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myOtaku.com: rabidminpin

Friday, July 21, 2006

i am feeling especially evilly-magnificent this morning
mwa ha ha
okay moments over.
well i just finished reading my book. it's called
The Last Dog on Earth by Daniel Ehrenhaft
it's really good, i think that this is the only time i didnt cry at the end. its very sad, but is still (kinda) a good ending.
it makes meh love my minpins even more. heres a pic of them. i put it up b4 like a month or 2 ago, but here it goes again ^_^
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
question: how do you submit fan art? i scanned mine onto the computer (a full page) and it was to big or something, do i have to make it smaller to submit it?
thanx for filling out the survey, and for your time. i know theres been alot around lately. tanx for the nicknames too, ill put em up by meh profile he he. ill cya guys (mostly gurls though) later, so have a good one!


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