Female Location Neo Domino City (and in DarkForever's sock drawer O.o) Member Since 2006-11-01 Occupation Yaoi Lover, girlfriend, fangirl of 4, 9th grader, duelist (:3 children's card games), RP-er Real Name Aiko Yuki at your service ;P (real name's Caitlin, but call me Aiko =P)
Achievements Making it to 9th grade, being an Individual competitor in the Math Counts Regional tournament, and surviving the WEIRDEST rp I've ever been in! Anime Fan Since Around 1999-2000 or something like that Favorite Anime Yu-Gi-Oh Gx, FullMetal Alchemist, Yu-Gi-Oh, Princess Ai and Wedding Peach, Higurashi, Naruto, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds, Sumomomo Momomo, etc etc ^-^ Goals To be a singer or an archioligist(sp?) in Egypt or Greece :3 Hobbies Singing, writing, DDR, drawing, children's card games, and reading. Talents Meh never thought I was talented at anything really... RagingFlameSprite
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
"Listen to me, Yugi! You know what friends are?! They're someone you like! And because of them you start to like yourself! That's why I hang out with you Yugi! So if it hurts or whatever-let me share it! That's what friends are for! I'm ot giving up yet, so don't you give up either! 'Kay Yugi?"-Jounochi in Yu-Gi-Oh Manga Volume 5 Death-T.
I've read Death-T two times now...and last night I came up with a version with me as a character in it-_-'''
I have a new favorite song now. When Im Gone by Eminem. It's so awesome.
It's very cool vid it has my nii-san and my Yugi-kun=^.^=
Anyone like my new backround? The old one stopped working...oh well this on much better^_^
I had to take my imeem song off my site to fit in all these quotes...oh well...
DarkForever's staying at my house again tonight. This will be fun*evil grin*
Me done now bye peeps!
Ja ne!
I feel really crappy right now...
I went to the beach with my mom and my friend today. Yesturday at Walmart my mom and I bought an inflateable raft for the water. My friend and I had sooo much fun with it.
Before we went we went to 711 and we got Squishies. Simpsons version of slushiesxD We both got Coke ones.
On the way to drop her off and to get back home I was reading Yu-Gi-Oh manga, Death-T, and now I feel sick. My neck's been hurting, and yesturday into this morning as well my stomach's been hurting. I woke up and it hurt real bad but it stopped. I went back to sleep, woke up again, same deal. Yesturday when we got home from the beach it hurt...
I don't know what's happening...I'm getting kinda freaked out now...
I got my new Shonen Jump yesturday so that made me feel a little better...I just sat at my computer till the pain went away...
I must be boring you all by now.
Or as I like to call him, Kura-kun^^ He doesn't like me calling him that in front of other people though^^'
Bakura:There's a reason for that...
My friend who went to the beach with us, who is going into 6th grade this year, is now dating someone who she knows almost nothing about, and is going into 8th grade she thinks. She only knows him from Summer School and she just asked him out today. Tomorrow she said she's going to kiss him-_-' She ain't good with boyfriends me no think. Her first one(the last one she had), said he'd never cheat on her and that they'd be together forever, and she believed it. My other friend(my exbf) and I kept telling her they wouldn't stay together forever, no love lasts that long. She needs to try it with other people. Turns out that bf cheated on her so now she's with this new guy. Me no want my imouto to get hurt...
I'm going to go now. Ja ne! Hope you like my Kura-kun theme!
~Take my hand, and never let go~
"Don't stare at me like that!"
*Queen of Thieves*
July*looks at magic cell phone* 29 Mood:Too early to have one other than tired
I'll post again later once something of intrest really happens^^ I'm just bored, so I'm gonna post. Got a problem with that, too bad.xD
Yesturday me watched Yu-Gi-Oh Episode 158 in Japanese(but subbed^^). I got bored with the beginning, so I skipped to the part where I counted Atem saying the word partner and least five or six times. Can't blame him though...
Wait yes I can!
Anyway, when I woke up at around 5am or something and couldn't sleep, I'll Stand By You came on and I mouthed the words into the giant teddy bear I sleep on^^(there's nothing wrong with there?). The WHOLE song time I was thinking of Atem, I got bored of my Rebecca theme(actually my fave Yu-Gi-Oh girl is Mana. Forgot about her I guess^^'), and well I couldn't find enough Puzzleshipping or Yugi pics^^ So now my theme is Atem! I'll try sticking to this one for a bit^^
Hope you like the theme!
I'm not done with the post yet. What're you doing, scrolling up towards the Ja ne! button. I'm not finished. You no leave til me finished, and I have a comment from you darnit!
