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myOtaku.com: rabidxsquirrel

Friday, February 18, 2005

Hm well my day boring ash ushual. -_- I shcare people at school too. ^.^I've been lishtening to the shame CD for a week shtraight now.I could shtill lishten to it shome more too. -Tear.- I can't eat again.It shucksh..Haha Kayla F. heartsh John W. -Giggle.- Thatsh funny.Oh my god Shteven won't stop touching me.Itsh really creepy now. -Nodsh head.- My teacher thinksh I'm a good writer.She ish going to read an esshay I wrote to the whole seventh grade.Very embarasshing.To me anyways.

Weird (and hard to anshwer) queshtionsh:

1.If a person hash boobsh & a cock, are they a dude or a chick?

2.If a chick getsh a shex change, do they shtill have their period?

3.If a dude getsh a shex change do they like dudesh or chicksh?

(Haha by the way..I'm not that much of a freak..)

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