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Friday, December 3, 2004

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   I.......like squirrelz.....
Konnichiwa ya'll.Heh, I got outta school today.I was feeling "sick".Yay I'm so happy.I made Go-Team at school for basketball. We have 3 teams.A-Team(the best),B-team(in the middle), and Go-team(the worst).Okay now your thinking how can I be happy when I made the worst team at school.Well I'm happy 'bout it cuz less practice time.We only have to practice twice a week.Man....no one wants to talk to me anymore...I didn't think I was THAT annoying I mean gheez.Aw man Ryan got grounded.Hes so sweet.He got on just to tell me that so I wouldn't think he was neglecting me.Today was pretty interesting.My friend Buddy broke his wrist dring gym.I saw him in the nurses office and overheard the nurses convo with his mom and stuff so, yeah it was pretty bad.Kay welp laterz!
**vanishes**Poof!Its magic!!

OMG!I just saw a squirrel!**runs after it**

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Thursday, December 2, 2004

   Aw man.
Damn.... gotsa fever and stuff.But yay no school most likely.Hehe and I gotted outta basketball practice.I still can't walk with out saying "ow".t school I'm starting to annoy people cuz when I walk down the stairs I say "ow" on each step.I'm so happy.I found someone or something.I really like..."it".**shifty eyes**I just got back from a train show thingy (very boring I might add) and they had clone Santie Clauses.Lol.I feel like a lil' kid.I grabed one of the stupid coloring books.Lol like I'll use it.**shifty eyes**Kaaaaaay welp laterz!
**vanishes**Poof!Its magic!!

Clone Santas!

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Wednesday, December 1, 2004

Oooooooooooowie!My legs hurt so much from practice.**sigh** Wow....tomorrow and myabe Friday left of practice.I hope I don't gotta go Friday.It hurts to walk....sit....stand...oh gosh the stairs at school especially suck.So.....genki desuka?(how are you?)Good I hope.Welp laterz!
**vansishes**Poof!Its magic!!

Demonic squirrelz will rule Euruope!

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Tuesday, November 30, 2004

*sigh* I'm so tired and hungry.I just got home from basketball practice.I'm sore from yesterdays practice too.So tiring.So much running...and....stuff...oh my head..must eat...I'll shut my face now.Sorry....Sooooooo, genki desuka?(how are you?)Good I hope. might change my site....anyone likie my new avi?Kaaaaaay welp laterz!
**vanishes**Poof!Its magic!!


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Sunday, November 28, 2004

   Yay!!!!! ^.^
Hahahahaha yay I got my first 100 hits!Hehehe yay for me!^.^ welp other than that i am doing absolutely nothing.Just listening to Blink 182.So bored.....boredomness...comsuming me......whole......oh dear god someone help me!lol kay welp laterz!
**vanishes**Poof!Its magic!!

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Saturday, November 27, 2004

   Hiiiiii! So...bored....

Draaaaaaagon.Sweetness.Welp I unfortunatly....have nothing to say.So lol yeah.Buh-bye.
**vanishes**Poof!Its magic!!

Don't panic, use Manic -The oblongs

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Friday, November 26, 2004

Ewwwwwwwie!!!! Disgusting!I am truley scared for the rest of my pathetic life.This one dude showed me a picture.....of...something I refuse to say..it...was......horrible!!Ew gosh.Okay okay okay okay okay I'll stop now.Its jus....ew!Alrighty welp I'm bored.....I am RPing with my friend Ryan.Hes fun to RP with.Kay welp Laterz!
**vanishes**Poof!Its magic!!

"Noooooo!I just remebered!I left the Cheez-its out!Now they're gone!Nooooooo!" -Teddy, my bestestierer friend ever.

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Thursday, November 25, 2004

   Owwwww! A painful Turkey day.....
Duuuuuude.Thanksgiving was painful.I was playin w/ the football with my bro and some other kid and they drug me around on my knees through rocks.Then my bro almost ripped my earring out and bleed a whole bunch.Then I was runnin and did a sharp turn and slipped and took a big chink of skin outta my hand.It hurts to type.Well how was all ya'lls Thanksgivings? Good I hope.Oh yesterday I was sayin that I get part of x-mas today well I got a giant stuffed lizard, a lizard nite light, and a movie.I got Santa Clause 2 but we already have it so we gotsa return it.Kaaaaay welp tell meh about ya'ls wonderful days.Laterz
**vanishes** Poof!Its magic!!

