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Friday, December 24, 2004
Christmas Eve!!!!
I'm so excited!!!! ^_^ Christmas is coming!!! W00T!!! I dunno if I will post tomorrow cause its christmas!!!! Anyways...I spent the night at my friends house on wednesday. That was fun!! We saw Napleon Dynamite!!! Holy Hell!!! That is one funny movie....I mean the jokes are funny...so go see it..and hmmm......all my christmas shopping is done so Im all ready!! I think Im going to bake cookies with my sister or something...So Merry Christmas everyone!!!! I hope you have an awesome xmas day!! Love ya all so much!!!!
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Thursday, December 23, 2004
so christmas is coming!!! whoohoo! ^_^ heres a survey or whatever I took...
Fave Songs By My Fave Bands | Created by BloodyBabyDoll13 and taken 35 times on bzoink! | Warped Tour 2004 Bands | Alkaline Trio | um..not my fav so I dont know what song I like.. | Autopilot Off | ClockWork | Bad Religion | The state of the end of the millennium address | Bowling For Soup | 1985 | The Casualties | Fuck you all | Coheed and Cambria | A favor house atlantic | Eighteen Visions | Nope..screamers.... | Fall Out Boy | Nope never heard of em | Flogging Molly | Cruel Mistress | The F-Ups | Told you so and no no no | Good Charlotte | Not my fav.. | Hazen Street | Are you ready? | Matchbook Romance | Not my fav... | Motion City Soundtrack | The future freaks me out | My Chemical Romance | I'm not okay | MxPx | hell no dont like em | New Found Glory | Forgot the name....heh.. | NOFX | They suck... | Rise Against | nope dont like em.. | Rufio | dont like em | Senses Fail | dont like em that much.. | Story Of The Year | Dont have a fav song | Straight Outta Junior High | Never heard them | Sugarcult | Champagne | Taking Back Sunday | um..dont like em much | Thursday | never heard em | The Used | Take it away | The Vandals | Ape shall never kill apl | Yellowcard | ugh...dont like em.. | Ozzfest Bands | Type O Negative | Cinnamon Girl | Tool | never heard of them | Incubus | Drive | System Of A Down | Chop Suey! | Soulfly | dont like em | Rob Zombie | Dont really like him.. | Marilyn Manson | Personal Jesus..yea its a remix...but its not bad..hate his other music.. | Deftones | dont have a fav song by them | Godsmack | dont like em much | Static-X | dont like em much | Slipknot | duality | (hed) P.E. | Bartender | P.O.D. | dont like em much | Kittie | ewwwww!! they suck... | Disturbed | Prayer | Queens Of The Stone Age | No one knows | Taproot | who? | Papa Roach | Getting away with murder | Linkin Park | Breaking the habit | Mudvayne | dont like em | Godhead | dont like to much | Drowning Pool | forgot the name... | Otep | nope. | Hatebreed | nope. | Ill Nino | Cleansing | Korn | Word up | Chevelle | Vitamon R | Cradle Of Flith | Nympetamine Fix | Dimmu Borgir | Their creepy.. | Shadows Fall | ? | Killswitch Engage | The end of heartache | Lamb Of God | they suck | Atreyu | dont like em.. | Bleeding Through | screamers.....ugh.. | Lacuna Coil | Swamped | Everytime I Die | havent heard them yet | Other Bands | Hawthorne Heights | havent heard them | Evanescence | Bring me to life | Hoobastank | Their ok...dont realy listen to them..l | Three Days Grace | I hate everything about you | Snow Patrol | Post punk progression | Eminem | hes not a band..hes a rapper...but I guess like toy soldiers is good.. | The Ramones | I wanna be sedated...I love them!! | Lostprophets | ? | Soundgarden | ? | A Perfect Circle | Weak and powerless | AC/DC | Back in Black , Hells Bells, Highway to hell, TNT and dirty deeds done dirt cheap | All-American Rejects | I've only heard one of their songs.. | Finger Eleven | um their ok... | Fountains Of Wayne | Stacys Mom | Bush | Machinehead | Red Hot Chili Peppers | Can't stop and Suck my kiss | The Mars Volta | Roulette Dares | Franz Ferdinand | All of there songs... | Green Day | American idiot | Rancid | Red hot moon | Kill Hannah | Unwanted | The Killers | Somebody told me | Hatebreed | Nope dont like em | Murderdolls | Nope. | Stone Sour | not sure.. | Nickelback | Feeling way to damn good and how you remind me | Saliva | click click boom | Nirvana | all their music.. | Puddle Of Mudd | Blurry | Seether | ? | The Rasmus | ? | HIM | ? | CKY | not the best...dont have a fav | Skillet | they suck... | Smile Empty Soul | Who I am | The Vines | Animal Machine | Weird Al | dont like... | Sex Pistols | Liar | Earshot | Wait | Metallica | alot of their songs.. | Alien Ant Farm | smooth criminal | Avenged Sevenfold | unholy confessions | Counting Crows | um their ok... | Guilt By Association | never heard of them | The Used | already answered this... | Trashlight Vision | um dont know if I've heard them | Trapt | Headstrong | Blindside | again dont know.. | Audioslave | um i dunno... | Damageplan | ? | The Ataris | The nights the lights went out | Hope You Liked my survey and Rock Like Fuck, Rock Like there's no tomorrow! | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
