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Thursday, January 20, 2005
So todays the day! I'm going to Mt. Lassen. ^__^ This is awesome. I'm like not even packed but still awesome. One of my friends,who is a guy, took like 5 minutes to pack. I just stared at him. *sigh* I wish I could go that fast...so I'm still packing. So I was on aim last night talking to Beau ,same dude that packed in 5, and the other night one of my friends was like asking if I was talking to any guys that are "hott".....omg! So I said Beau was hot cause he is....so then shes talking to him....and shes like wondering if he whas a picture or something and thats all I know. Then yesterday when I was talking to him he said he blocked her cause she was getting annoying and kept asking if he thought she was hott. I laughed sooo hard. I mean it was seriously unreal. Just totally crazy. So I mean that totally made my day because I hvae this major crush on Beau.....*rolls eyes* but everyone does so its not new...Oh and katie if you read this...the girl that was annoying him was...Bryana!!! lmao. That should give you a kick. ^_~ sorry inside kinda joke...it was just to funny though.
ok heres a few quizzes. :)
 In your eyes, people see kindness... You're just so... so... so... Sweet! You're kind and love to give others in need, a helping hand. You're pretty shy but can be warm and friendly towards those you know, and those who know you best. Your sanctuary would just be any place that is warm, cozy, and inviting to all people. You love to show signs of affection to your lover but a small simple talk does the trick as well ;) Sadly, your kindness can be used to your disadvantage. People can use you, and take advantage over your sweet and sensitive mind.... But fear not! With you being so kind and generous, people look up to you and adore you ^-^ No one would dare hurt you because they can't bear the thought of your sweet smile turning into a frown :)
What Lies Behind Your Eyes? (With Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 ~*~*~*~ LOVING~*~*~*~
Your loving nature makes you wonderful to be around. You are the type of person that accepts people for who they are and they in return of your good heartedness, accept you right back. You are most likely a romantic at heart. With a sensitive soul and probably a broken heart from the past, you don't usually trust people. You have probably been hurt by someone you love or loved dearly which makes it hard to confide in others. Easy going and romantic, fun and lovable, you have a great personality. You are very well liked in the general world that you're in.
Please Rate or message me! Thank you for taking my quiz! XoXo <3 Lana
You're Beautiful...but why? ( PICS) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are an Exotic Dancer. You are the sexy lady in the group, you love to play with people's minds, you never show your true intents to anyone, you like to have a lot of friends so you don't get bored and this goes the same with men, you don't like the strict guy who gives you orders like he owns you, nobody does, cuz you were born free and nothing would change that.
What kind of dancers are you? (Girls only) brought to you by Quizilla
 you're an elemental angel. an elemental angel is an angel that is bonded to the elements and nature.
what kind of angel are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Wow I'm really insane....
OMFG! This was so hilarious. I'm really insane too....
Sexual addiction??!?! and it will never be cured....tsk tsk..*shakes head* ain't that horrible??? haha. Anyways I get to go on my snow trip! yay! Im uber excited. I still need to finish my semester exam though. *looks sad* I hate it....oh well. Love ya all!
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
Hello Hello Hello......
OK that title had like no meaning...heh...so I went to youth group last night. It was awesome. I hadn't been there since we went to Qzar. Qzar is a lazer tag place. I love it even though Im like a complete "blonde" I mean I totally space out. So it was awesome to see all my friends. Erica was there and we got to talk n stuff. So in about a week is the snow trip! Yay! Im totally excited. Last year I wanted to go sooo bad but I couldn't. :( So hopefully I will get to go this year. Erica wants to go too but she knows like no one. So she was like "Please go!!!!" So if I get enough money I'll go. ^_^ Oh I also need to um.....finish my homework..Im kinda behind in math...and I need to finish an essay. So then after thats done then I can go. So please pray for me! Oh last night I saw my friend Grahm and I guess he was a new girlfriend or something. Her name is like Anna and shes so pretty. I was happy for him. I got to see beau as well. Hes like getting hotter more and more. lol. I wish I had pictures but alas I dont. I doubt he likes me though. So right now my "love" life is shitty. I've been taking a few pictures now and then. I need to get them developed. Hmmm..what else.....I'm totally addicted to 80s music right now. I also really like Lit. So music is spinning in my head. ^_^ ok well talk to ya all later!!!
