rai the seraphim
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Friday, January 19, 2007
The pic. is supposed to be Flaw, but Flaw has blonde hair. So She's a little but different.... Presenting, Chapter one! (Gosh, thats a long title/ subject ^^)
[Going Green]
 | .:rai the seraphim:.
“I can see the end. There is no light. It was all a lie. All of it… Avian lied too… He was the one who started all the lies. I can’t change the past… I can’t change the present… and I can’t change the future…”
Chapter One:
A mission… and a game of BS
You live in a world that sees change. Whenever something disrupts the course of things, the government, known as GRAVE, tells us to clean it up and cover for them. We are known as ANGEL. We take care of GRAVE’s dirty work.
My name is Collette. I’m eighteen years old. My codename is Duce. I’ve grown up working for the regime. When I was born, my mother died in labor, but I was alive. My father took care of me till I was three, but he was terminally ill. He gave me to an orphanage. After that, he died. I had no one left. I was alone in the world.
Then, the government took me in and took care of me. I was under a man named Lucas. He was experienced with blade, gun, and arrow. He taught me all he knew. I know every possible move that you can think of. He’s old now, so I’ve taken his place in ANGEL. I am now the leader of his squad. My squad’s codename is Phoenix. I have three in my squad, making it a low ranked, but were getting up there.
The first to join Phoenix was Brett, eighteen and a great gunman. He’s the close range of Phoenix. With black hair and red streaks, we call him Blaze. Next was Emma-Rose, a makeup obsessed blonde. She’s fourteen. She’s the long range archer. We call her Flaw… I have no idea why. Then there’s Kaden. He’s only ten, and short as mess. I know, young for an agent of the government. My advice to you, don’t underestimate him. He’s an all around guy. He’ll do long range, short range, or anything of the like. We call him Soul.
Tonight we’re on a mission. Our mission is to find and kill a man by the name of Reed Hawthorne.
“Okay, Blaze, hit it.” I said to him. He crept forward, guns in hand. The man, Reed Hawthorne, stood a few feet from the alleyway we stood in. He was striking a deal with another man. Blaze ran out of the alley. Flaw knocked an arrow, from her perch at the top of the building. Soul, left alone, stayed with me in the alleyway.
Blaze headed through the shadows around the two men. Neither noticed him. Blaze was good at stealth missions. He even scared me sometimes. He reached around and grabbed Hawthorne around the neck, placing the barrel of the gun to his chin. The other man stared wide-eyed for a minute, but ran for dear life. “Say goodbye.” Blaze said, in his cold, bloodthirsty voice. Hawthorne screamed. A gunshot through the head and he was dead.
Blaze dragged his carcass back into the alleyway, as Flaw jumped down. “Good work guys.” I said. I ruffled the youngest, Soul’s, hair. “Bag that please, Blaze. That’s gross.” I spoke again, the way a leader would. Flaw nodded. “That is disgusting.” Blaze shrugged. “It’s part of the job, what can I say?”
After bagging the body, we left and headed for ANGEL’s drop off for dead bodies. There they are disinfected and sent for cremation. Then, we headed through the green courtyards of ANGEL and to the dormitories.
There are four rankings of squads: Fallen angel, Cherubim, Seraphim, and Archangel. The Fallens have three members and a leader-that’s us. The Cherubim have four members and a leader. The Seraphim have five members and a leader. And finally, the Archs have six members and a leader.
Each squad has one dormitory. The dormitories are sectioned off into the ranks. Which means that were in the Fallen’s dormitories. Each Fallen dormitory has four beds, two bathrooms, and a kitchen. The same goes for all other ranking dormitory, save for that there is one more bed for each rank you go into.
“What now, Duce?” Soul asked me. “Hmmm… Wanna play cards?” I asked. “Sure.” He said. I went to the kitchen to find Blaze, the oldest of the members, scrounging for food. “Cards?” He nodded. “Be there in a sec.” I nodded back and went into the bathroom to find Flaw, taking her makeup off “Flaw, I don’t get why you need that stuff.” I said skeptically. She shrugged. “You’d look good with some. Just a little, cause you’re naturally cute.” She giggled. I blushed a bit. “I… I don’t know. Soul and Blaze want to play cards, you comin’?” I asked.
