| .:rai the seraphim:.
Hey Y'all! Hows it goin'? Sorry I didn't get the story up today. I'll try to sometime this week or next weekend. ^-^ I would love to hear any type of comment. Criticism is welcomed. I want to grow in my writing, hits and all. Bashing is allowed. ^-^ But also, on a different note, praise is welcomed as well. I just want feedback. I don't like feeling alone, y'all, so please, so us all a favor and comment. ^U^ I luffs you all! *glompage* XD I'm trying to find a good pic for Duce. She was modeled after yours truly. ^-^ I have to be her, so why not make her like me? Soul is my buddie! I lurves him! He's modeled after Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog! And Blaze... is kinda like Fang from Maximum Ride, the novel. ^-^ And Flaw is just Flaw... She's sorta modeled after this girl at my school, Mandy. She's a blonde haired blue eyed makeup obsessed wierdo, but she's hilarious. XD If you want a character put in, or a scene, or anything that has to do with "Grave Angel" (c) Rai the Seraphim, sent it to me in a PM titled "GA" or "Grave Angel". ^-^ Jolly good time! I love acting British! XD I dunno why though. Spot of tea, dear? XD Lol. Anyways... Did you guys watch Naruto? who knew that Sarutobi could fight like that? It was awesome! XD He was actually pretty cool for an old guy. Gotta go nowz!!
[[Hebrews 11:1[\]]
What's your favorite core school subject?
Science. ^-^