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Full time idiot
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Played Nirvana on the guitar :D
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To go to Japan
Playing my guitar, Hanging with rachykins :D
Making a fart noise with my hands
| RachAteMyPants
Hello everybody!!!! im Jaz,a lil about best mate is called rach,i have a pet cat called mousie and i live with my mum and dad and i just broke up with callum and hes a ass
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Sorry ive been gone so long peeps my hard drive crashed and i lost like eeeeeeeeverything well and i couldnt be assed before lol but you know :P, ok up date! :D ok last time i was on here i was going out with someone called ummmmmmmm nat lol i knew that *looks suspiciously* anyways but i dumped him and i now go out with dale, hehehe hes sweet :D ummmmmmmm my rachykins has a bf too! :D hes cool, ummmm me and rachy thought it was weird how we like complained all the time about guys and how we swore we wouldnt go out with anyone this year cos it was important year any whatever but that didnt really work out that way :P so yea ummmm the other night i met aaall of dales family they're really nice, like really really really nice lol and yea we had a massive meal and i was like fucked after (not litterally) :P, like we could do that if we wanted to anyways! hes got sooooooo many brothers and sisters,one of the girls said i was pretty lol, i think her name way abbi, yea i like her :P so yea i dunno what to say lol well ill tell you more stuff when it happens lol later peeps
love you lots peeps!
xXx Jazzykins xXx
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Im Back!
Hello and im back off my holiday lol i know u didnt know i went but u know lol i went to cornwall it was awesome lol but yeah missed rachykins when u havent got ur best buddy with ya you think meh well any way i found this thing and i thought it was good so im gonna post it
What Girlies Really Mean =P
When a girl is quiet, millions of things are running through her head.
When a girl is not arguing, she is thinking deeply.
When a girl looks at you, she is wondering how long you will be around.
When a girl answers she is fine, she is not fine.
When a girl places her head against your chest, she is wishing for you to be hers forever.
When a girl calls you everyday, she wants your attention.
When a girl wants to see you everyday, she wants to be loved and pampered by you.
When a girl says "I Love You" she means it.
When a girl says she misses you, no one else in this world can miss you anymore then she does.
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Hey today was cool, me and rach went down town and bouth some skirts 80p!! a bargin i think so lol ummmmm rach bought some hair dye purple lol ummmm we met fit ppl wooooooo hot hot hot umm yeah thats about it lol was a wicked day tho lol
xXx Jaz xXx
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Saturday, July 16, 2005
Hey everyone i just got home from a party and well well well im hammered teeheehee and and and i kissed max!! well ive liked max a long time and ive had like 2 bf's and he said ive wanted you through all of your bf's and i was like awwwww then he kissed me and i was like thank fuck one of us had the guts to do this and then he walked me home even though we are both really pissed but the weird thing is i can remember that and nothing else im both confused and suprised well thats all the gosspi i have but im sooooooo happy :D and im wondering whats gonna happen because he will call me and talk about it tomo.......ooooo wondering i want to listen to that song,wow good charlotte rock! so yeah ill post something tomo well later today really butwhatever night night xXx or morning whatever bye xXx
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Friday, July 15, 2005
sorry i havent said anything in a while i really just couldnt be arsed lol but yeah random week i saw rach today wooooooooo and our secret plan went well muhahahahahahahaha ummmm got kissed by this guy from rachy's school but i dont really know him but aperantly it was bad lol but rach was offened for me so whatever ummmmmmm me and rach were counting orange people well not orange people cos that would be a crap game we would be stuck on 0 forever unless they were tangoed anyway back to the point we wer counting orange clothing wooooo all together a fun day woooooooooo
xXx Jaz xXx
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