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Monday, May 14, 2007
I’m finally free! Ok, not quite but this is as close to it as it gets. ^^
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Open Heart!
I’ve been away for so long. T.T How sad. I’ve been so busy. Not just with my assignments too. But more on that later. I’m sure you all want to know the results on the little quiz from my previous post. I know it took me a while to post again, so I hope no one’s lost their drawing. ^^’
* The size of the window represents your openness to love.
* The number of trees represents how many people likes you. *wink wink*
* The hight of the fence represents how high your expectations in love are.
So how did everyone go?
Ok, now to what I’ve been doing since my last post.
I went to the city by myself. I first went to this anime shop and bought 2 CDs. It was 2 for $15 instead of the normal $20 each! O.O Well, they were um... good quality Chinese copies. ^^' The city was very polluted. My hair and clothes smelled when I got home. The smell of cigarettes and exhaust fumes from cars. Ew! >.<
One is the OST of an old anime called "Ganbarisuto! Shou". I don't think it was ever released in English… It’s about this boy in high school who decides to take gymnastics as an extracurricular activity. But he’s really bad at it. This anime was aired in Japan from 1996 to 1997. I really used to enjoy this anime. So I was really happy when I saw the CD. XD The songs are quite different to the ones I normally listen to now, but they’re still really good. Very nostalgic. ^^
The other CD I bought was the OST of “Revolutionary Girl Utena”. I used to watch this anime back in Japan too. I haven’t been able to watch it here. -_-' Just haven’t had the time. This anime's music's quite unique. I think it suits the anime really well.
I then went to a second hand Japanese bookshop and bought volume 1 and 2 of “Gasaraki”! XD But I haven’t had the time to read it yet. I just took a peak at the first few pages… The Japanese level's a bit too high for me, so I don't know how I’m going to be able to read it. T.T I also bought my monthly manga magazine. It’s called Nakayoshi and I’ve been reading it for like 8 years now. Think of it as the girls’ version of Shonen Jump. “Sailor Moon” and “Tokyo Mew Mew” are from this magazine. ^^
I don’t think I wrote about this before, but I once “helped” a classmate of mine with his essay. (By “helped” I mean I did about 85% of the work) I didn’t want to, coz it's from a unit I don’t take and I have my own things to do as well. But he said that he would fail if I don’t help him… I read 7 pages of information that he was supposed to read; told him the main points in Japanese; wrote about 4 pages of notes to help him write his essay; and fixed his essay... All this in just 3 days... I got him a Pass.
On Wednesday night, I got a text message from him DURING OUR class, which he had skipped. (He should've known that I had class! [and my phone was on vibrate, so don't jump down my throat about having it on during class >.<]) It said that he desperately needs my help. He said that all I had to do was check his English. I thought that it would only take about an hour, so I said yes. BIG MISTAKE! I re-wrote everything; paraphrased a couple of paragraphs to avoid plagiarism; added sentences and a paragraph to get to the minimum word limit; and searched for references on the net for the points I added... It took me 5 hours. T.T I ate lunch at 4pm. T.T
Well, there's actually a reason to why it took 5 hours to fix that essay. (I think I should've had it done in about 3~4hours) We had guests over for about an hour and a half. So I was running back and forth between them and the essay. The guests were my grandmother’s neighbour from Turkey, her older sister, the sister's son and the son's son. The son and the kid lives here in Australia, and the neighbour and her sister are just visiting them.
That kid was out of control! The father had absolutely no authority over him. Well of course! The boy’s 2 and a half years old and they didn’t bring a toy for him to play with. So the boy was trying to play with all the breakable ornaments in the living room. I could hear my mum constantly telling the kid to stop, followed by the father... Then came the tantrums. >.< The boy screamed then the father said “No! Don’t throw it! Here, play with this one, I don't think it would break that easily." >.< What kind of logic is that? It's still breakable...
What I hate more than out of control kids are parents who can’t control their kids. When I went back into the living room, I saw the boy playing with a religious ornament. O.o The father was just plain rude allowing the boy to play with it. Maybe he didn’t mind coz it’s not HIS religion’s ornament? He kept on calling it the “Sydney Opera House” and mum kept on telling him that it isn’t, and that it’s a temple in India. Now I admit that they have some things which look somewhat similar, but he could’ve just said "the temple". How hard can it be to say that???
When they left, I had a HUGE headache. >.< I was too tired from the kid and my classmate's essay that I just really didn't want to do my assignment... And I only did a bit afterwards…
Yesterday was Mother’s Day. ^^ I made my mum her breakfast in bed. I saw that Lily (our land lady’s cat) was sleeping on my mum’s bed. Since she’s a mother too (5 her own and 3 foster), I gave her her breakfast in bed. My Luna’s a mother of 3 so I gave her her breakfast in bed too. Then to my surprise, Luna had made me breakfast too. XD
After breakfast, mum and I went to the mall. I bought her a red skirt and black pants as her gift. I know that the whole surprise of a gift goes like that, but this way’s better for us. She gets exactly what she wants and needs, and I won’t later be told about what I should’ve gotten her. ^^”
So there you have it. The things that happened since I last posted. I learned one very important thing: I need to learn how to say NO. >.< If I had said NO to that classmate of mine, I would’ve finished my assignments earlier, which would’ve given me time to go over it and fix anything that needs fixing, I would’ve been able to spend more quality time with my mum on Mother’s Day and all of this would’ve ultimately avoided the little nervous breakdowns I had…
Things have finally eased up a bit. ^^ Not long until this semester ends and my winter break starts. ^^ So I should be able to post a little more often, so that you won’t have to read anymore INSANELY long posts. ^.~
I know that a lot of you have said that a Z is not a shape… Well I can’t help it, that’s how the quiz is. >.<
Jaguar, sorry I tagged you when you were already tagged. I missed that post. T.T I went and read it and… and… I was tagged!? So I tagged you not knowing that you were tagged and that you had already tagged me... How embarrassing. >.< And even more embarrassing writing it here. ^^’
I was going to post a brain teaser today, but I think I’ve tortured you all enough already. ^^’ So I’ll do that the next time. Why don’t I leave you with a picture of Luna and Lily? But first, here’s a brief history of the two. We took care of Lily when she was a kitten and our land lady went on a holiday to Greece for 6 months. Lily thinks of our house as her second house. Luna is extremely territorial, so she hates Lily. Lily really doesn’t care about what Luna thinks of her. ^^’ She comes by every morning for a nap. Here’s a picture I took during that 6 months we were looking after Lily:

And now a close up of Luna’s face:

Good night and sweet dreams!
P.S. to a certain someone: 1500 words ^.~
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