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Sunday, February 24, 2008
KYA~~~!!! XD
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KYA~~~!!! XD
What do you guys think!? XD Do you like my new layout!? XD Hiko and I worked very hard on it. X3 It's a little busy for my taste, but I like it. ^^ It's of course the anime "Shugo Chara!" that I'm totally loving right now. XD I learned about making layouts in preparation for my Master's lessons. And Hiko now has experience in teaching! XD
Darke said to go to my gb and scroll up and down real fast. XD
This layout's not the only thing that we've been doing though. This past week or so we've been doing a graphics exchange. XD I chose an image, Hiko chose another image, and we both made wallpapers out of them! XD I chose Hikaru from "Magic Knight Rayearth" and Hiko chose Syaoran and Fay from "Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles". ^^ My wallpapers can be found here. And Hiko's are here. Take a look if you have the time please. X3
Hiko's just a great friend. X3
Stepping away from the good side of the post... T.T I'm at uni now. It's a quarter past 10am (of the 25th)... T.T *sigh* I don't want to be here. T.T There's just so many people. T.T Especially people I'm scared of. *looks around* It's getting loud in the computer lab...
BUT this is my final year! XD I'll be out in the real word this time next year. X3 I'm really looking forward to it. ^^ I have to work very hard this year (mainly coz my grades from last year wasn't so good XP). This means I shouldn't come online much. T.T Sorry. T.T
My student card was about to expire so I had to get a new one. T.T And it's been sunny for a few days but decided to go all cloudy today. T.T
And the uni computers suck. >.< It's big and the keyboard's loud. And the MSN's incredibly old! I can't see or use emoticons and I don't think I can talk to anyone appearing offline. T.T And I don't have YahooIM! Sorry Hiko. T.T
*sigh* Anyway, last night I had to go to this family birthday thing. Here's a group pic. You can meet my family. ^^