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Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Hmm..So I haven't written in like a day...but not much happened.lol. Um Jean Denis is going back to swizterland! :-( I'm going to miss him so much!! I'm still trying to convince him we need best friends forever tattoos though...but hes got some thing against tattoos. *sigh* He said we should just take a knife and cut it in our arms...I was like wtf.....and then he laughs..*rolls eyes* So I dont think were going to get tattos...and my mom would probably have a bitch fit or something. Anyways Oceans Twelve was awesome. The music was probably my favorite part. I mean it was really good. I'm buying the soundtrack when I see it.:-D Oh yeah the movie was good too. The plot was good. Oh yeah Jean Denis got me this awesome belt from paul frank for christmas. And on the back it says "single" haha. I love it!!! ONe of my friends says "hey you gotta represent!" I laughed so hard. It was hilarious. So jean denis now calls me his "single girlfriend". Yep so thats also a inside joke and i dont think anyone would get it unless I like explained the whole story..and that would take forever. So anyways. I just love my belt. ^_^ so heres a quiz I took!!! :-) Love ya all!!!
 Congrats! You would wear: A Girly Uniform!
What kind of Anime School Uniform should you wear? (..now with pics!..) brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, December 18, 2004
Boring Saturday...
Dude today was so boring! I did nothing.....I may go see Oceans twelve though. So thats kinda exciting. I have to do something with like my friends.....I havent talked to any of them in awhile....well this post is short..so yea...bye everyone! Oh i'll tell you how oceans twelve is. ^_^
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Friday, December 17, 2004
Dude last day of school....well kinda...but dude!!! I'm so freakin happy! Its just awesome all together. Oh you guys have to see Collateral. That movie was good. No more like really good. I dont really want to give the whole story away but I loved the whole relationship Max and Vince had. OK by "relationship" its not like gf/bf kinda thing. It was like a bonding friendship. At first vince is like this total "I have a one track mind" guy but as it goes through the movie you kinda see it change. I just love how they showed that. It was so awesome. But like no one else saw that until I explained it. I was like "really?" haha. Anyways see it and enjoy. So I'm like running out of money now. Its so hard!! Cause its christmas time and all. And I'm trying to "save" money...and its not working...stuff is so expensive now!!! I got a book for a friend that cost like 20 bucks! Its ridiculious!!! Yea so theres my rant...I feel better now... :-) weird..soo....oh yea...I got this new thing called skype. It is unreal. The quality is reaaly good. So go get it at http://www.skype.com/download but you need a mic and headphones as well. I like took all day yesterday and talked for like forever. It was fun. Its like an online phone system. ok to end this post I'm going to post one a my favorite poems. ^_^ Oh did I mention I love poetry? I dont remember...heh..
A dream within a dream- Edgar Allen Poe
Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow-
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.
I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand-
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep- while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
 What Gun Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Dude I'm a Hand gun..Just what i like. haha.
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Ciao Bella!
Well today was pretty "boring"....my phone is down as well so I can't call anyone or receive calls *cries* And just when, the only time my best friend calls my phone doesn't work. :-/ Oh well. I sooo can't wait for the week to be over! WEEKEND MOVE!!!! *sigh* So on other subjects. I made a new friend in school. His name is Austin and he lives in California near me! Tis cool. I just found out something...I have more guy friends than girl friends...O_O weird..but dude austin does all this stuff....dude he even modeled....now that was a shocker..I laughed so hard when he told me that....it was great. I just resently got this new like online chat thing. Its called Skype, anyone heard of it? I haven't used it yet but it looks tight. Its kinda like an online phone, so of course you need a mic and headphones. I'm kinda started to miss gymnastics. :-( It hasn't been very long but I really miss it. Tonight I'm going to watch collateral(sp?) with Tom Cruise. I heard it was really good so I have been wanting to see it. oh before i forget...HI KATIE!!!! *cough* Im done now...oh yea check out this anime quiz I took. That pictures are awesome. ^_^
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Tired and Lazy...
