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Monday, November 5, 2007
Few things I wanna share
Hi there ^_^ I just wanted to hear your opinion about few things that have been bothering me.
Today I came to school and I heard the newest thing that is still a secret for some people. Girl from my class got engaged!! Her boyfriend asked her to marry him on Saturday at her birthday and he gave her ring! They met each other two months ago and they started dating... one week after they started dating they slept together... you know what I mean, right? Last month she tough that she was pregnant but she wasn't, thank God... they are planning to get married, maybe after she finishes school... she is 17, just like me... he is 20... what do you think? I think that's to early for that big decision but they don't think so...
Nothing much important in my life excpet the fact that I'm pretty busy these days... I have to learn for tests, I'm finishing the fifth book about Phobielas, planning on writting a book about vampires for ShiroiAngel16 ^_^
I want to make a scenario for those series that are like mexican and have 180 episodes... you know what I mean, right? My will be about about Croatia, criminal, politics, police, drugs and so... I have an idea but I still need to work on it... the biggest problem are names!! I would really appreciate if someone from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia wanna help me 'cause I really need help. If someone wanna help me let me know, please and I'll let you work with me. I'll tell you the story so you can help me... The hardest are names for criminals and big boss...
Hope to hear from you and I love ya all *hugs*
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Monday, October 22, 2007
What do you believe in??
It's been one week after that horible Tuesday but I'm still sad, scared, confused... the most of all I'm scared. We haven't heard anything from our relatives about my cousin, I supposed they've already buried her. I'm really hoping they will be enought strong to move on. I'm still to sad about Tose 'cause his songs are everywhere and my heart is not healing...
When I was younger I used to be nice to my family, frinds and all people around me but I let others to ruin me. These years I been arguing too much, been lazy and rude to everyone around. Don't think that I'm terrible person 'cause I'm not but I've let myself to say to much hard words last few years. Lots of times I made my sister cry and I felt really bad because of that. Now I do wanna change and I'll do everything in my power to do that.
Tose showed me how one person should be 'cause he was really nice, polite to others and he didn't care about being famous. He just wanted to make others happy. He was taking care about poor kids and he was teaching them to sing for free. I'll do my best to be better person and he'll always be my idol.
Do you believe in God? Lately, I'm scared of death 'cause I really don't know what happens after death... I try to believe that there is some better place (heaven) where God is waiting for us... but what if there is no other life?? Do you believe in ghosts?? I mean, if you believe in God then there are no ghosts 'cause souls are going to meet God... but there could be God's angels taking care of us... like Gabriel... please, talk to me 'cause I'm so scared...
Take a look at my last pic if you wanna...
![]( Pray For Those You Love Hosted By
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Tuesday, October 16, 2007
In memoriam
I'm sorry everyone but this post is gonna be on croatian 'cause I'm way to shocked to translate it to English... please, forgive me, please...
Dan je poceo uobicajeno, ili sam ja tako barem mislila, otisla sam u skolu, zijevala od umora i bojala se da cu biti pitana ili tako nesto... pod informatikom smo dobili nova racunala, ali nismo radili na njima jer nam je profesorica govorila o tome da cijenimo zivot i da se ne zamaravamo sitnim glupostima poput pristica, debljine... zdravlje je najvaznija stvar koju nam je Bog dao i trebamo biti zahvalni!!
Nakon velikog odmora, uslijedio je prvi sok. Cure koje su bile u obliznjem kaficu, stigle su prije zvona i rekle nam kako je Tose Proeski poginuo u prometnoj nesreci. Nitko nije mogao vjerovati, pa tako ni ja, ali nam je profesorica njemackog to potvrdila... nisam se mogla smiriti i kroz moj um su letjele slike s njegovih nastupa, tekstovi njegovih pjesama... da, moj najbolji pjevac je poginuo na autocesti... spavao je tijekom nesrece, pa ga je Bog barem oslobodio boli... svima nam je bilo zao, pa tako i mojoj mami koja je rekla da je bio bas drag decko, bio je skroman i imao je samo 26 godina!!