From the backrow (left to right) is: Lee, Rodney, Kim, Ilgaz, Satoru, Shiraz and me (Asya, in case you didn't know).
The front row (left to right) is: Kodie, Ezel, Maya, Mark and Elton.
Elton is Mark, Lee and Kim's father. Mark is Ezel's partner. Ezel is Ilgaz's older sister. Ilgaz and Satoru are my parents. (unfortunately, that makes Ezel my aunt...) Shiraz and Maya are Ezel's daughters (therefore my cousins). Kodie is Kim's son. Rodney is Kim's fiancˇ¦.
(Note that I'm the shortest there. T.T)
The only people we're missing in the pic are Shiraz's two children, Justin and Lydia. We're also missing Shiraz's ex husband, Victor, and her current bf, Ali. And Maya's bf, Alo, isn't there too. We'll be missing Maya too, since she's going to move to LA in April to be with Alo. T.T
It was Mark's birthday, but since he and Ezel will be away on holidays in March, they decided to celebrate the March birthdays on the same day. So we celebrated Elton, Kim and my parent's birthdays too. Though I have to tell you, none of them wanted to clebrate. It was all my aunt's evil ideas. XP
So yeah, that's all the family here in Australia. ^^
*yawns* I'm sleepy. ^^''' I went to bed at about 2am and woke up at 6:30. ^^''' But the lack of sleep was worth it. XD I got strenght to come to uni at about 1:30am, so I was able to get out of bed. ^^ And though I'm scared about classes, I think I'll manage. X3
So anyway, this is long enough so I shall go. XD
[Edit] I hate this uni!!! Someone get me out of here!!! Help!!! [/Edit]
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Friday, February 15, 2008
Long post. X3
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Hello~! *waves* I know my site look weird, but I took out the
post box so that you can see the pics I'll have up later in the
post. And I'm cutting the sentences at the side so that
TimeChaser-senpai can read the whole thing without having to
copy and paste it onto Word. *nods* The link's below each pic
is so that he can see the whole thing. ^^ I know that it's a
total pain when the new IE cuts off sites when they're too wide.
^^' Oh and it's a long post, so don't complain about it later,
coz you're being warned now. XP
Last night my parents were out, so I was alone at night (yey!)
but dad came home in like half an hour (damn). But in that brief
amount of time I was alone, I got a call from my grandmother saying
that she's back from her holiday. Which I knew nothing about! O.O
Grandma thought she told dad, but apparently not since he didn't
say anything. She said she's alright, home and safe, etc. And
when I hung up the phone, I started to worry that grandma
finally lost it. >.< Her memory's going. She's going senile! >.<
She went to Hawaii alone (she lives in Japan) without telling
anyone! OMG! What if something had happened to her? Then dad
came home and... he said he forgot to tell mum and I... So
dad's apparently the one losing his memory. >.> ... As long as
grandma's fine. Heh heh heh. XD
On Monday I went to the city to buy manga. XD But I thought I was
losing my mind. o.o None of the manga I wanted was in the store.
T.T So I was browsing to see if I could find anything else and...
there were a few good manga but... I didn't want to buy them!
O.O!!! I seriously thought I was losing it. >.< But then, I
found "Hotel" and "Root Paradise". Phew. Now all is right
in the world again. ^^
"Hotel" is by Ishimori Shotaro. A mangaka legend. Some of his famous works
include "Cyborg 009" (my favourite manga of his), "Kamen
Rider", "Goranger" and "Kikaider". Oh and in the
Wiki site, his name's Ishinomori. It was apparently the fashionable
or something for mangakas in 1986 to have "no" in your name, so he
changed it... o.o Anyway, "Hotel" is another brilliant manga by
him. It's about a hotel called Platon, and the story is about
all the different things that happen in there. Some of the
episodes are about the people who work there, the rest is about the
guests. Vol 1 had episodes about celebrities, affairs, politics, a
room where no one checks out, weddings, robbery, parties, over
booking, Christmas, New Years, the war... and I'm sure I missed
a few stories. Anyway, this series has everything! Tragedy,
suspense, romance... And well... a bit of ecchi... But I have to
admit, in today's standards, the ecchi is in this manga is really
funny. XD I really enjoyed Vol 1 and looking forward to reading
Vol 2, which I've already bought. XD HOWEVER! Since there is ecchi
in this, I'm going to say it's 18+, so kids, don't touch it!
"Root Paradise" by Koji Kumeta is, unfortunately, another 18+ manga.
*sigh* They really should stop packing the manga in a plastic
bags in the book store. I should work on my vocab more too. It
says on the front cover "cabaret" and I didn't know what it
meant... Go ahead, say it. I'm a naive idiot. >.< But I don't
regret buying it. XD (which is more than what I can say for the
manga "Last News" I bought on the same day) The art on this manga
is adorable! It's a little stiff and the characters are borderline
anorexic, but it's still cute! Here's the story synopsis that's
on the front cover:
"Haruhei Sakura entered in a cram school. Then he fell in love
with a girl who also goes to the same school. She is a daughter of
a millionaire, but queerly works part-time job in a cabaret. He
wishes her to quit the job and hope she will intent on studying
for entrance examination of college with him."
Horrible grammar, right? WRONG! Compared to a lot of the
Japanese's English, this is damn good. Anyway, Haruhei, a studious
guy, comes up with schemes to try and get Natsuki Aoyama (the
cabaret girl) to lose her job by running the bar out of business...
I just realised something on the back cover. This is bad. Really
bad. >.< And I thought the person who wrote the English was pretty
"Onry for boys & girls"
*a tumbleweed rolls by*
O.o Hey tumbleweed! Don't you work for Darke!? O.o
Anyway, if you thought the
English on the cover of "Root
Paradise" was bad, you should check out this website. They have a
collection of hilarious stuff written by non-native speakers.
Now, please keep in mind that non-native speakers of English can
speak English very well too (like me. hehe) but these people are
the exceptions. Heh. So by all means, laugh at the
funny "Engrish" on this website. XD But not at non-natives. *nods*
Here's an example of the type of pics you'll find there:

Feb 5, 2008
Photo courtesy of Jeremy Ervine.
Found at Japanese ski resort.
The Japanese above the Engrish reads:
"7. In case you are trapped in the elevator, please contact the
outside with the intercom (phone) and calmly wait to be rescued.
With everyone's proper manners, live a fun life..."
And the rest is cut off by the sign. ^^'
Anyway, ZOO PICS! XD Today I'm featuring the Aussie animals. XD
You know how on my last post I was talking about conservation?
Well, some animals are taken back to the wild if it's same enough,
and they're healthy enough. ^^ There were definitely more
kangaroos the last time I went there. *nods*







Emus are native to Australia. If you're thinking, "I thought they
were native to Africa?" then you're thinking of ostriches.
That's these guys:

If you can't see a difference, take a look again. ^^'''
Well this post is really LONG, so I'll end it with a random
question. ^^
If the human mind was like a CPU, what would you uninstall
from your brain, and why? Also, what would you install in its
place, and why?
I'd uninstall my lazy personality. Coz I don't need it,
and I really need to work hard in uni. I'll install some
confidence. Coz I really need that. ^^""" *sigh* I wish life
was that easy. XD
By the way, I have "Shugo Chara!" spoilers!!! XD *yells spoilers
out and runs off*
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Friday, February 8, 2008
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Heh heh. I should post. X3 But once a week isn't that bad. XD
Ok so in the last week... Mum's friend was moving houses and I went to help out, since my body wasn't in too much pain. But then it started to hurt after helping for about an hour. T.T That was Friday, and by Monday I couldn't take it anymore so mum took me to the doctor. ^^' Turns out I hurt myself pretty bad, so I have to go again on the 14th. T.T But I'm looking forward to that. XD On Monday, the doctor (not my usual one coz she was booked out) only had enough time to fix my neck, shoulder, spine, ribs and pelvis. And I still need to have my knees and ankles fixed. T.T I'm supposed to take walks and stuff, but I can't do that when my knees get stuck and it feels like I have acid in my legs. >.<
Anyway, you don't need to know about my aches and pains. ^^'''
It's been raining a lot here. Some areas have been flooded, others didn't have electricity... I haven't worn my shorts since last week, so it's not my fault. >.<
And I'm not going to post all 180+ pics from the zoo. x.x Not all in one go, anyway. ^.~ Hehe. And of course, I took out the post box so that you can see the pics properly. ^^ Hm... I think I took off more than I wanted to from my site. Oops. Oh well. XD
EternalParadise said "but theres something that i always didn't like about them is it ok to cage these wild animals for our personal gaping and gawking?" Awww. ^^ That's so true. I don't know about all the zoos around the world, but don't worry about Taronga Zoo and the other zoos in Australia. It's all about animal conservation here. ^^ The animals there were either injured or orphaned or something. They all have a reason to why they can't be out in the wild. Taronga Zoo's filled with conservation information and boxes for donation. So a zoo's not all about people gaping and gawking at animals. ^.~
Let's take the Fishing Cat as an example. This Fishing Cat was injured, and the vets had to amputate his front leg. T.T You can't really let him go back to the wild, can you? That's what a zoo is for. To keep animals like these safe and alive. This Fishing Cat was amazing. He climbed that high with only three legs, and also looked very comfortable and confident up there. Er... Sorry about the out-of-focus pic, but that was the best I could do, since I wasn't allowed to use the flash. T.T

Also, tigers (my favourite animal!!!) are on the road to extinction. T.T By having them in zoos, the tigers are kept safe and away from poachers. Also, they'll hopefully feel comfortable enough to have babies, which would increase their population. Honestly though, I'd prefer it if all animals were back in the wild, but that's not going to happen until it's safe out there. T.T Dumb poachers...

Oh and while I'm at it, how cute are these lion brothers!? XD

The bum of a snow leopard. ^^'