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Wednesday, November 24, 2004

I.....have nothing to say really....**sigh** well Happy Turkey day! I probably won't post tomorrow cuz I'm going to my uncles.My grandma, aunt, both uncles, and other family members I dunno how to classify will be there.One of the people I dunno how to classify is leaving for Iraq in January so tomorrow will be the last time I get to see him for a while.We're gunna have x-mas and thanksgiving with the unclassified members.Man...I gotsa dress up for Thanksgiving...it sucks....oh gawd!0.0 I hope I don't gotta wear a.....DRESS!**dramatic music**Dum de dum dum!Kay.....welp....sayounara!
**vanishes**Poof!Its magic!
Oh yeah....Byyyyye Hinaru!

Long Survey About Yourself

Created by bleedwithoutreason and taken 9668 times on bzoink!

What time are you starting this?8:05
Nicknames?Twitch, Andy, Twitchy, Squirrely girl, Sexy Dark Lady
Date of birth?02/09/92
Sex?Pretty sure I'ma chick...
Eye color?Green-hazel....depends on my mood
Where were you born?In a hospital..
Number of candles on your last birthday cake?Um....12?...
Pets?2 dogs 3 cats 10 fish 1 scorpion 2 frogs
Hair color?Brown....for now
Town you live in?San Antonio
Favorite foods?Salt and cheese
Ever been to Africa?in my imaginary world yes
Been toilet papering?I wish
Love someone so much it made you cry?Yeah...**sniff**
Been in a car accident?Almost....
Croutons or bacon bits?Bacon!!!! bits....-_-
Favorite day of the week?Saturday
Favorite resturant?Alamo Cafe
Favorite flower?Uhm.....purdy ones
Favorite sport to watch?Skateboarding and football
Favorite drink?Big Red
Favorite ice cream flavor?Cookie dough!!!
Warner Bros. or Disney?Warner Bros...
Favorite fast food restuarant?Um....Sonic
Carpet color in your bedroom?Gray.....lotsa stains too
How many times did you fail your driver's test?I'm 12....
Whom did you get your last email from?Tartar and some numbers
Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?Best buy or any book store with mangas
What do you do most often when you are bored?Sleep and internet
Most annoying thing to say to me?"wanna cyber?"....eh...**twitch**
Bedtime?10 (week) whenever (week-end)
Favorite TV show?Kenshin and Chobits!
Last person you went out to dinner with?:My owners
Been out of country?Yupers
Believe in magick?Some
Ford or Chevy?Fooooord!
What are you listening to right now?Alice in Chains
Have you ever failed a grade?Nooooope
If you have, what grade did you fail?....
Do you have a crush on someone?Yeah....**shifty eyes** classified..
Do you have a bf/gf?Not answering..
If so, what is their name?.....
How long have you been together?......
What are you wearing right now?baggy jeans and a converse t-shirt
Would you have sex before marriage?ya.....I guess
Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?Ew!...no...no no no...
Are you a virgin?Ya...
Do you smoke?No
Do you drink?Not yet
Are you ghetto?Um.....
Are you a player?**shifty eyes**
What are your favorite colors?Black and red
What is your favorite animal?SQUIRREL!!!!
Do you have any birthmarks?Ya...like 3
Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?Noooope
Who do you talk to most on the phone?Savannah....
Have you ever been slapped?Ya...cuz I slapped them first
Do you get online a lot?Ooooooooh yeah
Are you shy or outgoing?Depends
Do you shower?Not often
Do you hate school?yes
Do you have a social life?Noooooope
How easily do you trust people?Depends on the person they are
Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing?Probably..**shifty eyes**
Would you ever sky dive?Nooooooooo **hides**
Do you like to dance?Eh....if I knew how
Have you ever been out of state?Yuppers
Do you like to travel?Yeeeeeah
Have you ever been expelled from school?No...
Have you ever been suspended from school?no...not yet
Do you want to get out of your hometown?Gosh yes
Are you spoiled?Heh ya
Are you a brat?Define it
Have you ever been dumped?Ya....
Have you ever gotten high?Yeeeeep
Do you like snapple?I dunnno
Do you drink a lot of water?no
What toothpaste do you use?cheapest my owners can find
Do you have a cell phone?no
Do you have a curfew?yeah...dark
Who do you look up to?Teddy
Are you a role model?Maybe
Have you ever been to Six Flags or Cedar Point?Yup
