Thursday, November 11, 2004

*sigh* i've just came back from a camp.. well.. i was to stay over but i didnt.. cause not feeling well.... But some people at the camp just dont understand it..Being sick is like hell! those people are like.. WAH lIAo.. *Some irriating words*.. When you're sick.. you look fine on the outside, but you feel like sh*t in the inside.*sigh* these people are those people , you would regret meeting...
Okay let's not say anymore abt this.. if not that person might hear..or rather see this.
Anyway.. this is what my miyazaki group wil be performing when we reached miyazaki, kyuushuu. japan. at the kobayashi high school. First we will be greeted by their school's performance.. then followed by our performance of a combined dance of line dance and wartz remix dance. pretty cool.. we could have done better if we have more time. but we had only three days to come together get to know each other and get a dance to go. the 3 days pass through realy fast. and that was the best we came up with.
Hope the kobayashi high sch will enjoy it. haha.
Okie! Now.. presenting the
HANA ZAKARI no KIMI TACHI E(In short:Hana kimi)

A girl(in america) who falls in love with a high jumper (in japan). She then decides to enroll into his school to get to know him and be his firend.The only Problem is that his school is an all boys school. She cuts her long hair off ...and enrolls in as a boy.. .. how will their relationship start..
My Fav characters: 

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Saturday, November 6, 2004
Free alas!..
i have finally finished my school and eaxminations! yeah!. ... i can draw all i want now!... but the problem now.. is.. a stupid art-block... can seem to darw anything out.. *sob*
WHY?!! must this happan when i'm finally free to draw... Does this happan to you guys too? something like... you suddenly have a great idea of what to draw while you were studying for your eaxms... but you dont have the time to draw... *sheessh*.. and *pop* finally .. you freed from your eaxminations... but your ideas just arent there any more..*the passion has .. ceased.. like died to draw that picture * though you note that idea down.
*sigh*.. Ganbatte arimasu!! i have to present something to you guys to see soon... *sob*... i hope so too...
Okie Now presenting an animations!!

BLEACH! ~ a friend introduced this comic to me. Apparently Bleach! is having a movie soon too!it should be in 2005 .
Brief Descip: A guy who has the ability to see ghost and spirit eversince he could remember; meets a shinigami (deathgod) and She gives him her powers to....*you have to find it out what happans after that yourself.. as i too havent find out what the whole story is about.
But i like what i have read abt Bleach!'s brief description online.. i cant find any much informations on the comic though..so i think i will buy the comics soon.
Type:BANG* Boom* sort of fighting with weapons.spirital powers and many cool scenes.
You can take a look at some tranlated shots of the manga from this web page i found:
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Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Finally finished my first PACC test... so pooped from so much counting of money.. *sigh*.. one down and two more to go... this exams is going to last till next week. then i'll be a free person!
Hip HIp Whoray!! (sp?) hahaha . by then.. i think i should be able to post up at least one drawing .. hahha. okie.. now... presenting... TA TA TA DAM!

This picture is taken from The Orignal web here: www.fullmetal-alchemist.com
Fullmetal Alchemist the Moive!! it is coming out next year. summer!! WEEeeee!!! cant wait! you can take alook at a short perview of the movie at the web page stated at the bottom of the picture!
ALL FMA fans! it is a MUST Watch!
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Thursday, October 21, 2004
HAIZ...just came back from lunch with my buddy. we ate sooo much sushi... because it was a sushi buffet.. and oh my god.. i feel like a balloon.
btw.. how do you like my new colour of my site... haha.. i wanted to give if a fresh new look after the long time of the same of sicking colour. :P
So sorry dudes.. about not able to post very often. i am having my end of semster exams.. tml's my japanese language exam. hope i fair well. GANBADE MASU!
oh.. a little note.. i will be away for about a month during the end of nov and start of dec. Off off away we go! WEEeee~~~ i m going to chugoku for a while to visit my dad at the same time have a break from the school's craze. Now.. during my time off there. i will try my best to rush up and my practices on drawing! YEAH! finally .. some time to myself... hahaha.
Now... i just went to town and was looking through a comicbook store... but cant find any nice new comics to read... any RECOMMENDATIONS?? i bet there is alot.. so care to tell me some?? what is the lastest nice comics to read. or animations?

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Saturday, October 9, 2004
I was surfing the net.. and i found soooo many stickers and merchandises of P.O.T and oh my gosh. they have about 189 songs! haha
well i managed to complete my projects in time.. now all is left is my presentation. *tremble* ahhh.. i get stage fright! and then i will start laughing to my self. stupid , isnt it? hm.. hope i do well .. two more presentations!!! well at least before the exams.

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Wednesday, October 6, 2004
Cross-dressing time!
*managed to use the computer in school* heh.. *naughty x2*
anyway, Here's something new... or rather.. not very common.
My class is to be split into grps of 4. we are to chose what topics we are to discuss abt and do something abt the topic to introduce it to the rest of the class. My grp chose: ..*erm. i dont think i am suppose to mention this word in the website. but... i cant seem to find any other words to replace it. any way back to the topic: it is called: Gender change"- game is cALLED 'SHIM'
The game is to have people Grouped up in to group.. and send out a scapegoat to as a leader.. and then the game is to have that person -cross dress into the opposite gender!
the problem is that you have only recycled materials to use to dress up.and if you have not enough materials you just have to improvise. hahaha
after all that .. tt person has to catwalk around like at a beauty contest.. and answer a few questions abt the gender change.. and how they feel abt it..
hmm.. it is going to be a funy game to have.
the winner will get a prize. heh.
*opps* teacher is coming,..gtg.
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Tuesday, October 5, 2004
Who said that school was fun?
HM.. secondary school life was a bash to begin with. but after that? life in Junior college, polytechnic or a.k.a as high tech school just simply sucks.
with so many projects to complete.. and the lectuerors breathing down your neck to get things done... Argh.. the pressure!!
Nevermind about the teacher. the worst part is that i havent even had the time and chance to touch my pencil and ink to draw!!!! it has been almost two to three months since i did any drawings!!!! *aRGH!* so stressed!
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