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myOtaku.com: RageMaker

Saturday, February 5, 2005

Something new?
So I have kinda been into poetry the last couple of days and today i wrote my first two poems. ^_^ I so doubt there good though...Cause I'm pretty sure i have no talent to write poetry but I dont give a shit! So please tell me what ya think.

I feel the warmth of your arms
I feel safe, secure�
When I�m with you I�m not scared�.
No one can touch me
I�m safe with you
I wish this dream was real
My love for you is great
Only for you will my love glow
When I�m with you I have more love than ever.
My heart jumps when you speak
I blush when you�re near
My heart pounds so hard it hurts
When I look at you my heart stops
I get trapped in your eyes�
There so soft and kind
Your expressions make me smile and laugh
I wish I could tell you how I feel but I�m scared�
I feel stupid and embarrassed
I�m afraid you�ll reject me
My heart aches for it fears this will come true
I truly wish you loved me
I don�t think I can ever tell you how I feel�
I wish I could but I can�t
This love for you is special
No one will ever have my heart except you
But I still fear that fate will not grant my wish
I cry in tears knowing you don�t feel that same
You were aching when I realized how much I love you
You wrote your first poem and I almost cried when I read it
I wished that love was mine�.
This love will never happen
But I still love you with all my heart

Its a tad bit long but I was trying to write my feelings. And yes its about a guy...duh...

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