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Friday, May 4, 2007
Hey there! Yesterday was so much fun at the carnival that I went with Ace toBLAH! *explodes* I'm really hyper. =]
Okay, so my soon to be boyfriend (hurhur) has offered to be my backup ride for when my friend Sean can't give me one~~~ ISN'T THAT AWESOME?! We also got a new student in my art class. When I first saw her I thought she was going to be a really quiet, angry freshmen, 'cause that's how they all are. =0 But she fit in quite nicely, with the whole playing quarters 'til we were all bleeding thing. xD She's also really nice. =D
About a week ago I started working on the biggest, most complicated picture I've ever done! It's going to take FOREVERRRRR~~ but that's okay, I really want to do something that I'll be proud I actually finished all the way. =]
If you're wondering what it's of, it's this!:

I'm already finished with the right half of it, I just need to finish the left and Organization XIII then I need to color it. =]
Also, I'm kinda adding myself in there. *Coughcoughwheeze*
How are you all? =]
Does anyone else get a carnival this time of year?
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Thursday, May 3, 2007
I'm gonna try remodeling my site AGAIN. >_< and adding music and stuff to it, sorry that I just keep abandoning it. x_x I keep having to circulate between websites. xD;;; BUT ANYWAYANYWAY, I'll make my site alot spiffier and be alot more active~!
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Monday, January 15, 2007
Blah, my witty reparte has ceased to come into my life. Lately I've been given a heavy dosage of TEENAGED ANGST! With the loss of my not-boyfriend to the ever increasing migranes that have been a plague to my social life. Anyway, for those of you who have seen my new mini-comic "The Adventures and Stuff of Love & Hate", it's actually a series I will update every so often. So get excited. There are 2 more minis from TAASOL&H. After that I'll try to come up with more ideas. Ahhh... my head. T_T
Oh, yeah. Because it's my birthday month (January) there has been a drastic increase in good movies as of late, such as "Pan's Labyrinth" and "Freedom Writers", I'm looking forward to Epic Movie and Blood and Chocolate, fantastic book by the way... Anyway, here's a screen shot from Pan's Labyrinth of the Pale Man, Eater of Children!
His role in the movie.... you'll just have to find out for yourself. :3

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Friday, December 29, 2006
Damn, We Got BUSEH. OwO
Riku and I had EIGHT KIDS!!! xD
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Monday, December 25, 2006
I also got an iPod, digital camera, PJs, and a bunch of other stuff! I'M SO HAPPY!!!
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Sunday, December 24, 2006
Um, kinda busy, update later, okay?
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Friday, December 15, 2006
Standing on the Rooftops! Everybody Scream Your Heart Out!
After school, yesterday, I was waiting with my friend Chris so he could give me a ride to go hang out, right? And we were waiting... and waiting... so I got bored and was like "Hey, let's see how high we can kick our legs up into the air!" so I do and my shoe comes flying off and goes onto the roof of the bandroom!!! So I start freaking out and shaking Chris going "WHAT AM I GONNA DO?! I NEED THAT!!!" so he goes onto the roof anf tosses it back. xD After that, we went to the Promenade and went crazy, first we ate some Faux Chinese and Faux Mexican food, then we went to Bristol Farms and took all the samples and got some Ramune and old-fashion Coke in those glass bottles, and energy drinks with cake and unagi, so we were really hyper and went running around in the parking lot screaming and howling like coyotes and started screaming "The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny". xD Man it was fun, I also bought a new book... about, wouldn't you know it... VAMPIRES! So yeah, everytime I'm with Chris, Shireen, Tray, and Kat, I always have a great time, they rock, so bad. xD
I should hang with my friends more often. :3
So how're you guys?
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Yeah, just got home from school. Everyone's getting sick! It's weird! I was going to all my classes and there was only like, 10 people in each of 'em. xD;
But it made me sad, because the guy I like wasn't there either, he makes me so happy just to talk to him! But I suppose it was also a good thing he wasn't there... I looked like shit. xD
Thanks to DDR!!! D:<
A friend of mine challenged me to 6000 rounds of DDR Supernova that she'd gotten for her birthday. I got such a killer migrane and almost died. >.>;;
Anyway, yeah...
I'll have to bug Ace to scan some more pictures for me. >3

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006
I'm most terribly sorry that I've been kinda, sorta... dead for a while. What with all the MySpace and Gaia, I haven't had enough room in my tiny little mind to attend to TheOtaku. Well, I'm gonna try and pay more attention to my fans! Only I have one little question.... WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY?!?!
I've submitted 4 new pictures and hardly anyone has commented them! 
It makes me feel terribly angsty...
I mean, Ace even got his Sora drawing into the featured! No fair. T_T Blah, oh, well, i trust that as soon as I get into the rythm of things again, you'll start to appreciate my work a little more. xD
Well, I'm out!
*Break dances off stage*

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Monday, October 10, 2005
Hello! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I just haven't felt like it ^_^; Anyway, I hope you've seen all the new arts that I have been putting up, I think I'm going to open up to requests again. Just don't over do it ^^; And remember I DON'T HAVE A SCANNER!! So it may take a while for me to put it up! Okay, so I saw the FMA episode last Saturday and started crying so much, so sad ;o; I've been getting into alot more manga....Yay! That's all for now folks! Hmmm....maybe I should change my background? It's been up here forever!
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