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Virgo Supercluster
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Anime Obsessor
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Accumulating over 100 manga in my household
Anime Fan Since
As long as i can remeber.
Favorite Anime
Excel Saga and FLCL
To watch all anime ever created
Watching anime, playing rpg games, playing chess, playing magic(card game) and reading manga.
I can move one eye higher than the other, my left pointer finger is double jointed
| ragnarokwielder7
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Thursday, August 21, 2003
For my first review, I'll be talking about Rave Master. It all starts out on a secluded island where a boy catches a dog in the water(strange, huh). Anyway, he finds the previous owner of the dog who is an old man and who tells a story about 50 years ago that he was defending the earth from a force called the dark bring. He was using the power of rave to take this threat down. Plue, the dog, is rave's bearer and therefore guides Shiba, the old man, on his quest. Shiba had failed his duties when he didn't finish of the dark bring, Now the power of Rave has gone to Haru, the guy who caught the dog. Shiba gives him some of his possesions that he used on his quest. A sword that has ten different shapes and sizes, with the first rave emblem, and Plue. Haru also battles a follower of the dark bring and the eisenmeteor, the ten powers/commandments sword(a.k.a. the sword with the ten different shapes and sizes) cracks in half. Haru sets of the island to find Musica, the world's greatest blacksmith. That's basiclly what happens in the first manga. I have 4 of them and the series gets very interesting when a girl joins the group who enjoys blasting away walls with her tonfa blasters(guns). If you want me to continue and post a summmary for the other mangas, just give me a post in the guest book.
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Tuesday, August 19, 2003
The extremely event known as vacation has finally ended. The only good that was good about it was that I'd watched hours of anime and read 6 manga in the car. Looking at colleges is the most boring thing I've ever done. I'm glad we came back a day early. I also get to watch FLCL tonight when I couldn't last night. I love cartoon network (yes I know, I contradict myself sometimes.) I will also start to rate the manga that I have since I have lots of time on my hands.
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Sunday, August 17, 2003
Bright Idea
Today I went to bushkill Falls. My family hiked in a mountain for at least an hour or two. then it hailed and rained like no tomorrow and then we went to Dorney Park and I went on a roller coaster right after I ate. I love testing the boundaries of my body. I'm glad I didn't through up. Now for my bright idea, why don't I just come home? I'd have a better time there anyway...
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Saturday, August 16, 2003
Wow... looking at the college today was as boring as watching a goldfish that's dead. Or as my sister says,"watching plastic goldfish swim around in their non-existant water". I guess that means that she didn't like it as well and she's the one who is supposed to be looking for a college to go to in 2 years. In any case, the ride (2 hours) gave me enough time to read 2 1/2 manga. That least I know that I have more time to read on our way home. Tonight I may go to a movie or dorney. They predict thunderstorms but do you think my parents listen to that? Absoluetly not! But we might go to a movie instead, 4 different ones! We all want to see a movie in a different theater. I guess by now you can tell I'm having a swell time during my vacation, and this is only the first day! Oh... did I mention we went to an antique store that bored me out of my mind even more? Well now I did, I want to go home if things don't improve.
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Why can't I sleep?I got 5:30 hours of sleep and I didn't even set an alarm... So tired. At least I have a two hours car ride to get to my vacation spot.
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Friday, August 15, 2003
Alas tis my bedtime and i have to get early tomorrow. Good night and talk to you on thrusday!
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I must have been really bored today. Look at all my posts! Boredness have consumed my mind. I'm also going on vacation tomorrow to Penn state to look at colleges and for some site seeing. It should be kind of fun.
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family outing
I just got back from a family outing... I was supposed to see my cousins but I got stuck with the adults and did nothing except eat, drink, get food from the salad bar, order my food and conduct minimal conversations. I would have rather stayed home and rotted away on my computer.
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happy day
3 quizzes in 1 day, man am I bored...
What Anime Type Are You?
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quiz... again
What can I say? I'm obssesed.
What Outlaw Star Character Are You?
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