And so it was that we began to play BS. We call it Book Shelf because we don’t cuss. “Two Aces.” Blaze said, laying down two cards, adding to the pile. I narrowed my eyes at him. I had one ace. “…… Book Shelf.” I said. He smirked and shook his head. “DANG IT! I suck at this game! I wanna play Texas Hold Em’!” I yelled. “But, Duce, you promised me.” Soul said giving me the puppy dog eyes. “NO!!! I wanna play Texas Hold Em’!!” I said making my own pouty face. Flaw and Blaze snickered at me. “What??” I said, confused. “We’re playing Book Shelf and that’s that.” Said Flaw. “No.” I said back. Blaze got in my face. “We are playing BS, and we’re not quitting.” He said. I narrowed my eyes again. “Fine, have it your way.” I said, crossing my eyes and my legs in a criss cross fashion.
“One two.” I lied, laying a card down. “Book Shelf.” Blaze said automatically. “GAH! I told you I suck.” I said. Soul, who sat next to me, already out of cards, smiled at me. “Or maybe he’s just better than you.” I swear, my eye twitched. Flaw and Soul were already out of the game, having used up all their cards. Blaze and I were left. He thrust the overgrown pile at me. “Darn you.” I said, annoyed.
He smiled at me. “You suck.” I said back. This only made his smile turn into a grin. “Just go…” I said. I had like all the cards. I might win, because I could tell when he was lying.
“One three.” He said laying a card down. I had three three’s; he wasn’t lying. “Four fours.” I laid down my fours. “Two fi-“ Suddenly we felt the ring of our wristbands.
The government gave out wristbands to those in ANGEL. They are to notify us of a meeting or something of the like. “Gotta go guys. Come on.” I stood and hoisted Soul up onto my shoulders. And so we left and headed to the meeting hall.
Layout -- Me. :3 Message me if you want help.
Layout theme -- Going Green [Image is copyright of whoever made it, not me.]
Music -- Lovely Complex's "Dry Tears"
Comments (2) |
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
[Going Green]
 | .:rai the seraphim:.
Hello, again. I always say that.
Listening to: Cartel's "City Never Sleeps"
NO SCHOOL FOR ME!! >:D YES!! Well, it's actually kinda sad. My sister had to go get an MRI today. She's been having headaches for the past month, every day. But they said it was left over from a sinus infection, so she's ok. ^ ^ Which makes me happy. They're gonna get her medicated, and she'll be ok. They were worried that she might have a brain tumor, but she didn't!! ^ ^ I'm so happy!! YAY!! My sisters gonna be OK. n.n Well, onto business. Le-kun, I'm still working on finding a pic of Axel, cause I don't really know what he looks like, except from that chibi pic that I found. Which is chibi so it doesn't roll with me. -.- So, I shall draw your request ASAP!! Anyone else got a request? I might can draw anything for you. And I will try to get my parents to help me with the scanner. ^ ^ lets see... any news...? I don't think so... I'm close to putting up the first chapter in meh story. Maybe this weekend... ^ ^ Well, I think it's turning out good. At least, my friend Haley said so. >.> Well, I hope you all like it. I shall try to post up the first chapter as soon as I can. I got nothin' else to say, so... Laterz!
What are your four favorite bands?
Cartel, The All-American Rejects, Falling Up, and Evanescence
Layout -- Me. :3 Message me if you want help.
Layout theme -- Going Green [Image is copyright of whoever made it, not me.]
Music -- Lovely Complex's "Dry Tears"
Comments (0) |
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Martin Luther King day
[Going Green]
 | .:Rai the Seraphim:.
Hello. ^ ^ How are you? I went to a friends house yesterday and today. It was great fun. ^ ^ We played on her Xbox 360 and that was fun too. -.- I was listening to the music from the Sonic Next Gen game. They had some good music though. I want it. T^T Oh well. We role played forever. It was awesome. XD We did it throughout the whole night while listening to Next Gen music. Which makes me sleepy now, but we had fun. I went to churhc at some place... I think it was called North Haven... I don't remember... but there were all these old people. >.> Old people scare me sometimes. Like they'll sit there on their porches, knitting and staring at you with a lazy eye... O.o I scare myself just thinking about it... *Shivers* I want one of those pet people. Like when you say something and the person comments on it, but it's really you. Got any good names? Cause I'm gonna make one for myself. XD Something that declares his awesome might. His evil Monotony. His dictatorship--fulness.XD CHARLES!! Yesh. Charles. *evil scheme music plays in background* Bahahahahahaha!!! >:D CHARLES!!! I love it. But if you may, please. I am open to suggestions!! ^-^ Well, I have to go... sleepy...... CHARLES! *falls asleep*
Charles: Wow... that was fast. *eats a cookie off the table* Yuummmm!!! XD
Layout -- Me. :3 Message me if you want help.
