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myOtaku.com: rabidxsquirrel

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

   Interesting day you could say.....
**sigh** today was just.....funny weird confuzzeling.Uhm any word fits really.I kept tripping over things in the classrooms and knocking things off shelves....desks.....walls even.Tripped over my own feet and fell down the stairs.I was walkign with my friend and some kid opened the door and it hit meh in the side of the head.Owwie it hurt.Then at lunch my friend and her brother told everyone on our team who I like.Very embarassing.Sorry I haven't posted in a couple of days.....I've been uhm "busy".Okay welp laterz!
How do ya'll like my new site look??!uppossed to be Spider-Man themed.If you know any good sites with Spider-Man pictures PLEASE! tell me!

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