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myOtaku.com: QuinnBW

Saturday, November 6, 2004

   Free alas!..
i have finally finished my school and eaxminations! yeah!. ... i can draw all i want now!... but the problem now.. is.. a stupid art-block... can seem to darw anything out.. *sob*

WHY?!! must this happan when i'm finally free to draw... Does this happan to you guys too? something like... you suddenly have a great idea of what to draw while you were studying for your eaxms... but you dont have the time to draw... *sheessh*.. and *pop* finally .. you freed from your eaxminations... but your ideas just arent there any more..*the passion has .. ceased.. like died to draw that picture * though you note that idea down.

*sigh*.. Ganbatte arimasu!! i have to present something to you guys to see soon... *sob*... i hope so too...

Okie Now presenting an animations!!

BLEACH! ~ a friend introduced this comic to me. Apparently Bleach! is having a movie soon too!it should be in 2005 .

Brief Descip: A guy who has the ability to see ghost and spirit eversince he could remember; meets a shinigami (deathgod) and She gives him her powers to....*you have to find it out what happans after that yourself.. as i too havent find out what the whole story is about.

But i like what i have read abt Bleach!'s brief description online.. i cant find any much informations on the comic though..so i think i will buy the comics soon.

Type:BANG* Boom* sort of fighting with weapons.spirital powers and many cool scenes.

You can take a look at some tranlated shots of the manga from this web page i found:

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