I think I'm going crazy. Not Yami Marik crazy, just crazy. Yami Marik should be locked in a assylum with a straight jacket on and the room should be black like the Shadow Realm^^ That would make him stay happy, and maybe keep him in there tooxD
Me was watching Gx when I woke up(after I looked here real quick^^), and saw yesturday's epi cause I forgot to watch it yesturday I had it recorded. Jaden wakes up from passing out when Jesse wakes him up, Syrus is like not there(I'm like:What the hell?! I WANT MY SYRUS!!!!), Jesse leaves and Jaden passes out again, Syrus(who Jesse said was getting help), never gets back, and the end the episode with Jaden still passed out, thinking about Jesse(I see Spiritshipping!*evil smile).*sigh*
Then I watched the Yu-Gi-Oh episode that it's my fifth time watching, the first part of Yugi's duel with Marik. Actually, it's their yami's duel, cause they're both stuck to a non-existing wall. Swear to Ra I watch that epi one more time I gonna go searching every insane assylum in the world for Yami Marik and kick his ass...(pardon my French...)
I've only watched anime today so farxD Yu-Gi-Oh Gx, Yu-Gi-Oh, Naruto, and part of FullMetal Alchemist. I stopped about a minute after this funny quote.
"He told me to tell you that he says 'Don't die under my command you're enough trouble without the paperwork.' And that was it."
"Tell him, I'm not dying before you do you Egotistical Jerk with a god complex."
Think that's all of it...
I would do a theme but nah...not in the mood...
Me stick with my aniki Atem^^
NOW me done! Comment and if you haven't, sign my gb^^
Me draw picture and put it up today^^
First I must master how to draw Syrus' hair...this could be difficult...xD
Ja ne!
~Take my hand, and never let go~
"Don't you look at me like that!"
July 28 Mood:I dunno I haven't decided yet. Is tired a mood?
As you can tell from yesturday's second post, I had one of my friends over last night. She doesn't have an account, but I might be able to get her to make one^^
She doesn't really like anime a lot, but she puts up with Yu-Gi-Oh(and in some way...she reminds me of Rebecca...) when I watch it.
I hope you like the new theme^^
I got the song Supergirl and couldn't put it on a Syrus themed site, so I changed it to Rebecca^^ Best Yu-Gi-Oh girl^^
Katie:That's only because she relates to Rebecca so much. She talks to stuffed animals as well, they're the same age, and they both love Yugi-_-'
Enni:That last one is very understandable.
Me&Rebecca:HE'S MINE!!!!*tackles Enni*
Enni:Ok ok! I'm just saying I think he's kinda cute!
Me:So now you're insulting him!? He's way more than just 'kinda cute'!
Anyway, I'll just change subjects before Enni gets hurt^^'
I have a Tigger pen! It's baby Tigger with Neon Green feathers on the top and on the side it says "Bounce Now" with flowers on one side, springs on the other! AND IT'S ORANGE! The inks black too^^ Orange and black for Tigger!
My new fave color, Little Mermaid Green^^
It's the color of Ariel's tail from Disney's The Little Mermaid^_^ I'd prefer it be darker but's a super cute color^^
I think I'm just about done here!
"Right now robot monkeys are meeting and planning my demise."
"Ryou Bakura, Destroyer of Worlds.*Yami Bakura pic pops up, and he's laughing very manically* And you thought I was kidding?"
"How not to wake up from Suspended Animation: Jounochi Style. *Jounochi opens eyes and sits up, hitting his face on glass cover* Ow...
....! That hurt ......!" Me bleep out swears in case my moms reads it*shifty eyes*
Guess what swears they are and win a prize:
Then knowledge of what swears are in the quotexD
Those were from this AMV filled with funny Yu-Gi-Oh buttons that I'm currently watching inbetween writing things herexD
Mai:We're going to hell boys, and I'm driving.
*Duke and Tristan start getting scared(go figure)*
More buttony goodness!
"You're just jealous because the voices talk to me and not you." Exactly! DarkForever, if you read this, I think that's why you kick and hit me. You're jealous that the peeps in my head are in my head, and they no in your head^U^(attempt at a sticking out tongue smiley).
"Seto? Why are you wearing Bandit Keith's underwear?" Lol that's just wrong...
"Never do ANYTHING you would not like to explain to the paramedics." Picture of Yami Bakura sitting in a hospital bed from Battle CityxD
"Sanity is so over-rated." Hell yeah it is...
Note the picture is fanart of Yami Bakura and Yami Marik. I swear sometimes there are no sane yamis...(and yes I count Atem as a yami and he can be a little insane...he should go on that button too...)
Well, I'm done now...almost...