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Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Troubled Tuesday
I dont know if I'm having a mood swing or something but over any little thing my mom just pisses me off. Shes nagging on me and I just like blow up. Its terrible. She tells me to do this thing for school and I'm like "I KNOW!" but then I like just get all annoyed and start snapping at her. This usually happens...alot...Ever since she started to homeschool me, which was 7th grade, I just like get pissed off really easily. Anything she says or wants me to do I just get pissed. *sigh* Very stressful it is. I think I need a job or something...or I should take some pictures. That might help me relax. I dunno. So last week and this week my tv shows started! *throws confetti* I just love it. I mean Alias is kick ass! Same with 24. 24 is almost more political though. Like this story line is about Terrorists abducting the secretary or defense and his daughter. They are going to put the secretary dude on trial for crimes he's comminted to humanity. So its politcal and I guess maybe thats why I like it. I mean I'm not into politics or anything but I like having an open mind on the subject. My parents are Republicans. Does that mean I have to agree on everything they agree on? No way. If that was the case I would shoot myself for agreeing with them.(ok I wouldnt shoot myself but maybe something close to it.) Like take Michael Moore for an example. He is Anti-American(I think) and his views are "different" and is against Bush. For me I have heard that Michael Moore is a "horrible" person and what not. Hes made two movies that were showing his opinions etc. My parents do not like Michael Moore there fore anything to do with him they totally ignore. Because of that I have not been able to see the movies and get a glimpse of his opinions which I would like to see. His latest movie "Fahrenheit 911" I have heard this is a movie on his opinion on Bush and what he's doing that is "bad" but for me since i have not seen it chose not to believe it. I dont think it matters if I am a republican or Democrat. I also heard his movie "backfired" but I am curious on what. And believe it or not I disagree with so many opinions and decisions my parents have made. Maybe thats why I get pissed off at them alot. Who knows. Well thats my 2 cents. Oh Alias is muy bien as well. Ypu have to see it. Its just awesome and this season has a twist that wasn't expected. I like it alot. So check out 24 and Alias and tell me what ya think. Oh yeah school sucks..whats new? Oh yes my favorite word of the day is *drum roll* POLKA! Polka is a kinda of music and um I just like the word..not the music...Love ya all!
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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
Holy Monkey Balls!!!!
OMG!! I totally forgot my best friends birthday! I mean that is horrible. :( Her birthday was on the 31st and I just totally forgot! I was so sad..I didn't cry but I was really sad that I forgot something that important. Made me really sad. So now I'm going to like call her and tell her how sorry I am. Also Jean denis is coming back from switzerland!! YAY! *throws popcorn* He said it was really cold and he got to see some of his old friends. He also called on New Years to say Happy new year. My sister was kinda shocked..I think..and now liz is doing that lip thing!! Arrg! It drives me crazy. Everytime we talk about jean denis she looks sad and says she misses him and does the lip thing!!! its just crazy cause now I'm doing it. *looks confused* its just crazy. So I found this thing called Deviant art or something, where you can post your art work. Its really awesome. I have only submited like two pictures and then a awesome graffiti picture I found. I can't believe how many people use it. It totally rocks. Im going to try and get katie to use it so she can show her work.
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Sunday, January 2, 2005
I dont get it?
So lately I've been playing with photoshop and I did a few photos. I would love if I could get some opinions on whats good and whats not. Almost everyone I've talked to says they think the pictures are "good" but thats all they say. So if i can get straight answers that would be awesome! ^_^ Hope the new year will be good for ya!
^ this is the first photo I did. I first took the photo on a digital camera then used photoshop 7 and used fresco.
^ this photo my sister took with a digital camera. I then used photoshop on it.