yeah today I was seriously tired...probably cause I havent gotten much sleep the last few nights. So to kinda get some protein in my system I ate this weird grain thing. Its like Flax seed and buck wheat or something..it was weird. I added sugar n milk and it was pretty good. Helps me alot. Today was my day off. Thank God! I was so sick of hearing my mom yell at me. But I gotta finish all my stuff this week so I can have two weeks off. Winter break is an awesome time to chill and maybe go to the city for some fun with my sis. We'll probably smoke some pot you know how it is. haha...nah we would probably go to Jean-Denis and watch movies on his projector or something..Who knows..I also gotta save some money for more christmas presents. I got one for katie, paulina and my sister but I need more cash....I have like 10 more presents to get. I wanted to get a present for one of my "new" friends...or whatever you call someone you wanna be friends with, a present but I dont know if that would seem like to forward or whatever. I'll be sending another present up to washington so why not send one to him? But I guess I heard something about him being sick. So i haven't asked him if I could get him a present or what...and I haven't been into posting at GCH. Its so sad...kinda....I mean the old gch was awesome. I had like 4000 posts or more. It was tight..I loved it. But then it got boring and then it closed down...so now there is "Gch3"(gch stands for gamecreatorshideout. If you want the link ask me for it but be careful..everyone there is over perverted and everyone is so nice you'll like get addicted. But its still pretty cool.) its different now though. The admin is different and its just not the same. Anyways....I forgot...what I wanted to say..alright I gotta finish this paper for school. I took this quiz so you can kinda get to know me or whatever..
Layers | Created by andy and taken 9364 times on bzoink! | Layer.one | Name | Raye | Birthdate | 4/18/89 | Birthplace | Califonria | Current location | California | Eyes | They change....hazel, green and dark brown. | Hair | Changes once n awhile | Height | 5'1" | Righty or Lefty | Righty | Zodiac Sign | Aries....^_~ | Layer.two | Your heritage | Half Dutch Indonesian and Half German | Your weakness | hmm..boys and...yeah....boys.. | Your shoes you wore today | All stars | Your fears | Country Music | Your perfect pizza | Um i dunno....anything I guess | Goal you'd like to achieve | Finishing school | Layer.three | Your thoughts first waking up | I have to get up? *sigh* | Your best physical feature | I dunno you tell me..... | Your bedtime | Whenever I feel like it. | Your most missed memory | Thats tough....seeing my friends every day | Layer.four | Pepsi or Coke | Whats the difference? | McDonald's or Burger King | Burger King | Single or group dates | Single | Adidas or Nike | They both suck...I guess nike though.. | Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea | I dont drink tea... | Chocolate or vanilla | Chocolate | Cappuccino or coffee | Cappuccino | Layer.five | Smoke | Nah. | Cuss | Doesn't everyone? | Sing | Yeah in the shower.. | Take showers daily | Of course, people that dont smell.. | Have a crush | Right now? yeah... | Think you've been in love | No. | Want to go college | Have to.. | Want to get married | Yeah | Believe in yourself | More or less | Get motion sickness | Not really | Think you're attractive | I've been told so. | Think you're a health freak | Nope. | Get along with your parents | Most of the time. | Like thunderstorms | Yesssss. | Play an instrument | I wish. | Layer.six - in the past months | Gone to the mall | Yeah | Eaten an entire box of Oreos | No | Eaten sushi | Yes | Been on stage | A few times | Gone skating | what kind of skating? I've done it all...I think | Made homemade cookies | Many times | Gone skinny dipping | *cough* once or twice... | Dyed your hair | Yeah.. | Stolen anything | Probably but nothing important | Label.seven - ever.. | Been trashed or extremely intoxicated | Not yet | Been called a tease | I dunno | Got beaten up | Nope | Layer.eight | Age you hoped to be married | Sometime after college I guess | Number and name of children | 2 or 3 not like 8...thats just going over board.. | Dream wedding | I dont care as long as its with the one I love | How do you want to die | um...either a very painful death or painless death | Where do you want to attend college | Well it looks like I may go to acdemy of art in SF or somewhere else.. | Dream job | Writer or Graph designer | Country you want to visit | Japan I guess..or Europe.. | Layer.nine - In a guy/girl... | Best eye color | Blue, brown, green...I love em all. | Best hair color | Dont care all colors are hott | Short or long hair | short or medium...never long.. | Height | not super tall... | Best weight | Depends if the guy is all