Kad sam stigla kuci sva sokirana, uslijedio je novi sok, a taj je da mi je umrla sestricna iz Kanade! Bila je na svadbi svog brata i nesto joj nije bilo dobro i onesvijestila se... odvezli su ju u bolnicu, a doktori su ju odmah odveli na operaciju i otkrili kako su joj crijeva popucala... nitko ne zna zasto, a imala je samo 23 godine... zavrsila je fakultet i trebala se uskoro udati...
Jos i sad mi teku suze dok ponovno citam ovaj post kako bi provjerila gramaticke pogreske... oprostite mi ako je koja ipak ostala... previse sam sokirana... Tose je nedavno izdao svoj novi album i bas sam pricala s tetkom kako ga jos nisam nabavila, ali imam namjeru... sada je moja zelja da ga nabavim puno jaca... glazba koju sam stavila su njegove pjesme, poslusajte ih molim vas jer Tose je moj najbolji pjevac...
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Thursday, October 11, 2007
Dramas around me
I was always wondering how people decide to end their life and I still haven't found answer to that question... maybe, I never will... Around me is happeng a real drama.
Like you all know (at least those who reads my posts) my friend broke up with her boyfriend but they got together again and this Monday they broke up for real ^_^ she finally found out what kind of idiot he is. He started a reliationship with her but he was still in love with his ex-girlfriend... real idiot...
Second thing is how to stop someone from cutting himself and trying to commit a suicide?? One girl is saying that she'll kill herself and I really don't know can I do anything, I mean, if she decided that really strong, what can I say to change her mind??
I na kraju malo hrvatskog. Samo sam vas sve htjela obavijestiti kako sam izbrisala account pod imenom Alexis S. jer je to bilo prestrašno... naravno, zahvaljujem prijateljima koji su mi komentirali, a mogu reci kako su to ShiroiAngel16, GIDRA i teramaster, za ostale nemam rijeci... Ako biste vas troje željeli znati što se dalje događa s Umbrom, mogu vam slati poglavlja na ovu stranicu, izjasnite se...
Usput, što gledate na TV-u od serija (strane, hrvatske, bosanske...) i koje programe??
You have no idea how tired I am... this week was so exhausting...
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Monday, October 1, 2007
I'm alive ^_^
I haven't been here for awile, sorry people ^_^
*hugs you all*
My friend broke up with her boyfriend and she is really sad. I'm trying to help her but I don't know how. If you have any idea, please tell me. He works in place 6 hours away from our town and they see each other every two weeks. I told her to be careful and that might not work...
I posted a new pic so check it out, please. It's contest entry for my friend here on Otaku ^_^
I also posted a cover for my manga I'm working on, so please, check out that too 'cause I worked very hard on it. 12 hours of work. My manga is called "Battle for Dragonearth" and it's based upon sfi-miniseries "Earthsea".
Visit me on deviantart:
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Monday, September 17, 2007
Vinkovci's autumn
^_^ I'm back... I haven't posted in while because there wasn't anything intresting in my life...
I was out with my friend at Friday one week ago. It was her birthday so we went out. We went for hot chocolate and talked fr hour and half. After that we went to her favourite caffe and I met her few friends.
We started to talk about Ivan (the guy I was talking you about) and one guy told me that he's not for me and that I deserve better. He also told me that I look good. My friend told me that she met Ivan two weeks after he wanted to see me and she told him that we'll come tommorow so I can meet him. Ivan tol her that he's not free anymore. My friend didn't tell me that... I don't know why... maybe she didn't want to hurt me ^^;
the truth is that I didn't like to much... I just wanted to have a boyfriend 'cause... I don't know why ^^; the conclusion is that I deserve better and that I can get better ^_^
Yesterday was this event which gathers people who love old trdicional clothing from all over the country and there were one group from Frankfurt and one from Italy ^_^ mine relatives visited us and stayed the whole day. the house was full of people, around twenty people. There were two babies too.
Mine cousin who has five months has cut on his upper lip (hope you know what I mean, I'm lazy to look in dictionary)and he has to go to operation. He went to capital for operation and he was ready and everything was prepared but doctor said that he has to WAIT!! My auncle was mad and he wanted to kill the doctor 'cause doctor wanted money (he didn't say that but it was obvious)... corruption adn bribe... our country is full of that -_-'
I got the best ruller ever from my aunt... flexible ruller ^_^ In park was Lunapark (we call it like that)... it's full of roundabouts all sizes and shapes, mini-cars and such things on flow... music is so loud there and there are so many different songs... OMG, it's so wonderful there!!