^this photo I took of my nephew. Taken with a digital camera then used with photoshop.
^ Taken with a digital camera and used in photoshop.
So opinions wouls be awesome! I will post more pictures through the year.
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Friday, December 31, 2004
New years eve is here, nows the time to cheer cheer cheer!
Yay! Last day of the year. Time sure flies...and this year was like a blink and then it is just gone! Wow..thats a crazy thought. So lets see...Oh dude wednesday some friends and I went to play lazer tag. I am sooo bad at that game. I mean seriously....I suck. My friend Erica and I were like sticking together and we were like so into it. We sang the mission impossible music and were like acting all "secret" n stuff. So much fun and my friends, beau and jake, were like coming out of no where. they just appeared there. And then phil(another friend) was like following me or something...or I was like spacing out. he wouls be like right behind me and then boom he shoots me. The first game he hit me like 8 times....I was dying fast. And since I am so small the vests were like big.....I was like T_T and ericas like laughing at me. haha. So then I like wne through all the vest to find a small. We had like 25 people so we had to split up in two groups. Which was cool but like my friend thought I ditched her cause I went on another team with Erica. She got over it but I was kinda annoyed cause she always thinks I'm ditching her when I like either want to sit with my "other" friends in youth group. So I dunno if she thinks I'm not being a good friend to her or what. She n I might do something tonight so likes cool. Erica has to go to some hillbilly town where the selection of cookies is oeros and fignutins(sp?) I was like awwww. pretty funny. On wednesday we played DDR too. And Erica and I sucked...Anna was pretty good but Elisa was like wow. She was good. Oh yeah my friends and I are like dorks/I dont care what I am kinda people...we all have our own style...but Erica and I have alot in common so we almost dress the same...but Erica has some thing with guys in mulits......whenever she shes a guy with that hair shes like "lets go to vegas and get married" Its funny. And we both want to like shave our heads or something close to that. I would like get a mohawk and she would shave her head. Oh yeah I havent even finished what we did on wednesday...haha. So then it was like 10:30 and we went to In n Out. And I dont know if this burger place is anywhere else except California cause my friends in the east coast are like "what in n out?" and my friend in Washington has no idea what in n out is either but its the best place to get burgers. I mean if you ate there you would love it. Its sooo better than any other fast food place. And the people that work there get these awesome safety pins. There like huge! I love em. So yeah then we got home about 11:30 and i just crashed. And slept in till like 10...new record for me. w00t. Then yesterday I did nothing and we watched Hero with Jet Li. the movie was slow but what they were trying to say in the film was what was most important. The movie was totally asian. And the fight scenes were just awesome. They made it look graceful and that made it beautiful. Sometime I will like have to do a whole post on why I love movies or something. Cause I dont just like movies because it fries your brain, theres more to it that I see about them. And usually what I see in movies most people are like clueless on it. So at the moment I'm really into the whole art of movie making. So in my "love" life I havent talked to the dude I like in like forever....its a bummer. Anyway I am trying to save my money now since the holidays are over. I want to get this program for the mac. Its like a thousand bucks. And I'm like not even close to that much money. I probably wont get the program for a long time but thats one of my goals. Another set back is I gotta make about 500 dollars or so before january. My youth group is going on some snow trip and I really want to go. They had one last year but I was short on money and time so I couldnt go. I heard this year we are going to play paintball instead of going snowboarding. Which is a tad bit odd cause we could go paintballing here in my town. So I was like ok whatever. So yep thats about it. Sorry that I wrote so much. I have alot of free time right now..heh..Love ya all! Happy New Year!
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Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Theorys....what do ya think?