What name brand do you wear the most?Adio....my shoes
What kind of jewelry do you wear?earrings..and rubber braclets
What do you want pierced?Lip tongue nose ect ect ect
Do you like takin pictures?Heeehe yes
Do you like gettin your picture taken?noooooo never
Do you have a tan?yes
Do you get annoyed easily?if ima ina bad mood
Have you ever started a rumor?lol ya....prostitute...lol
Do you have your own phone or phone line?no
Do you have your own pool?no
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?booooooooxers
Do you have any siblings?yeah....phsyco lil bro
Have you ever been played?yeah
Have you ever played anyone?um.....no.
Do you get along with your parents?nooooo
How do you vent your anger?i draw or talk bout it to my friends
Have you ever ran away?almost..tried
Have you ever been fired from a job?no
Do you even have a job?nope
Do you daydream a lot?used ta...ahh..mark...hehe
Do you have a lot of ex's?kinda I guess not really
Do you run your mouth?huh
What do you want a tattoo of?skull
What do you have a tattoo of?nothing...yet
What does your ex bf/gf look like?sexeh
What does your most recent crush look like?really sexeh
Whats her/his name?classified
Have you ever been bitched out?lol ya
Are you rude?i can be
What was the last compliment you recieved?i have beatiful eyes..
Do you like getting dirty?....0.o
Are you flexiable?noooo
What is your heritage?Um.irish and german?....im confused.
What is your lucky number?hm....none
What does your hair look like right now?frizzy and curly and UGLY
Could you ever be a vegetarian?ya...I am...well forced to eat meat
Describe your looks?UGLY!!!!!
If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color?black or red
Would you ever date someone younger than you?ya
Would you ever date someone older than you?ya
When was the last time you were drunk?havent been.....yet
How many rings until you answer the phone?2
Have you ever been skinny dipping?no
If yes, when was the last time?....
When was the last time you went on a date?I dunno
Do you look more like your mother or father?mother....bleh
Do you cry a lot?ya...i cry easily
Do you ever cry to get your way?ooo yea
What phrase do you use most when on the phone?"ok"
Are you the romantic type?ya...sometimes
Have you ever been chased by cops?nope
What do you like most about your body?um.....I dunno...
What do you like least about your body?hair!!!!
When did you have your first crush?pre-k
When was the last time you threw up?3rd grade
In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes?brunettes
Do you ever wear shirts do show your belly?sometimes...not often
What about cleavage?huh
Is your best friend a virgin?I dunno
Have you ever fucked someone up?almost....
Have you ever been fucked up?no
What theme does your room have?leapord print
What size show do you wear?5 1/2
What is your screen name on AIM?kuruoikaze, squirrelxdemon, and flamingxsquirrel
How are you feeling right now?okay I guess
When was the last time you were at a party?I dunno
Have you ever given a lapdance?...
Have you ever recieved one?.......
Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?Not that I know of
What is one of your bad qualilties?I speak my mind
What is one of your good qualilties?I am....uh....loving?..**laughs** yeah rite
Would you marry for money?no
What do you drive?nothing yet
Are you more of a mommys or daddys child?daddys kid
So?so what
When was the last time you cried in school?6th grade
Would you ever hook up with the same sex?no
What kind of music do you like?heavy metal and alternative
Would you ever bungee jump?noooooo
What is your worst fear?heights
Would you ever join the army?ya maybe
Do you like cows?moo cow!yes
If you were to die today, what would you do?tell everyone I truley love that..I love them
If you had one last word to say to someone before you die, what would it b?damn
Do you like to party?sometimes
Hearts or broken hearts?broken hearts
Moons or stars?moons
Coke or pepsi?cooooooke
Favorite scent?coconut
Favorite band?system of a down
Would you ever dye your hair red?depends on the shade
How many languages can you speak?1 and lil bit of another
What time are you finishing this?8:39.....damn...that took a while

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