Layout theme -- Going Green [Image is copyright of whoever made it, not me.]
Music -- Lovely Complex's "Dry Tears"
Comments (0) |
Sunday, January 7, 2007
[Going Green]
 | .:Rai the Seraphim:.Hey Again. It's Sunday the 7th.
Mood: Bored to death
Listening to: Hello by Hawk Nelson
Time: 5:54
I love this song. The album name is hilarious. Smile It's the End of the World. XD lol Well It's awesome, so go buy it. ^ ^ All the way from here to Mexico! (XD thats part of the lyrics if you didn't know) I have a good pun for you. "Puns are bad. They are used as PUNishment." *Badum chh* XD Sorry, a friend told me that one. I still haven't gotten as far as I want, gomen ne. ^ ^ In the story ya know. Well I had a good day. I went to church and I found out that my youth leader is 10 weeks (ugh I totally messed that up. I said "months" but meant "weeks" -.-;;) pregnant. She told the whole group today. They wanted to tell for a long time, but they had to wait to see if the baby was going to be ok. Which it is. ^ ^ We were trying to come up with funny names for the baby. Their last name is Derby and someone said that they should name her, if it is a her, they don't know, Kentucky. XD You know, like Kentucky Derby!! LOL Well We had fun. Then we went shopping for stuff for our school spirit week. I got this awesome hippie outfit for 70's day. And I got a cowboy hat for western day XD We had an overall good day. How about you?
How about you? Do you know anyone thats pregnant?
My A: You already know. -.-;;
Layout -- Me. :3 Message me if you want help.
Layout theme -- Going Green [Image is copyright of whoever made it, not me.]
Music -- Lovely Complex's "Dry Tears"
Comments (2) |
[Going Green]
 | .:Rai the Seraphim:.
Hey Again. It's Sunday the 7th.
Mood: Bored to death
Listening to: Hello by Hawk Nelson
Time: 5:54
I love this song. The album name is hilarious. Smile It's the End of the World. XD lol Well It's awesome, so go buy it. ^ ^ All the way from here to Mexico! (XD thats part of the lyrics if you didn't know) I have a good pun for you. "Puns are bad. They are used as PUNishment." *Badum chh* XD Sorry, a friend told me that one. I still haven't gotten as far as I want, gomen ne. ^ ^ In the story ya know. Well I had a good day. I went to church and I found out that my youth leader is 10 months pregnant. She told the whole group today. They wanted to tell for a long time, but they had to wait to see if the baby was going to be ok. Which it is. ^ ^ We were trying to come up with funny names for the baby. Their last name is Derby and someone said that they should name her, if it is a her, they don't know, Kentucky. XD You know, like Kentucky Derby!! LOL Well We had fun. Then we went shopping for stuff for our school spirit week. I got this awesome hippie outfit for 70's day. And I got a cowboy hat for western day XD We had an overall good day. How about you?
How about you? Do you know anyone thats pregnant?
My A: You already know. -.-;;
Layout -- Me. :3 Message me if you want help.
Layout theme -- Going Green [Image is copyright of whoever made it, not me.]
Music -- Lovely Complex's "Dry Tears"
Comments (0) |
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Hey peoples!! ^ ^
[Going Green]
 | .:rai the seraphim:.
Listening to: Tourniquet by Evanescence.
Hey, Y'all!! Whats up?! I felt like posting. I haven't gotten as far as I want in meh story yet to post it up, so It will be up ASAP!! ^^ I lve you guys!! I've been trying to visit all sites... But I've had a messy first few days back at school, so I might not be able to. I shall try. ^^ I'm kinda sleepy. -.- I might go draw something. I'm reallt random today... I hope I can get away from this.... randomness... *shrugs* Idk... Oh well. I made a Gaia account, which makes me happy. Well, actually, It's my friend's but she made two and didn't need this one, which is why the name is what it is. Gaia wouldn't let me make an accout for some reason, so we emailed them, but I haven't gotten a reply yet... I'm hoping that I can make my own... I might try to post up that picture I drew, if my parents would wake up. We're all tired from the days back, so they're still asleep. My mom teaches and my dad works for some psychiatric place and we had like three days back, but we're still tired. I'm sorta tired... but not really... I guess I'll go now...
