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Friday, September 26, 2003

   For once
For once my weekend isn't occupied with band, it's occupied with Jewish holidays! Jewish new year starts tomorrow at sundown and I get to bust my lips ny playing the shofar for 4 services. I don't play a wind instrument so it doens't affect me much, but that's different for my friend. He plays a trumpet and he's going to have a hard time after playing the shofar the same ways 4 times in one day. Nad just a note from a previous post, the idiots on my bus have been warned and one more little annoyance from them allows me to report and off the bus. Now is the first time this year that I want them to act up. In any case, it's about time for me to go to bed. I'll post tomorrow.
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Wednesday, September 24, 2003

   Stuff overload
Today's schedual:
1. Go to school and stay after
2. Get on bus to go home and arrive at house
3. Pick up friend to go to shofar lessons
4. Go to eat
5. Go to band for 4 hours
6. Get home at 9:30
7. Do homework
8. Go to bed
Now where's the fun in that?
I know I know... such is life

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Monday, September 22, 2003

I can finally blow a shofar. It's like a trumpet, but a ram's horn, for those of you who don't know what it is. In Jewish celebrations, it's common or obligated to have one blown and I joined hte shofar blowing team for my temple. I have my first shofar concert this coming friday.
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Sunday, September 21, 2003

   Sad and Pathetic
Yet another band competition today and we got first place!... out of 1! So therefore, we also got last. My town's band was the only band in their class (C). We got a trophy anyway so I'm not complaining.
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Saturday, September 20, 2003

   Band (I've been tired lately haven't I?)
I played in band for 6 hours straight! I was grumpy and a bit testy but awakened from my bad mood after I had some good chinese food. Gotta love chinese food...
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Friday, September 19, 2003

I'm so tired. Have you ever tried walking an entire boardwalk while holding a banner? That's what I did today from school until now (school ends at about 2). In any case... I'm tired and need anime and a nap.
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Tuesday, September 16, 2003

I want to kill all the people on my bus! Except for the people that I know. I was violated by all means and I am pissed off like a case 5 hurricane in the water ready to stike. They were sticking the bus seat tape on my back because I was reading a manga (Chobits if anyone really cares). One had writing on it. That which was writen on the tape I do not want to say. I wish I could go to my friend's house and play Halo to take out my anger, but alas I cannot. As I try an be calm I can only think of their faces... the ones I wish to destroy in the most painfully possible way! Oh, and if you haven't noticed, I'm angry.
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Monday, September 15, 2003

I hate my schedual... I have to cross al of the campus in under 5 minutes. I barely make it every day. And to add to it, I becomes worse the next half of the year. *sigh* Such is life. At least my classes seem easy. My math class is the hardest working one. We began the regular curriculum before any of my other classes. I'm really bored...
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Sunday, September 14, 2003

Sometimes life is like watching a blank t.v. screen. That's how I feel right now. I'm going to try to find something to do and if I don't, I'll post again.
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Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance is great. Got it yesterday and it was love at first sight. Sure I died in the first hour while forgeting to save so I had to start over, but hey that's life. Playing again today and I remembered to save. How smart am I?
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