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Monday, May 28, 2007
2 more days! XD
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Argh! My wisdom teeth are hurting so much! X.X It's been hurting all week, and I couldn't even chew properly on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. T.T I know I have to have them pulled, but my orthodontist said November... I can't wait that long! Not to mention it being my 21st birthday! >.< I have a headache right now too... Not thinking rationally. ^^' I'll be fine. Just have to be patient. ^^
Work went well on Thursday and Friday. It was a bit boring though. -_-" Like I would have 3 calls and 5 people talking to me at the same time, and I would panic for about 10mins... And then it's quiet for over an hour... >.< Friday afternoon, I was on the net reading stuff for uni. -_-' I felt like I'm getting paid to just sit there. I'd rather work hard and earn my pay.
Someone unpluged the answering machine on Wednesday, so when I went to work on Thursday the answering machine's time and date was messed up. I had to look for the instruction manual on the net for over 2 hours! And I still couldn't find it. By the end of the day, I just got really pissed and started to randomly push the buttons until I fixed the machine. ^^" The point is that it's fixed, right? XP The manager told me to write out the instruction on setting the time and date for next time. So I went back online and found a pic of the answering machine and pasted it onto the instructions I typed up. She loved it! XD She was like "You're so cute! XD" ... Damn... Cute definately was NOT what I was going for. ^^'
I read half of Vol 1 of Gasaraki... It's taking me really long, coz I'm having trouble reading the Japanese characters. ^^' But surprisingly, it's not as bad as I thought it would be. (I mean reading the characters) I thought I would need my dictionary more, but I only looked up a few words. The others I could kinda guess from the context. I should be checking those too, but it takes too long and I just want to read! XD
I also read Vol 1 of Saikano, which was recommended by darkeangel. I nearly cried at the end of it. T.T He said that I'll cry in Vol 5... But I'm not sure I'll survive for that long. ^^' I'll try though. ^^
Speaking of darkeangel, he went to America, and won't be back until September! >.< I miss him already! T.T
Oh and last week's brain teaser. >.< Not only did no one get it right; I missed out on a crucial bit of instruction. >.< I'm so sorry! T.T Matt (BKstyles) was explaining his solution to me on MSN, and he had the same solution as my new friend hackermimiru. Which was unfortunately wrong. ^^' Matt pointed out that I should've said that each triangle has to be equilateral. ^^" (Thanks for always pointing out my flaws. ^.~ I do appreciate it. I always learn alot. ^^) So each side of each triangle has to be the length of one match stick (or tooth pick, depending on what you're using). I didn't think about saying that. ^^' But it's also how my psychology lecturer said in a lecture... And that wasn't that long ago... Maybe a month? Anyway. ^^' I'm so sorry. You guys can have another week to think about this. ^^ Here's what I mean by an equilateral triangle:

Here's a little clue from Matt: Think tall.
Oh uh... ^^' Both darkeangel and master hiko said something about me being in summer. ^^" I don't know how to break this to you guys, but being in Australia, in the southern hemisphere, I'll be in winter soon. ^^" I'm even wearing a sweater right now. ^^' It's no big deal, seriously. ^^ My grandmother in Japan has been here 3 times and she still gets it wrong from time to time. ^^' But uh… Hehehe. I would probably still catch up on my reading and studying during summer. ^^'
Since Monday's now over! XD I only have 2 more days of uni! XD I only have one Psychology lecture (tomorrow), one Psychology tutorial and one Japanese Creative Practical Writing exam (Wednesday). When that's over, I only have a Psychology exam, Community Translation exam, 11 Community Translation quizzes and one Japanese Creative Practical Writing assignment. XD I'm so happy!
Oh! I nearly forgot! On Thursday, I was supposed to do this take home exam for Translation Techonologies. It was supposed to be available on the uni's website on Thursday night at 11pm. And it was due on in 24hours time... It didn't come up. O.o So a number of students (including me) were on the Discussion Board for the unit panicking. ^^' We were worried that some students got it, and some didn't. ^^' Well, it turned out that there was something wrong with the lecturer's computer or something. So it wasn't our fault. Phew. ^^' It was put up on Friday at about 10:30am. And the lecturer gave us 36 hours to do it this time. ^^ I had to write 300~500 words on... something... I can't remember, nor do I want to remember. ^^" The hard part of this exam was writing 333 words. I had 329 words, so I added a few words and it became 334. >.< So I deleted a word. Yeah I'm weird. XD
On Wednesday, my classmate asked me to 'help' him with his essay again. >.< He was like "It's just 1000 words." o.o Everyone will be proud of me. Hehehe. I said "NO!" XD I told him that I have to go to work, and that it took 5 hours last time and all these other excuses. ^^ But he still tried to convince me into helping him, so I made the cutest smile and the preppiest voice I could make and said "Ganbatte kudasai!" ("Good luck/work hard" in Japanese's polite form) Ahahahahaha!!!!! He had to accept me saying no! XD
Tomorrow, I have to go to the orthodontist's in the city after uni. >.< I used to have braces and I still have to use plates (retainers) once a week when I go to bed if the plate's tight... The thing is, I always forget, so I only use it once every forthnight. ^^" It's ok, coz my teeth are straight. ^^ I may even ask if I can get my wisdom teeth pulled earlier.
Hm... I wrote alot again, didn't I? Sorry about that. ^^' I guess everything get's piled up inside me for a whole week. ^^' I think I'll post every Mondays from now on. I need a routine, or else I would never post! >.< But this routine's subject to change at any given time. ^^' As much as I need routines, I don't really like it. I feel bound and restricted. ^^'
I wrote enough already, so I'll let you go. ^^ Here's a picture of Luna. =^^= She's just so cute that I can just eat her! XP (I'm kidding, of course) Good night and sweet dreams.
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