That site is so freakin awesome. It tells you what happens in the dub Yu-Gi-Oh episodes, and says what really happens in the original. My favorite is when Yugi and Joey, after their duel when Joey had been possesed with the anchor and everything, Joey's beating himself up.(sound familiar?*cough*WTD*cough*) and in the original, Mai slaps him for beign an idiot about the situation. In the dub, there is no slap, but Joey's holding his cheek where he was supposed to be slapped, but that part was edited out.
4kids thinks we are all retarded.
That's all for now! Ja ne!
~Take my hand, and never let go~
As the subject thingy says, I'm 50-50 today. I'm happy because I talked to A LOT of people on my chat box(how did they all get there, I don't know. To or three people I didn't know came, and we talked for a while). Then my friend put up this message saying he wsa leaving to see our reactions. He has to leave for somewhere today for the weekend anywayT.T
Guess I can't help that but I don't want him to go he's my aniki(older brother).
I never really watched Tokyo Mew Mew(or the 4kids dub name Mew Mew Power(wth?)), but I love the song and think it rocks so it all good^^
GO MAI!!!!! I like Mai because she's so strong *cough*almost never cried like someone else in the show I won't mention*cough* *cough*Atem*cough*
I didn't say anything^_-
ANIKI ATEM!!!!! Please stay with us Atem!!!!
How could I resist this love triangle? Kaiba gets Tea, Atem gets Yugi^_^
Or does Yugi get Tea? Kaiba with Atem? Atem with Tea? Wait I've turned this into a love squarexD
Couldn't resist I think it's funny Joey got slapped by Mai man it's irresistablexD
*is on fire* IT BURNS!!!! IT BUUUURRRNNNSSS!!!!!!*twitching as well*
Joey looks horrible in purplexD
No but seriously he looks scary.
*twitching horribly*
I read this fanfic once, whre they were talking about the it in that picture in SPANDEX! NO SPANDEX! SPARE THE WORLD OF EXPLODING!
Date:Don't remeber, don't care Mood:I have a mood?
Certificate of Marriage This is to certify that Syrus Trusdale and QueenOfRoids were married on July 26, 2007 Marry Your Favorite Character
It was Syrus with his last name spelt wrong or Sad Jaden...I picked Syrus^^
Me is Queen of Roids, Queen of Thieves, and the Typo Queen. And if I were to marry Abidos I'd also be Queen of Egypt.^^
That's all I got to say for now! Ja ne!
July 25 Mood:Why am I still bothering with this part?xD
I changed my site twice. Once every day I think. Yesturday I changed it to Atem, now it's Syrus. I watched this AMV dedicated to Syrus, and the person who made it put 8 clips of him being electricuted in a row! I'm like what the hell?! So now I'm more obsessed with him than I already was!
My mom needed me to help her with the line for a poem she's writing, and afterwards(she needed a word that rhymed with first), so I said Syrus rhymed with first.
DarkForever was over again today. My mom is confused why she's come over since all we did was chat on my chat box the whole time she was herexD
I just finished watching an AMV dedicated to Bakura, and it's to Imaginary by Evanescence. At the end...I'll put what it says...
"Tribute to Bakura-kun.
After all that he went
he was given the fate of
Despite his cruelty,
We will miss him.
I love Bakura^^
Not as much Ryou...Yami Bakura and TK Bakura^^
That's all I got to say right now.
Ja ne!
~Take my hand, and never let go~
"Oi! MY pistol!"
July 24 Mood:Ok, forget the freakin' mood thing I'm never gonna say an actual mood
I'm super tired...
DarkForever woke me up super early today...I almost killed her...she woke me up at almost 8am...
I missed Puppetking on his site...or on any site for that matter. Puppetking, if you're out there, come to my chatbox! PLEASE!!!!!!!!
Nothing much else to say at this early in the morning. It's 20 past 9 about.
Ja ne!
July 23 Mood:Sweaty(ok, I'm not even putting moods anymorexD)
I've been really tired today...
I have DarkForever at my house today, and that's a reason I'm so tired.
We just played DDR Workout mode. Some workoutxD It was hard! I'm sweating nowxD
Maybe it's cold in the box Atem's in in my smiley thingy...*tries going in box*
Atem:Don't even think about it.
Me:T.T It's hot though! DDR killed me x_x
Atem:You're not going in.
Atem:Caitlin?*shakes me*
Atem:Ok...maybe it did kill her...
Katie:Yeah we're gonna end this now...
Ja ne! Hopefully my host will wake up soon^^
~Take my hand, and never let go~
"Oi! MY Pistol!"
"Nobody move! I dropped my brain."
Enni:Our host's two favorite quotes.
Me:*suddenly revives* No, actually one of my favorites is anything Syrus, Yugi, Atem, or Bakura say.*dies again*
Katie, Enni, & Atem:-_-'