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Wednesday, May 20, 2009
It's so close... but. So. Far D'x
Oi, I havent posted here in a while! That's gotta change! OwO
Well like most y'all, busy with finals, moving out of dorm, and the looong 8 hour drive back home. Which is fine, I am so determined to be home with Simba and Diego. And teh Johnee fluff <3 Omigosh and I get to see Culy's apartment too! XDDD
So much has been going on my life, too much to type! But yea, all in all life is very nice~ I miss Kanya ;-; I'm sure she's havin' lots of fun and stuff, so that makes me feel good x3
Art status stuff, I've been drawing and coloring A LOT. I've tried to stick to drawing whatever I want and ignore internet obligations so the...artness can... flow... better? Yea, we'll go with that xD No pressure, ya know? I'll try to post some on here when I get the chance.
ALSO! Anyone heard of Tegaki E? I found it the other day and made an account. It looked fun! owo Here's me: http://www.unowen.net/tegaki/uentries.php?u=67180 not much yet xD
weee. ok. baieee <333
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Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Foo. Well, I've been a whiney loser in the beginning of this week and I have to thank Sammy and Brittany (sp?) for putting up with it. Thank you. I really plan to never ever do that again
So I'm nearly done finishing the sketch for the next ATR page. I love working on it, it's very relaxing. That and working out at the gym.
Also, really didn't want to tell ANYONE, but oh well. I'm making a portfolio to send to Walt Disney Company for an associate program over the summer. I'm sure everyone and their grandma is applying for it, but I thought why not give it a shot? xD Here's the link, I'm applying for talent development.
uuugh, I'll be busy these next couple weeks.
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Friday, April 3, 2009
So I get a random note from some person on DA right? and it says
"Prismacolors: the way my art teacher told me to use them is to draw light color, oposet of the color you want on the color wheel then shade over it with the color you want using small circles to make it look smooth =3"
I was like....whaaaaat xD lawl... I dunno. I cant fall asleep tonight. HIIII
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Monday, March 30, 2009
So lately I've been thinking critically about my artwork and where I am with it. Lately I'm not happy with my art. I feel I'm too behind others and need to pick up the pace in the amount of practice and effort I put into it. That's kind of why I haven't been posting much art right now also. I'm just not happy with it! So for a little bit, I'll be practicing until something clicks in my brain to improve and enjoy drawing more. I also want to get back into practicing MY style, which I bet few know I have xD
This isn't the first time this has happened, last time I came out learning finally how to use prismacolors properly. And just learning how to color in general :\ So hopefully I'll come back soon with art significantly better than what I've been doing.
I understand the most important thing about art is to have fun doing it, and dont worry I will x3 So yea, I hope everyone's doing well and ttyl!
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Saturday, March 28, 2009
What's Going On
Hello!!! Sorry I'm so inactive, I went home wednesday and have just been playing in the lovely sunshine with my kitties and dog XD
It's so beautiful here, the trees are raining white petals down with the wind, it almost looks like snow. It's like a dream. Gosh I love it here <3 Anywho, I hope everyone's doing great.
I get to see Tsu today and OMG MONGOLIAN AND MOVIE TONIGHT FTW?!?!?! wuaaaaa
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Sunday, March 15, 2009
Hmm. So I got back from church, I feel great. Ready to tackle another difficult week and continue my journey to being closer to God.
Next Wednesday, the 25th (Also CULY'S BIRTHDAY!!!) I'm coming HOME! YYYYEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! I miss everyone a lot, especially Simba. Inbetween the horrid workload I've been making many many gifts for people, so keep an eye out on here and DA. So many birthdays X_x Aaaaaand... um...yea! =D Have a good one y'all~
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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Omigosh I JUST FINISHED XD here's 2 of the frames. Tarzan is the most fascinating human Disney character to draw in my opinion. It looks wierd cuz my laptop's camera is lame. Bwah.
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Thursday, February 26, 2009
Ello everyone. It's been a pretty darn busy day for me. Went to pay parking ticket I got a while back =w='. Yesterday was crazy too, I had a full 4 classes, Ash Wednesday mass (which was neat on campus), and exam then DISNEYLAND!!!! We (My friend Sarah and I) rode Haunted Mansion, Thunder Railroad, Space Mountain, and Indian Jones! Weeee. Sorry Kan, no pirates today ;w; We watched Fantasmic though! <3
So for lent I gave up soda, candy, and any garbage I shouldn't be eating. I'm really sleepy today, the gardener people are REALLY LOUD and they start work at 8 AM every other day... curses. I want to try to work more on the comic given that my roommate lets me rest XD
Oooh, also, I got this really awesome assignment in one of my classes: Draw 5 sequential frames from a movie- can be animated. On 18x24 in paper. I'm SO excited! Gonna prolly do Tarzan for mine >w< How's eveyone? What's the most random word you can think of right now? XD
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Monday, February 23, 2009
Have A Good Week ^.^
Just to let everyone know, thanks to God's grace and your support, Johnny and I are still together. Thank you everyone who was there for me, it means so much.
This weekend went by peculiarly fast O.o''' I've been having an art block for a while and it's mostly because I've been feeling very tired for no reason. I sleep well, but maybe it's just the weather. Hm. Hope to get some art done soon. I watched 2 really cool documentaries on wolves, both by that show called Nature. Good stuff, can't get enough of those critters. Well, everyone have a good one. Got anything you're looking forward to this week?
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Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Bwah, sleepy. Things are somewhat better now. I have avoided talking to Johnny as of now because I need to think out what I want to do. He really hurt me, and I feel like he wasn't there for emotional support. And I'm just thinking if I really want to put up with that anymore.
BTW: In the event that, say, Johnny and I broke up, Hitonomi is still with Kekasui, that will never change. Only I'll only give the fursona to the person I marry after that.
Wolfen 91 made me the most awesome pic ever, check it out plz XwX I need to finish arts

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