*sigh* I really wanted to pet a tiger... Maybe next time. X3
Oh and by Hiko's request that I submit stuff to TheO, I made a wallpaper and submitted it. I don't think it's up yet, but yeah. XD
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Friday, February 1, 2008
OMG! It's February already!? O.o
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So how long has it been since I posted? ^^''' Sorry. T.T
Um... I don't have much to say... I'll write about the whole roller shoes thing once it gets sorted. ^^' Kinda don't want to think about it now. Heh.
On Sunday I went to the zoo. Kya~! Cute fluffy animals! XD It was all I can do to not kidnap a tiger. ^^''' I have over 180 pics, so once that's sorted, I'll post them. X3
There is one interesting thing though. I can control the weather. XD No seriously, it's really weird. ^^ Was it last month? Yeah I think so, anyway. ^^''' It was so hot and sunny here I decided to wear shorts. But I couldn't find a pair, so I found one of my old pair of jeans and mum cut them for me. XD Into short shorts. XD Soon after, it started to rain... A few days later, it was really hot and sunny again, so I wore the shorts. And soon after, there was a storm. >.<
See a pattern? XP
On Wednesday, it was really hot and sunny so I wore the shorts, and then it got really cloudy. So I thought that maybe it was just a coincidence, since it didn't rain. And the next day (yesterday), it was sunny and hot again, so I wore the shorts. It started to rain again. x.x But then it turned into a full on storm! >.<
It was raining this morning too, so I wore jeans and it stopped! O.o
What have we learned from all this???
My legs have powers. X3
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Tuesday, January 22, 2008
What a day! XD
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I woke up to the smoke alarm in the living room going off. >.< Being half asleep, I started bashing my alarm clock wondering why it wouldn't shut up. ^^' I heard my parents yelling about something and then mum came to yell at me to wake up. My dad was up on the ladder trying to take the alarm off the ceiling, while my mum was using a pillow as a fan to clear the air (apparently). I told him to push the button. It stopped that annoying beeping, but started again 5 minutes later. Don't worry though, it was just malfunctioning. Anyway, I took the 2 alarms off and deactivated them with a screwdriver. X3 We'll hopefully have it repaired or something soon.
Then when I was in the shower, my mum walked in rambling something about a spider. >.< So I had to get out really quickly and kill a giant spider out in the yard... Dad didn't kill it coz he was scared... *mumbles* Oh! It wasn't one of Dranzer's spiders. I know coz I asked it before I killed it. ^.~
Mum and I went shopping after that. I bought a pair of roller shoes! XD I was going to use it as part of my Ringo Noyamano (Air Gear) cosplay... It's two sizes too big, but it's better than way coz it's comfortable to walk in. The sole's really stiff, so if it was my size, I won't be able to walk in it. ^^"
Then we went to buy fabrics for my Sakura (Naruto Shippuuden) cosplay. XD It was really fun! I love shopping for fabrics. There's so many to choose from. XD I was running around through the aisles, so mum lost sight of me for a good 10 minutes. X3 I couldn't get everything I need though, since the store didn't have them. T.T
We came home and I decided to try my new shoes out. X3 I was rolling around happily in the kitchen coz it was the smoothest surface I could find (though I fell on my bum once) and... Crack! A part of the wheel broke off! O.O I'm taking it back tomorrow... Though I'm really lucky that it didn't break at the con and that I didn't buy fabrics for the cosplay too. ^^
I'm really not that upset about the shoes. It's life. ^^' Actually I'm kinda looking forward to ripping into the shop owner about it. XP But mum's a bit sad and upset that I can't play with it... Heh... Oh and the shop owner thought I'm about 15. T.T
ˇ¦Out of the 6 people who commented on my previous postˇ¦Only 1 was a soccer fan. T.T ItĂÔ so sad. T.T