I went to Twister (something like roundabout) with my sister and on boat... it's shaped like boat and it goes forward-backward in the air!! It was so much fun. Yesterday I was on boat too and there was man who works there and picks tickets... he took our tickets and I had some problems... there is some metal tube that you have to put over that you can't fall out... I wanted to put it on place and he did a gest with his hand like never-mind! I was mad and I almost said curse word to him but he turned around and fixed it ^^; I was so embarrrassed and I had to laugh ^^; when ride was over he came to me and with laughter let me and my sister out...
When everyone left home and when we cleaned the house, my sister and I went to park again. She bought some bracelets and I bought some earings and after that we went to Twister. My sister wanted to go to boat again but I was too embarrassed to go to him again... He saw us when we were talking and when I pulled her away. I bought myself necklace with heart and watch inside it ^_^ then we went to boat for end... that man went somewhere but he came back when we sat inside ^_^ they had some troubles with boat so ride lasted five minutes ^_^ he was again there and I was again laughing ^_^
Can't wait for next autumn!!
Sorry for the long post ^^; I just had to tell you everything ^_^ my friend told me that man maybe liked me, what do you think?? Hope to hear from you ^_^
visit me on deviantart:
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Friday, September 7, 2007
Thank God it's Friday
I have no particular reason for post, I'm just bored and I wanna hear from you.
I would ask you to pray for Katami's brother who is really sick. He is getting medicine's but he's not getting better. He needs hope...
First work week is after me, finally. I don't like to go to school 'cause I have to get up early and I don't have free time to draw... I have time to write 'cause I usually write at school when I'm bored ^_^ I have to draw so many pics but I don't have time -_-'
My favourite anime at the moment is Blood+. It has great story and characters. It's so... deep... I heard about it from my friend AngelLeila, thank you ^_^ I recommand you to take a look at that anime 'cause is so great ^_^ It has great song too ^_^ I'm crazy about anime openings...
I'm just reminding my friends on last post... take a look...
This is mine latest pic. I would like you to take a look at it and vote/comment if you like it. Hope to hear from you ^_^
![]( Angel Of Light Hosted By
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Friday, August 31, 2007
Dosao je i taj dan ^_^
Sto se dogodilo s prijasnjim postom? Ne leze vam dugacki postovi? ^_^ ma, nema veze, nisam zato odlucila napisati ovaj post. Ovaj post sam odlucila napisati jer sam konacno napravila svoju novu stranicu ^_^ da, znam sto mislite, nesto u stilu, pa bilo je i vrijeme... znam, znam...
Vec sam poslala svoj prvi post, zapravo pricu za vas ^_^ Vjerujem kako cu svaki tjedan preko vikenda, mislim nedjeljama, slati novi post. Jel' moze svaku nedjelju? Otvorena sam za prijedloge, je li svaki tjedan malo previse, predlozite mi vi nesto, molim vas!
Kad uhvatite vremena navratite na moju novu (hrvatsku) adresu i citajte, ali i komentirajte, molim vas ^_^ ako ne budete mogli citati (imala sam problema s bojom slova), samo oznacite misom i onda citajte ^_^
Stavila sam i glazbu, zapravo jednu pjesmu koja mi trenutacno najbolje lezi, pa poslusajte, a ako vam se ne svidi, ne morate ju svaki put slusati ^_^Rihanna - Pon de replay...
Joj, silly me, zaboravila sam vam dati adresu...
Alexis S.
Vidimo se tamo!
... nadam se...
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Saturday, August 25, 2007
I'm back !!!!
I went to Zagreb at 17:25 by train. I almost got late and train almost left without me. I got on station 5 min before train left and we still needed to buy a ticket. I almost got heart attack... I jumped in train and found a place with one 50-years women and one 20-years man. I was travelling for 3 hours. I was reading book about vampires (don't laugh, I love vampires), listening to my mp3 and sending SMS to my sister. I saw lots of horses, cows and goats. My aunt picked me up in Zagreb and we went to her aparment. We were watching TV till 12:30.
