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Pain in the Ass
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Nikky <3
Being off-medication
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*see above birthday*
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Evangelion, Fruits Basket, Naruto, Pokemon, Ergo Proxy, Ghost in the Shell
Erm, staying off medication ^^
dying hair, cutting hair, shopping at thrift stores, sewing shit, making my own stuff, collaging, guitar & piano
dying/cutting hair
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Friday, March 23, 2007
CURRENTLY READING: Resident Evil #5 Nemesis
TIME: 4:41 pm (central time)
CASSIE (Flyleaf)
I had a orthodontist appt. and got new wires on my braces. It accually wasn't that bad because the ortho. was nice to me and we didn't end up smarting off at eachother. After school I took a nap but I woke up cuz some guy was rapping at my door and he was returning a wallet I lost in Nov. He found it about a block away from where got off my bus stop. What was really creepy was the only info in there was a library card and a med-alert thing. Why would he go through so much trouble to return it? Usually the police do that kind of stuff. But I was pissed cuz he woke me up.
I've been messing with HTMLs and trying to create ones on my own (which is accually really hard) because I can never fiind the ones I'm looking for. Plus creating your own makes you feel alot more proud about your site. So far nothing is really working yet.. but... I'm still playing around, so if when you come here something looks really weird or there's codes that show up, thats why. On of the codes I'm looking for is the one where it keeps people that come to your site from right-clicking. I don't think that I could come up with that one. Does anyone have it? I'm pretty sure Can't Escape has it, because she makes a bunch of her own things. I'll ask.
I'm not going to change the theme yet, because I'm still in love with it. A couple months ago I had trouble with this bg, where it would show up smaller and repeat a whole bunch of times. I dont know..
Wow I'm really rambling on... sorry. I'll shut up now.
Yeah I'm just going to start leaving up my pictures for 2 days in a row.

Bob Mandango made this. I have no idea who he is but he made it
(or took it and put his name on it, hey u never know...)

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Thursday, March 22, 2007
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007
CURRENTLY READING: Resident Evil #5 Nemesis
TIME: 5:11 pm (central time)
Today was not fun, still isn't. Well neither was last night. Lots of tears involved. I'm very confused and my mind is slipping into depression again. Sounds like my meds are slipping too. I feel like I'm not real, that my life is a story from a story book, and I don't know if I'm seeing life as it is, or life as it should be. My trust for everyone is fading, except for those who I know deeply and are keeping me on my feet. I was quiet all day, sad, and I listened to my CD player (illegally) through most of school, to keep my mind off of things. Today was our weekly lunch where our whole group gets together. They noticed I wasn't joining in their laughing and conversation, and when they asked if I was OK, I shook my head and started bawling. I coudn't stop it, I felt embarrassed. But if was the first time they saw me cry, and it brought us a little closer. Not that me sobbing like a baby is good.. but, I got alot of support (and hugs, oh the hugs felt sooo good). I'm leaving half of the story out, but you don't need to know the rest; the real reasons why I'm fucked up.
But if any of you ever need to talk, I'll listen and give you my input if you want it. PM me, or my e-mail is up there.
I have alot of homework, and it's thunderstorming so I can't stay on long. My comments probably won't be too cheery either. So sorry if I don't get to your site, today and yesterday.
Same pics as yesterday. I just like them and didn't want to find new ones.

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Monday, March 19, 2007
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Saturday, March 17, 2007
How is Everyone? Hope all is well.
+CURRENTLY READING: Resident Evil #4 Underworld
+LISTENING TO: Cast it Out- 10Years
+EATING: Swallowing pills
TIME: 8:46 am
Well, there's this one lady doctor that perscribes me my anti-depress meds, an I don't like her, Well anyways, she doubling my dosage. Kind of scary, but I'll be alright , promise.
In school, I was texting this person, and the convo got really serious, and I accidentally typed 'gig' and sent it. OMFG I was laughing soo hard, I was like having a seizure (a phrase I am now addicted to). Plus I was in the library so I had to be quiet. So when I was trying to hold my laughs in, I started squeaking and making weird sounds. It was awesome. My friend got a little concerned though.
My brother came over today and dropped off his 10 year-old daughter and she spent the night. Before he left I led him into the living room because I had a surprise for him. When he came in, I put on the TV and Korn was playing with Amy Lee (from Evanescence). He accually squealed. He's 30. So we sat there mesmerized by the TV and were getting shivers down our spine beacsue it was so amazing. Yay brother and sisters!
So later my neice, my sister and I played Pirates or the Carribbean: Life. It was alot of fun, except I got my ass kicked. My neice stopped the game before it could end, though.
Because I have a million mixed emotions right now, here are some...uh.. pictures.
CAUTION: Pictures may make you hate me.

I'm sorry guys, Tuesday was my anniversary. I'm sorry....