*runs off cheering for the Japanese national team*
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Saturday, January 19, 2008
Australian Open at 3am X3
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I'm sorry. ^^" This became an all sports post, so don't force yourselves to read the whole thing. ^^"""
I'm really not sure why I'm posting. But oh well! XD I've been watching the Australian Open a lot lately. X3 It's strange coz I'm not much of a tennis fan... But it's just so fun to watch Marcos Baghdatis play! XD He's 22 years old and from Cyprus. X3 He injured an ankle about an hour ago, but he's still going! It's amazing. XD He seems so experienced despite his age. Really giving the Aussie Lleyton Hewitt a run for his money. X3
I don't like to watch Hewitt coz he's so unsportsmanship-like. >.< I know that's not a word but yeah! XD The screaming, tantrums, complaining and the profanities just make it painful to watch. ^^'
Baghdatis is turning me into a tennis fan. XD Kya~!
Luna loves it too! She sits in front of the TV and tries to catch the ball, and sometimes even the players! XD I think she has a thing for Roger Federer's bottom. O.o
No~! A commercial break. >.< Get back to the match!!!
Oh yeah, I'm a total tennis fan now. ^^""" But I only like watching the men play. The whole "court fashion" of the women just kinda annoys me. >.< How can they play with those large dangling jewellery? And those fabrics! Urgh! You can see all their sweat! It's all aesthetics and not enough function. What did those designers learn at school!?
I want to scream and yell at the TV now, but my parents are asleep so I can't. T.T At least I'm not watching soccer, coz then nothing can stop the screaming. ^^""" Awww I wanna watch soccer now. XD I haven't watched it in a while. T.T
It's so sad that we don't get most of the sports channels! It's too expensive... But I wanna watch soccer and volleyball. XD
Kya~! Kya~! I'm over excited now, even though I haven't had any coffee! XD
Oh a challenge. XD I love that part about tennis so much! The players can get a computer to see whether the ball was really in or out. X3 Coz you now, umpires are only human. ^^" I wish they'd use that technology for soccer! There's too much rigging and "controversies" going on these days. T.T
You know, I really should end this here. Coz I can seriously just go on and on. ^^""" I should get back to paying attention to the match anyway. ^.~
Oh and since the last time I posted, we had two giant cockroach attacks. ^^""" Just a little non-sports fact for those of you who survived this long with the post. XD
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Monday, January 14, 2008
Ow! I was hit in the head by the posting bugs telling me to post! x.x
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After the giant cricket, there was a giant caterpillar and two giant cockroach scares. *shudders*
My mum had one of her regular migraines from Thursday till Saturday. T.T She's been in bed a lot, which means I get more time for myself... but... T.T I've been helping out as much as I can in the kitchen. But mum won't let me help any more than that coz she thinks that would make her a bad mother...
And mum's down with the flu since yesterday. ^^" So I had to do more work in the kitchen. Which I don't mind at all... Except for the extremely dry burgers, bland soup and little er... mishaps. ^^" The worst though is my back. >.< Washing the dishes really screwed it up. T.T So I'm in a lot of pain right now. T.T
The pain's for mum. The pain's for mum. The pain's for mum...
I gotta wonder... When did I get so weak? O.o I know I haven't been able to exercise (or dance T.T) for a few years coz of the joint problems, but I didn't think that it would affect me this much. T.T
Good news though. X3 My doctor said that I can do as many strengthening exercises as I want now coz my body's improved a lot! XD (apparently not enough to wash dishes, but a lot none the less) But I'm not allowed to push my body over its limit. T.T Which I love to do! T.T
Anyway! I went to the city on Friday. XD I wasn't going to go, so that I could look after mum, but she insisted. T.T Well, I got my Nakayosi (monthly shoujo magazine), Nakayosi Lovely Special Winter Edition (quaterly magazine), The Truth of Rurouni Kenshin (a collection of essays), Rurouni Kenshin novel, The Complete Guide to Kinnikuman (I'm so happy about this one! I found it at the very back dark corner of the bookstore which I've never been to coz I was too scared to go. ^^"), Eureka Seven manga vol 2 and Eureka Seven DVD 1 with collector's box. X3 Those things were so heavy to carry around! x.x Hehe. XP
I think I'll go to bed now (it's past 1am of the 15th). ^^" The back ache's getting worse around my right shoulder. T.T I'm also in a little grumpy mood coz of the pain. ^^" Which is why I don't have any of those little cats in my post. ^^''' Sorry. T.T
Oh why shouldn't I use at least one? XP
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Tuesday, January 8, 2008
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Saturday, January 5, 2008
Posting bugs... everywhere... everywhere... @.@
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Kya~! PhotoBucket's finally working! XD I don't know. It just stops working for me sometimes. T.T And I have so many pics to share with all of you! XD
That's why I don't have the post box up today. *nods* It's just better this way, rather than having to scroll to see the whole pic or to have links. ^^
Mum and I went to Coogee Beach on New Year's Eve. X3 It was very beautiful. XD It was very hot too. I got a bit of a tan on my arms. Uh... yeah just my arms. ^^" And face a bit too. ^^"

Mum went for a little walk, then came back with the following pic. She said told me to put it up on here. ^^"' That's me in the pic. As you can see, I was wearing jeans. I was seriously the only person wearing jeans there! O.o But then again, it was really hot... I just don't like wearing skirts too much. ^^' And that's why only my arms are tanned!

Anyway, we were apparently sitting too close to where the fireworks were going to be held, so we had to move. T.T We sat next to this huge group of people. So many little kids. @.@ Anyway, this lady was really funny. XD That's a Provisional Licence. (the green P) So apparently she's not allowed to go any faster than 100km/hr! XD

There was this little boy in that group and he was so cute! He had this toy metal detector. X3 I don't think he knew what it was for though. He had this ball of aluminium foil, threw it, went to it and put the detector over so that it beeped. ^^" BUT when he was eating his dinner, the metal detector in his hand started beeping! XD He actually found something burried in the grass! But since the kid didn't know why it was beeping, he ran off after he finished eating...
Anyway! The night view of Coogee Beach.