I woke up at 10 or something. I was watching TV and some channels on german and CNN. I saw some really cute show about animal babies, one woman had two little tigers. I played game called Luxor on my cousin's computer. At 16:30 I went to main square with my aunt. We went to cafe for a drink (ice tea, I don't drink alcohol) and we were talking about everything. Before that we visited few shops with jewelery, shoes and clothes. It was so fun. We were tired when we got home and then we were watching TV.
I got up at 9 o'clock, something like that. I saw all series showed on one program. They are series for laughter (Full house, Married with children, Home improvent, Fresh prince) and after that I was watching that other programs. At 15 o'clock we left apartment and I and my aunt went to visit her friend from work. They have been working together 10 years ago and they still met each other. We went to another cafe in another part of the town. We were there wery long and then we came home tired, again.
I again got up early and I saw series like the other day. After that I turned to Viva (channel with music spots) and I grabbed my book about vampires. I red one chapter. I was playing Luxor again, watched TV. Then my mom called me (she was calling me every day to see how I am) and after that my aunt and I went to main square for ice-cream. The place was crowded so we just took ice-creams and went to Stari grad. We sat there on wall. My aunt was telling me about her past when she first time came to Zagreb. She went from home to study and she was poor and she didn't had anyone there... We went to another place on Stari grad. I saw Cathedral which is so gothic and it reminded me on vampires and how Zagreb is good for a story about them. My aunt told me a story about one girl who jumped from 22. story and died. That girl had the best grades at school and no one knows why she killed herself. Another good thing for my story... When we got back to apartment we saw one croatian series which is so funny and after that we saw some horror (don't know the name).
I got up at 9 o'clock. I took my book and I red another chapter. I watceh TV and packed my things in my bag. I wrote one really good part for book about vampires (maybe, I'll write another one after I finish "Phobielas" and "FBI investigation") and the thing that goes on back cover of books and it's so good. I putted it in book so I don't forget it. I fell in love with one toy (zebra). That toy is so good and you can make it to look like it's crying or hugging you. Mine favourite toy is big leopard which was so expensive and I was suprised when I managed to get it from my parents few years ago. Also I love my dalmatian dog toy which is on my wardrobe. My aunt has bought me magazine on station and we went to train. I got a place with two men. After that one couple came too. It was so hot and I was so thirsty. I was reading magazine at train and listening my mp3. When my battery went out I came to my town! My mom and dad came to pick me up.
Now I'm at home writing to you and listening to music ^_^ I managed to get into Neko.lover's contest and I'm so happy. I don't have to win but second or third place would be good, just kidding ^_^ I would be happy if you see my entry (it's my lattest pic) and say me what you think. Hope you red all this 'cause I'm writing this whole hour and I really hope to hear from you. I love your comments ^_^
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Sunday, August 19, 2007
I need your attention second time !!!
Hej guys, I'm back! I'm not sure how long I'm going to stay at home. Maybe I'll go to Zagreb (capital) with my sister in two days. Hope my dad will let me go!! I had small misunderstand with him and he's a little bit angry. Pray for me, please! At the start I would like to say that I haven't met that guy... good Lord, why?? My granny come home with us and she'll stay for few days.
This weekend was good. I got some reast from all problems. Just want to mention that I have switched my identity card with my friend... don't ask me how... I have alergion on house dust so I had problems with my nose... I again saw some of my relatives. One woman is taking care of her 7 grandchildrens! I admire her 'cause I could never do that -_-' That kids are so cute and they are so young, one of them has problem with eating and she's so skinny but she's so cute in face, like a doll... there is one idiot in villeage where my granny lives. He is always drunk and he always molests people in the villeage. He walks throught the villeage and screams:
"I'm so proud at myself! I'm so proud! I'm the chosen man, everyone would choose me!"
He molests his family too, and they are always suffering because of him but his family is so nice... I feel sorry for them... I've came home before two hours and I wanted to hear you right away.
I might go to Zagreb, like I told you so if I go there I won't be at Otaku for a week. But I would like you to comment on this post and if you send me a PM I'll answer when I come back. Hope that I'll go to the capital! I saw one really cute cat and a little horse, can't remember the word for a young horse... -_-' Just right I was distracted beacuse there were fireworks outside and I needed to see that ^-^ and my friend called me because she wanted to visit me tommorow and I saw another friend outside so I went out to say hy to her. She wasn't at home for a week too. Well, thats all. Hope to hear from you all! ^-^
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