So I Read "the ladder theory" and I agree with some points and disagree with others. And I would like other opinions because the things i disagree with kinda make me annoyed. Its like they are saying women are money/power razing bitches that just want men if their rich, very attractive etc. I totally disagree with that. I dont think all women are like that. The articule made one statement that alot of models have sex with Donald Trump because hes so rich, I agree with that cause all the women hes either "dated" or had sex with seems to look like they just do him for money. But I know there are women out there that don't date a man for his money. There are women out there that date men because of who they are. Thats what i have always gone for. So saying this I just want opinions from other people. heres the link http://ladder.politicals.com/ so read that and please give your opinion. On other notes I just started reading this new book I found in my sisters room. Its called "Easy Riders, Raging Bulls How the sex-drugs-and rock 'n' roll generation saved Hollywood" So far I really like it but I've only read about 10 pages of it..*cough* but I really like it. Also I got some new cds!! Breaking Benjamins new cd and some electronia cd's that my sister let me burn. So far I have Saint German Lounge disc 1 and 2, Wounded Wounds and another one that I dont remember the name of...heh...but the music is awesome! So I've been listening to them non-stop so i could kinda "understand" it more. I'm also trying to get started in using photoshop! I have it on my computer but figuring out how to use it is a whole different story so I'm going to read the manual. I actually want to see if I can get some of my pictures on the computer so i can play with them. I doubt I'm at all good in photography but I enjoy it. I want to start doing the black n white pictures and then like just add color to the lips or something. Then I might go for more abstract. If I get this going I may have a hobby for the summer! Yay! :-D Oh yeah I'm into poetry as well but I can't write em. I just love reading them. I'm also starting to get into Graffiti. I looked on the web and found some awesome pictures of graffiti in San Fransico, alot of the work is amazing. Theres also like graffiti in Seattle that I liked but since I dont live there I s doubt I'll see it IRL. But I will probably be able to see the art in SF. Yea so thats kinda what has been on my mind lately and some stuff I'm starting to plan to do or something...^_^ Love ya all!
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Monday, December 27, 2004
So I need some help..
So I have like this big problem and I need some advice. I did a online relationship(dont do it. It sucks.) with this guy that like lives in Holland. Yeah far far away...so anyways I like dated him for a month and I was kinda not in a position to have a relationship so I broke up with him. He was totally devasated and is now depressed. He feels theres no reason to live and he's tried to kill himself but has failed. And hes been like this for about two months. And he is like pissing me off now. And hes just totally different now. I don't know what to do. He and I met on a forum and now that forum is falling apart because of this. I dont know what to do. *sigh* I just want to move on but it just doesn't work. So besides that I saw Phantom of the Opera yesterday. Pretty good, kinda sad. I cried O_O it was so sad...cause he loved her but she rejected him cause his inner self was like a monster.....*sigh* it was just sad at the end...Oh and then I had to get up early cause my sister and her kids were coming over. And the thing that sucked I was up really late last night. So I was like in a bad mood...ugh...it sucked. But I took a bath today so I feel better. And OMG!!! My niece and nephew are so beautiful!! I just love seeing them. They have tons of energy though....So Thats all. Oh i think were going to have Thai food tonight!!!!! I'm happy. ^_^
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Sunday, December 26, 2004
AHHH!!! Presents!!!! ^_^
So christmas day!!! well..now its night..but yay!! Today was tight! I wasn't in a bad mood or anything. I got awesome presents too!! I got some awesome shirts from Paul Frank(I love their stuff!), I got this black coach purse and its just perfect, Ralph Lauren perfume, a beauty tip book, two scarves, a vest from Gap, gift card for itunes and starbucks, some awesome hair products, and um.....candles, camcord(well its my dads mostly....) oh yeah my sister got a mini ipod!!! I was like "wowed" lol. Its pretty cool. ^_^ We had alot of people over this christmas. I really enjoyed it. But some people got kinda tipsy! It was funny. They were drinking Mango Vodka. Some advice....do not drink vodka...it has like this spicy taste. I had a shot of it and I was like going crazy cause my throat was like burning. Then just to be crazy I had a shot of tequila. Sadly it was just like the vodka. I mean drinking that stuff straight is really hard. I would kiss the shoes of mexicans that can drink that stuff straight. Thats like serious talent or something. So Merry christmas everyone!!!
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