The best pic of the 9:30pm fireworks. X3 I took a lot, but they didn't turn out that nice. T.T That's even though I used the firework setting on the camera. T.T

After that, mum and I decided to go home. Luna (my cat) was home alone, and she hates fireworks. So we thought it'd be best if we were home for midnight. ^^' She's stressed a lot these days as it is, so we didn't want her to feel worse. ^^
I took this pic on the way home from the car. They're the two clock towers at Broadway. (yes, we have a Broadway here too. ^^') Apparently it was already midnight on one side of Sydney! XD

Our neighbours were doing some fireworks in their yard! (which is illegal. *cough*) And the next day, I heard that another nighbour's dog ran away coz he got scared of the fireworks. He came back the nex day though. ^^ Anyway, I read on the news later that run-away dogs were common that night coz of all the illegal fireworks. T.T Some found their homes, some didn't. T.T
Pets weren't the only victims that night. ^^" Bat's had it rough too. Especially the ones that live near the Harbour Bridge! Every year, you can see a few of them flying across the TV screen in a state of panic. XD I'll try to get pics of that for you. ^^
In the meantime, here's a pic mum took from the TV. X3

As you know, I slept at 6am that night coz of the coffee. ^^" Then mum woke me up at 9am to go to Manly Beach with that family and the boys that didn't know anime. The father didn't come! Phew. ^^" We took the ferry to Manly Beach. And I had to have two cups of coffee to keep me awake during the day. ^^"

They were filming Surf Patrol! XD

We also saw a lizard! I don't know what it's called though. T.T Um... uh... how about Lizzy? XD

I got tanned in my arms again. ^^"
Since I couldn't sleep much, I ended up watching a lot of TV. ^^" I saw the new year celebrations of:
Hong Kong
Taiwan (yes, I know that's a country and not a city. but they didn't say which city. T.T)
Morocco (yeah yeah city again, I know)
New York
Rio de Janeiro
That's the order I saw it in, not the order of time zones. ^^" Anyway, the best was London. *nods* Definitely. Sydney's was impressive and all... But London's fireworks were just the prettiest. X3
Today was the first day of the Sydney Festival. X3 My family, that other family and a bunch of my cousin's friends all went. ^^ We were 19 people in total. It was raining a lot though. T.T We still saw two out door concerts. But the thing is, when the concerts started, the rain would stop! XD Here's the first one. The girl in purple is Maya Jupiter, one of Australia's first female hip hop artist. ^^ Also a very famous radio and TV presenter. X3

Oh this was so cute! There's this TV commercial where an ATM machine rips itself out of a wall and follows this guy around. And then a voice says something like "With 500 new ATMs around the city, you'd think they're following you around." And it was! XD

Here's the second concert we went to. It was by a group called... Sydney Youth Concert... or something like that. ^^" All the songs played/sang was by kids ages 5~17!!! They were all so good! XD It was amazing! And the host for this concert was Maya Jupiter, again. ^^ (in the blue-ish dress)

Then all 19 of us went out to Thai food... And now I'm home! Oh wait! Here's a pic from the train ride home. They're my cousin's two adorabe kids! The boy's 4 years old. The girl's one year old. She was born on the same day as me! XD We're exactly 20 years apart. XD Aren't they just adorable? XD

Ok that's it! I hope you enjoyed the pics. X3 I sure enjoyed taking them. XD

P.S. Anyone want to spend summer over here now? X3
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Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year! XD
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Open Heart!
I was going to post once I uploaded pics onto PhotoBucket and all that, but what the hell! X3 Everyone's posting and now I want to as well! XD
I'll explain things in detail next time, but for now let me say that my new year was great! ^^ And for the past 35 hours, I only slept for 3 hours... O.O I had 4 cups of coffee and a whole lot of sugar. XD So I'm still wide awake. @.@ But mum woke up a few minutes ago and told me to go to bed, coz if I don't I'll get sick again... I won't let that happen!
Why? Coz that's my new year resolution. ^^ To take better care of myself. In all aspects of my life. My bones, joints, muscles, health, uni grades, sleeping habits... Everything! It's all about me. X3
Nah I'm just kidding about that last bit. ^.~ My mum always told me that I have to take care of myself so that I'll be fit enough to take care of others. I never really understood her about that, but 2007 made it sink in. ^^' I always put others before my self. And then I suffered and so I wasn't able to help others as best I could.
So I've decided to take good care of myself so that I can be a better person. ^^ For everyone. X3 And I'm going to start that by getting a good night's rest. (it's 1am of the 2nd... already! O.O)
Good night and sweet dreams!
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