muscle or all fat | Best clothing | Shirts | Best first date location | I dunno. | Best first kiss location | Anywhere you can sit or lay down. ^_~ | Layer.ten | Number of drugs taken illegally | Haha.....I dunno.. | Number of people I could trust with my life | Two or three | Number of CDs that I own | Wow..I cant even count em all...they just live in my room...I dont really know the exact number.. | Number of piercings | none yet... | Number of tattoos | zero | Number of times my name's been in the news | I dont really read the paper unless its on music or the comics.. | Number of scars on my body | More than I can remember | Number of things in my past that I regret. | Alot.... | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
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Monday, December 13, 2004
Whoohoo..first post... :-D
Hey people! I heard Otaku is a good online journel..etc. So yeah..here I am. Dude...I just saw this awesome movie. I mean this movie was hilarious. In a weird way...but man this is a must see movie. The Usual Suspect, see that and Kill Bill and you'll be on my list. So life wise....my life is shit.....I still have that ball and chain on me. I was talking to my sister yesterday and she was telling me some interesting stuff. Not that I didn't know it but my parents are way overprotective. Because of my sisters mistakes my mom is watching me like a hawk. So my sis she did some bad things in her life. She first started out by not giving a shit about school. And she drank n did pot. Then she got pregant. Thats when she realized what kind of mess she's in. So now my mom thinks I'll do that same thing. And because I got a thing for boys....she doesn't trust me. Yeah my lifes hell. But other than that its cool. yeah my life is um...confusing in same way. I'm actually doing better in school too. And I met this guy, cool guy but he doesn't live in California and I dont think Hes interested in me. :-( Sad....yeah I'd tell you all about him but then that takes the fun out of it. ;-) Aight I'm going to check out other people on otaku. Later dudes! OK heres a quiz...enjoy!
The COOLEST Kissing Survey! | Created by xoILuvChrisxo and taken 104 times on bzoink! | What is your name? | Rachel | Age? | 15 | Ok, so how many people have you kissed? | like 2 or 3 | How old were you when you had your first kiss? | 12 | When was the last time you kissed someone? | um I dunno..while ago. | By far who was your best kiss? and why? | This hot guy. In like six grade. He's hot and he breakdances. He was just a good kisser I guess.. | And worst? why? | When I get a bad kiss I'll tell you. | What is the best kissing advice you have? | Dont kiss hard. Just passionate and soft. And if you use your tongue dont tongue fight. | What do you like best when a guy kisses you? | If he holds me close and makes the kiss worth it. | Where do you put your hands when you kiss? | Who knows. I never watch my hands. | Do you keep your eyes closed or open? | Sometimes both. Depends.. | Do you like to kiss to music? | Never done it. I've always kissed at night. | Where is the best place to kiss? | Depends I guess.. | Are movie theaters good places? | No cause then you miss the movie. ;) It just doesn't seem like the best place. | What makes someone a bad kisser? | Probably if they try to hard when they kiss. | Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? | No | Do you prefer soft pecks or intense make out sessions? | Depends on the guy. | Have you ever kissed a stranger? | Nope | Would you ever just hook up with someone just for the fun of it? | Yeah maybe. | What is your favorite makeout song? | Theres this song by Jem called Come on Closer. That song is so seductive. That might be the perfect song. | What is your favorite kissing game? | I dunno. Kissing games are kinda turn offs. | Have you ever kissed someone with bad breath? | Not really. I dont think it would be that bad though. | What is your favorite kissing lip gloss? | Well I put on chapstick and then lipstick and it makes our lips perfect and soft. Except the guy will have it all over his lips.... | Do you think kissing is very private? | I dont you should make out infront of friends but I think just a few kisses is ok. I dont really think its a private thing. | How do you feel about PDA's? | The what? | Have you ever practiced kissing on a mirror or pillow? | No. Why would I? You get practice when yea kiss the guy. | Do you like to kiss in the dark? | Its ok. Thats the only time I've ever kissed. So its not to bad. | Do you like eskimo and butterfly kisses? | Of course. Who doesnt? | If you could replay one kiss in your life, which one would it be? | Well I dont have one yet. | Which is better:kissing or sex? | I guess it depends. | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
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