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Writing a good Fanfic (Once!)
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Yuugi-ou, Excel Saga, Naruto, Fruits Basket, Beyblade (V-Force and G-Rev too), Gundam Wing, X/1999, Tokyo Babylon, DNAngel, Gravitation, Yami No Matsuei, Arc The Lad, Yamada Taro, Hana-Kimi, Imadoki!, Full Metal Alchemist, Boys Next Door, Gensomaden Saiyu
To own as much anime as I can.....
Anime, internet, tv, writing fanfics and drawing.
Drawing, maybe writing fanfics, Volleyball (kinda), making silly noises, making people laugh, making up random stories in the middle of the night......(Did you like it DBZHobbit?!)
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Hi! I'm updating! Wahoo!
Sorry, I just had to stick that in there!
Gods - I haven't posted for ages - on here, or on LJ! I've got tonnes of big important exams coming up after the hols, and I've got a tonne of revising to do in the if I don't reply to any of you straight away, you know why!
Anyone else got any big important exams coming up? Huh?
Ja ne!
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Thursday, September 9, 2004
I just got my career aptitude tests back today, and how idiotic are they?! They told me I could be an Accountant (like my Dad? No way!) and that I could be a lawyer! Me? I don't think so! Luckily though, it was clever at one stage 'cause it said I could be a teacher or a translator! Yay! I wouldn't mind being either of those things! I really want to be a teacher, but also, a translator gets tonnes of money (sounding greedy, I know, but a girl's gotta have good finances, right?). Anyways, the totally hot day we had here in England completely wiped me out, and we were stuck sitting on some majorly unconfortable and itchy chairs for over an hour whilst going through the career tests! I kept having the urge to get up and sit outside instead! Or have an ice lolly....
It's so bad! My computer has to go in for a check-up in the morning, so I'm soo gonna be stuck! I'll miss all my updates on Otaku and all my Author alerts on Fanfic! (I'm obsessed...) I'll be sitting in school, like, desperate for the internet and I'll be hogging one of the computers all lunch time! But the weekend...:cries: I hope the check-up won't take too long.... for now, I have to get ALL my stuff off the computer (You seriously don't know just HOW much stuff that is....), including all my music and ALL my big AMVs and everything... :sighs: so painful........
Anyways, I'll try to update soon, luckily, I can update on Otaku at school, but for this weekend and next week, well - we'll have to see.
Ja ne y'all!
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Tuesday, September 7, 2004
Hey! Watched The Simpsons with DBZHobbit last night and Yu-Gi-Oh was in it! It was so hilarious! They tried to draw Yami and it was soooo wrong! He looked as demented as he was in the first series manga! I know tonnes of Americans have probably already seen this episode about 20 times, but we English are always behind in TV - whatta ya gonna do, ne?
Anyways, I've just had one of the hottest school days, like, ever, so now I am going to relax with some cherryade and an ice cream and just net surf (NO homework!) Chill and have fun everyone! Weace!
Ja ne!
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Thursday, August 19, 2004
Hee Hee!
Just had the most hilarious conversation with DBZHobbit about Seto Kaiba (YGO) crossdressing, and this is how it went:
DBZHobbit: Mokie, does this dress make my butt look big?
Me: ' Mokie-kun, I, like, totally think this makes my hips look large.... Is my 'bust' jutting out enough or not...?'
DBZHobbit: "OMG! My nail polish totally doesn't go with my shoes!!!! What can I do!!! Mokie, forget about the company this is more important!!!!"
Me: :sulks: 'Mokie, I just can't go to that fancy restaurant with my executives - do you know how many calories they have in their food?! It's like, totally gross!'
DBZHobbit: "I am NOT eating there! There's WAY too much grease in the food! Think of my complection!!!"
Me: 'Like, Mokie! Look at him, he's like, toooooootally handsome! Does my hair look ok? Is he looking this way?! Please say he's looking at me!'
DBZHobbit: I will NOT have a meeting with that guy. Have you seen his clothes? Totally uncoordinated!
Me: He has, like, no sense of colour vs style! There is no way I will be seen with him in public!
DBZHobbit: That duel disc doesn't compliment my eyes. I wont wear it.
Me: I mean, what was I thinking when I coloured it red, blue and white?! Was I trying to go with an American theme? I'm so glad I decided not to put the stars on in the end... that would have been soooo tacky!
DBZHobbit: Am i glaring too much? Am i getting glare lines! Mokie! Get the moisturiser!!!
Me: Did he just say...? How dare he? :sniffles as eyes tear up: Mokie, he just called me an ice block! I'm not that cruel, am I? Am I? Mokie, why aren't you answering me?
Yeah... not too funny, but it was hilarious at... 10pm....err... yeah... I edited a piccie to go with it, but if it doesn't show up below then I'll send it to you (sorry my HTML sucks!).
Anyways, on to more current (or not...) events:
1) I downloaded all the episodes (Including the OAVs) of Gravitation and it is one of THE best things out there! I seriously reccommend it to everyone (Unless you're a homphobe or sommat....Yaoi anime... :drools:)
2) To all the British dudes out there, I am just about to start my GCSE's this coming school year and will be doing mocks oh so very soon (cries). I am soooooooo gonna fail. Except maybe English and English Literature... I can do them.....
3) I have just started to get majorly hooked on Naruto, so I looked it up on the net, and there seems to be hardly any British/American speaking people who've seen it. Does America not air Naruto either or do people just not talk about it much.....?
4) OMG! Beyblade G Rev has just started a couple weeks ago, and Kai is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO fit! The scarf that went mysteriously missing in V Force has returned to somehow increse his otness and now he looks absolutely smouldering! Plus, he returned to the Demolition Boys! Well, the Blitzkrieg Boys as they are now called....Oh Well! He's where he belongs...! (Yum Yum, TalaxKaixRei.....Kai is so adored....!)
Anyways, I'll leave it there and talk more when, well, I can think of sommat to talk about. May go and do holiday reading assignments... 40 or so more chappies of Pride and Prejudice to go... :sighs:
Ja ne!
Rachie xXx
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Tuesday, February 17, 2004
CLEF! Who's Your Anime Boyfriend?
It wouldn't go on Quiz manager, so here it is!
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Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh! My sister is getting on my nerves so badly! She's older than I am, but shorter, so when we fight I can look down at her and it really annoys her.
She said that I should change my song as I had it on a tonne last night. I can't help it if Quatre and Trowa sound so good together! It was their instrumental thing where they play the violin and flute together. It's great!
If you want it, I'll send it to you. I also have two other Quatre songs, so I'll send anyone them if they want.
God, it's like, 9.30 in the morning and it's the holidays! I can't believe I'm up now. My parents have gone out to Wales for the day so I have to look after our two 6 month old Labrador puppies. Tiring! They're too hyperactive for their own good!
Well, since this is tiring also, I'll stop here.......Now.......Any second......Anytime now.......arrrrggggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!
Rachie xXx
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Sunday, February 8, 2004
Hello. What do you write on these things? I for one have no idea. I would be perky like my best friend is on hers but, I'm not really THAT perky. Unless I'm hyper, then I am. I better stop waffling now. Just look at the site thing.
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