Heero Dark Angel (11/17/04)
Hey there,
Thanks for signing my guest book, yours is very cool. I'll add you to my friends list seens how you did that for me....
Catch you up!!
omaga (11/16/04)
hey wuz up I like yur site well I am going to add you as a friend well c ya.Later
Archard (11/15/04)
hi, feel free to add me as a friend. I am happy to have any Gravitation friends talk with me!
Oh and yeah Yuki-sama is cool. Are you her friend that likes to dress up as Shu? Shu is so cool....
Oops I am waffling now sorry
Emerald Angel (11/15/04)
Hey Raechel! Thanks for dropping by and signing my guestbook, I really appreciate it! You have a really nice site. Cool, you live in Canada too? Where abouts? Well, anyways, thanks for adding me as a friend, I'll add you as well! Thanks again and I'll talk to you later!
BrokenWing (11/14/04)
Hey there!
Thanks for signing my gb, I really apprieciate it! Your site's just Gravitation-ific! I LOVE IT! Gravi is the BEST, ne? Weee another Gravi fan! *highfives* Okay then, I'll be adding you as a friend, kay? See you soon!
iamdizzy (11/13/04)
weeeee you added me as a friend I going to do the same weeheehee.... I like your site too!! later^^!
reanimation x (11/11/04)
hiya!.. awesome site.. sure u can add me as a friend.. i'll do that same.. u live in canada? that's awesome.. i live in ontario.. what about u?.. anyways i'd better go now.. adios!
animegirl4ever (11/03/04)
Cool site!^_^
I watched the first episode of Gravitation last Saturday.
It was really good but...why did he have to be gay!?! They pink haired guy is so kawaii too!
Oh well, nice site^_~
Spike bebop (11/02/04)
cool site
poncho2116 (11/01/04)
hey wats up ur website is real cool and the poems r really awesome
u did a good job making it so yeh
iloooooooooovvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeee uuuuu