Layout -- Me. :3 Message me if you want help.
Layout theme -- Going Green [Image is copyright of whoever made it, not me.]
Music -- Lovely Complex's "Dry Tears"
Comments (3) |
Monday, January 1, 2007
New Years is such a big deal, but I think it's just another day.
[Going Green]
 | .:Rai the Seraphim:.
Hey You guys! Happy new year.*in a dull voice* I don't really care about New Years. I think they make a big deal over nothing. It's just another day. :3 Oh, well. I hope you all had a good night! I didn't. It was ok, but I had a headache. eh, I drawed throught the new year. It was ok. I liked how the drawing turned out. I might post it up if I can get my scanner to work. ^ ^;; Ugh. It sucks. Well, again I hope you had a good day!!
What is your new years resolution?
My Answer:
to read my Bible more. ^ ^(I've kinda been slackin' off.)
Layout -- Me. :3 Message me if you want help.
Layout theme -- Going Green [Image is copyright of whoever made it, not me.]
Music -- Lovely Complex's "Dry Tears"
Comments (3) |
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Two days till Christmas!!
[Going Green]
 | .:rai the seraphim:.
Hey guys! I want to say, Happy two days till Christmas day! XD lol I'm feeling a bit better now. I'm not in my state of depression anymore. ^^ YAY!! Heh. Anyway... I'm writing a new story, and I'm taking my time with this one. I have the line down, and I'm making sure I do this right. So I'll write a few chapters before putting it up, mkay? Sorry that this isn't that long of a post...
What are the top three things you want for Christmas?
My Answer:
1. Drawing materials
2. The Dragon Keeper Chronicles(book series)
3. Xenosaga for Ps2(and a PS2 cause I don't have one...)
Layout -- Me. :3 Message me if you want help.
Layout theme -- Going Green [Image is copyright of whoever made it, not me.]
Music -- Lovely Complex's "Dry Tears"
Comments (1) |
Sunday, December 17, 2006
[Going Green]
 | .:rai the seraphim:.
Hey guys. What's up? I'm posting again... because I felt like it I suppose... I don't know what to do... I feel like I should delete this thing... I don't know...
Layout -- Me. :3 Message me if you want help.
Layout theme -- Going Green [Image is copyright of whoever made it, not me.]
Music -- Lovely Complex's "Dry Tears"
Comments (2) |
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Hello again.
[Going Green]
 | .:rai the seraphim:.
Hello again. Another update on my life... I went to walmart with my parents and brother who just came home for his Christmas break from college. We had fun. I got a bunch of presents for my friends and stuffs like that. We got my other brother Taledega Knights(sp?) for Christmas.Shh! Don't tell! ^^ no just kidding, you guys don't know him an he doesn't have a Otaku account. I'm the only one in my family that really likes anime... kind of sad isn't it? I feel so lonely! *sulks in a corner, but comes back a lil' bit later* So how are you all this weekend? We have two more half days and then We're out for 2 WEEKS!!! XD yay! I love Christmas time! ^^ Wish I had more people who visited. I might delete this account and then leave for good, because the only ones who visit are Le-kun, Vestque and sometimes number1edfan... I feel so lonely today. My friend was supposed to come over today, but she couldn't because she had to go to the mall and her Grandma's house. *hangs head in sadness* Well, on the bright side, I get to go to church tomorrow. I love church. My pastor is awesome. Not that yours isn't too, I just really like mine. He has the cutest kids! ^^ I'm hungry. It's 12:00. T.T Well, I need food. But, I'm too lazy to get up. Plus I'm listening to my favorite song. and I don't have a pocket to put my MP3 player in, so I'd have to carry it, and I'm too lazy to do that....*sigh* What to say? What to say... I won a Spiderman Doll on Wednesday at my church and I won a little mermaid pen yesterday. It's awesome. The ariel on top spins in circles if you roll the little ball inside the pen. It's awesome. ^^ We did a play on Tuesday that was really boring but it was fun because we all made fun of the script. One kid had to say "That was NOT a sheep." and we all laughed so hard afterward that one kid actually cried. I don't even see whats so funny about that but it was funny that night. Well, I'm gonna go now. If I think of anything else to say, I'll say it later...
When is your birthday?
February 8
Layout -- Me. :3 Message me if you want help.
Layout theme -- Going Green [Image is copyright of whoever made it, not me.]
Music -- Lovely Complex's "Dry Tears"
Comments (1) |
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