arsh2882 (04/05/05)
Hey Jenna! i know who you are! anyway i never did sign your gb before! sorry...anyway nice theme and please come to my site and sign my gb! adios!
luv, hugs, and AWESOMENESS!!!!
Pinky Ichigo (04/02/05)
hey i love ur site
its really cool
looking! ^_^
im adding u as a friend
tiggerola (03/28/05)
Hello! Welcome to MyO and thanks for signing my gb! if you good at commenting on my site, I'll add you as a friend too (I do that w/ everyone) So I hopes ta see ya around! ^_^ later!
sesshomau (03/25/05)
hello there I think that your site is really great! I love the background and everything else its really nice! Added u as a friend I really hope that u return the favour! Come to my site when ur free and maybe sign my guestbook please…see you later …thank u very much bye!
Steptoussai (03/19/05)
Hey there! Love your site! You seem to be as much of a Naruto fan as I am! ^^
Is it alright if I add you as a friend?
~Hugs and Love Always~
Yaoishoujo (03/19/05)
Your background looks totally awesome! Oh, look, it's the move Kakashi taught Sasuke. Then the damn rat used it to almost kill Naruto! I hope things turn out better in the end, cuz right now, my sis and I don't like Sasuke. He's such a traitor!
Sorry for rambling! Great site! Ja!^^
craftuser9 (03/15/05)
hey you have a really great site
i love it!
Edward1066 (03/14/05)
Hey, thanks for signing my gb. I'll add you as a friend too. I sorta knew that fox sister is now fox resurected.. or, if its the other way around.. or whtever, i guess i was just to lazy to care or something. Thanks anyway though. Nice site.
rexmaster2903 (03/14/05)
Hay tight background
hay you should hang out together
Mew Lettuce418 (03/14/05)
Way coolio backround thanxs for signing my GB since i don't have many firends. aren't u also Narruto's hot chick(sry about the spelling) hehehehe ^_^" any way cool site and hope i can meet u someday. b/c u know my sister Chibi Konekon.