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Student, Sakura's Onee-san, Kotu's cousin, Kairika's Falling Star!
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Not tellin'. But you can call me Ryuusei or Ryu, okay?
Um... I dunno.
Anime Fan Since
Can't remember. ^^;
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Fullmetal Alchemist, Azumanga Daioh, Yu Yu Hakusho, Card Captor Sakura, Naruto, Yu-Gi-Oh, Tsubasa, Full Metal Panic, Negima, Chance Pop Session, Pita-ten, and more...
To create my own manga!
Too many.
o_o What are they...?
Monday, August 9, 2004
Secret Window

Okay, so, I'm watching Secret Window right now. I heard the end has a twist and it's really shocking, so I'll watch it. Good so far. Johnny Depp got some good acting. If only he didn't let his hair grow... 0_o'
I'm still on the labtop, but it's no big deal now. I'm getting used to it. ^_^ But the computer is better. I still can't get around to sites, though.
If only my friggin' browser will change...
Thanks for yesterday. It's okay now. ^_^ I'll get the computer later on today, so no big deal.
"You... stole my story!"
0_0'' That guy is so scary.
Here's a part from my fanfiction, the first chapter.
"You need to, Nii-san," Alphonse coaxed to his elder brother. The alchemist grunted. "No way, no how. I'm not drinking anything of that horrible white juice." Alphonse frowned, while his eye twitched. "Nii-san. You're bringing me to the highest level. Please, Nii-san? I really don't want to go extreme on you."
Even though Edward was not the type to mess around with the angry side of Alphonse, it just wasn't the time for the milk lecture. He had a rough morning, after all. "Al." He was firm about the decision, even though scared of Al. Sensei would say he was a brave idiot for what he was going through. Especially when Alphonse warned him about you-know-what.
Edward could've sworn he saw fire in Alphonse's eyes. Crap, he thought. Crap, crap, crap. You decided to be an idiot, Ed. You wanna be that proud elder and look what happened. Now's he gonna-- Edward felt his back hit the kitchen floow hard. Alphonse jumped on him, taking the breath out of Edward who was now squirming while shoving and kicking things over. "GET OFF!!" He yelled to his brother without thinking. "GET OFF, I SAY!!"
Finally, with Ed's limbs in contact, tried to push his little brother of him. The kitchen was a mess, he could worry about that later.
Alphonse found the chance to open the bottle, and aimed for Edward's mouth. "Open up, Nii-san! This is for your own good!" Edward shifted his body, but Alphonse held on, like he was in the rodeo(might I add it looked like that too.). Alphonse, at the slim chance he had, forced the bottle that was shoved in Edward's mouth, while Edward was moving around, like he was a fish with no air.
Two hours passed of this event. Edward was stretched on the floor, while Alphonse was breathing for air, sweaty fingers clutched onto the table. "You're horrible, Nii-san," Alphonse gave a coughed scold. "Going through all that just to not drink milk. You're horrible." "You too. Going through all that crap to force it down my freaking throat! What's up with that?" "At least you drunk it. That's all that matters to me right now." Alphonse coughed and slowly strode to the door and left.
Edward coughed. "That ain't gonna happen again," Edward growled. "Nope. Never."
Wow.... that's a big piece. But this was mainly my favorite part. o^_^ It's almost finished too!! At least, I think... I hope you liked it!! This chapter was mainly about humor, while the second chapter talks about the plot. Ehhhhhhh.... I can't write. I'm a bad author. It was fun, though.
By the way, if they're errors, I didn't spell check it just yet.
Ja ne!
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