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007
How is Everyone? Hope all is well.
+CURRENTLY READING: Resident Evil #4 Underworld
+LISTENING TO: Whisper/Bring me to Life -Evanescence (accually I'm singing it, and I keep switching from one song to the other))
+EATING: Green Peppers -nice
TIME: 6:23 pm
I visted my gradeschool today. I miss it really bad. Really really bad. I want to visit more often. I think I might go everytime I get let out early from school. March 30th the school is having a Lock-in, and I want to go. Problem is, it's the same night we have our yearly family dinner at SEIGO'S RESTAURANT!!! (look above under the things I love) aww it rhymed. Well, I could just come late. That would be okay. I hate being late but I'd rather not miss dinner. So when I visited today I just hung out fron 2:30 to 4:00. They had a teacher meeting and I just listened to their plans and wisecracks. Being an alumni is awesome because the teachers don't hold back then, like if they wanna swear, they'll swear, and etc..
Colton (shit!spelling? hope it's right i think it is) is a guy I thought I had a crush on. Now this is a happy story, but not a chick-flick story so chill out. Anyways, I thought it was a crush, but it's more than that. I want to be around him, in his presence. I want to be a part of his life, and I miss him when I don't see him for a while. He's more like a brother to me, and I don't like him in a relationship-y way. I thought I did at first, but I really don't. The weird thing is, I feel so strongly about him like this bond, but I've only know him since the beginning of the school year, and I see him maybe, once a week for 20 minutes. It's just weird. I'm attracted to him, but in a deeper way, not sexual. Even if he was single, for the millionth time, I wouldn't want to "be together". It's just hard to explain. He's like a close brother..
Fuckface *ahem* I mean father. Hehehe. Yeah I'm nice. So my dad lost his job, and one of his friends is on the verge of dying. Pretty depressing huh? Well did you guy know that I've been diagnosed with depression and am on anti-depressants and I'm seeing a shrink person? Didn't know if you did but yeah I'm kind of recovering. Anyways, isn't it kind of shitty of my dad to dump all that shit on me about getting fired and calling me crying that his friend is dying (aww it rhymed) whether or not I'm depressed??? (this was before he knew) But he's 54 he should KNOW better than to dump that shit on a 14 year-old wtf was he thinking (probably on drugs or something thats practically why he got fired). Well I didn't think it was bad at first until my mom told me it was bullshit. So my mom called him to tell him about my depression and all my dad kept trying to say to her was "Let me tell you how I got fired" and "This is whats been going on in my life" and he did not even listen to what my mom was trying to say about me, and isn't what she was saying important?? OMGah!~

My House (I wish)

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Wednesday, February 28, 2007
How is Everyone? Hope all is well.
+CURRENTLY READING: Resident Evil #3 City of the Dead
+ECOUTER: The voice in my head saying *you need to post earlier dipswitch*
+MANGER: Nothing *frowns*
TIME: 8:08 pm
Yes! Getting new computer Tuesday. Faster and I can uplaod my videos and you can see the crazy shit me and my sister do. It's awesome.
But our internet is getting cut off Friday; in 2 days. So I have to save all of my pictures to photobucket, and print out my favorite websites because I am going to have to start all over on the new pc. So no doubt I am going to be losing some information. It's a good thing myO can be accessed wherever there's internet.
After Friday, I have no idea when we will have internet again. Probably not to long though.
So I'll be disappearing again. :(.
But when I reappear, I will be;
*movie narrator's voice*
++THE RETURN OF.. T Y L E R *pukes around corner*++
Anyone remeber Tyler?
Well; he's the kid that accused me of cutting myself because my shirt had holes in it.
He's preverted, and doesn't shut up.
He talks about war guns and killing like it's fun, and not in an insane asylum way, but like he's trying to be 'cool'.
Tyler, that's NOT cool.
He has NO friends, and NOBODY likes him. Not even teachers. But he just keeps going. Usually I am very accepting of outcasts.
But not this one.
Well anyways we got new seating arrangements in Science, and, well, you can probably guess what I'm bitching about.
But I'll bitch anyway because if I don't something is going to break.
So yeah, I sit right next to him.
ME: Wait, I can't die yet I'm not done bitching!
I cried.
[faker drama queen]
I hugged my dear friend close to me and sat down.
I'm still getting over my cold, so I just coughed on him the rest of class.
*devious smile*
I was hungry after school so I made a mini pizza. Microwaved it. It was microwavable.
Yeah I'm getting on with it..
Basically it was so hard I had trouble chopping it with a butcher knife.
(If my mom was home she woulda freaked at what I was doing to that pizza in order to cut it)
And it stunk up the house. Bad, like burnt cheese and cardboard.
It tasted awful.
I haven't eaten anything since. Appetite is TOTALLY ruined.
No pics today, photobucket account is VERY NOT GOOD due to the uploading of many pictures.
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Tuesday, February 27, 2007
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Monday, February 26, 2007
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Saturday, January 6, 2007
Oh, I forgot to post yesterday, sorry. Well, I don't think I'm going to stay at my current school; I'm probably going to switch.
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