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Monday, June 4, 2007
KYA~! I just fell off my chair. That's the second time today. T.T Ow…
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Anyway. I'm finally going to tell you the solution to the match sticks brain teaser! Ready?

It’s not a good picture, I know. But you try taking one. Hmph. (I took like 5 other pictures, and this was the best one. T.T)
My wisdom teeth aren’t that painful this week. Thank God! I went to my orthodontist on Tuesday. It only took 5 minutes... After it took over an hour to get there! X.x And he said that I should wait until November to get them out, coz it’ll be easier on me. They won’t have to dig around for my teeth... >.<
Eternal Paradise, don’t tell me about blood going everywhere! >.< I’ll chicken out! x.x Well actually, I had to have 4 teeth removed before I got braces. I had to have two of those removed by surgery, so I know what it’s like. So this time it’ll be four teeth. I have until the end of the year to prepare myself for it. I’ll be fine. ^^
I went to work again on Friday. But it was just for half a day. At least it got me out of the house, right? ^^ It was really quiet again. The highlight of the day was when a colleague (lady) of mine saw a dead cockroach and started kicking it. Then this other colleague of mine (lady) and I screamed and ran out of the room. And the one that was kicking the dead cockroach said that we’re useless. ^^" Well, dead or not, a cockroach is a cockroach. Kya~! >.<
Saturday, Sunday and today, I just sat here and did parts of my assignments and studied for my exams... That’s it. ^^’
I should answer the questions I’ve been getting from master hiko. ^^
* I wish I could just hang up the phone on rude people at work. ^^’ Since it’s a community centre, a lot of distressed people call for help, and a lot of those are emergencies. So I have to do my best to help them out or refer them to someone who can help them out. I’ll probably get fired if I hang up on them. ^^’
* If I prefer to have calls and stuff spaced out, or to have them all come at me at the same time? Well, I prefer them to be spaced out. Like be busy throughout the day, instead of being busy sometimes, and bored the other times. I think I can help people out better if I’m not panicking. ^^’
* I was looking for the instruction manual to the answering machine. It's a Telstra M450. It’s solved now, so don’t worry about it. ^^
* Darke went to a camp in America. Uh... Maryland? ^^’ Just go and read his post. ^^"
* To be honest, I don’t know how long my summer break’s going to be. I think my classes end in October, and I have exams in November. December, January and February should be a break. But that’s just my university. All the universities have their own schedule. And the uni schedules are different to primary and high school schedules.
* Yes, I should write "Good morning and have a good day" at the end of my posts. ^^’ but I just like saying "Good night and sweet dreams". XD
I don’t have a brain teaser or personality quiz for you this week. I’m sorry. -_- I found some, but they’re all really girly. ^^’ And I have to translate them... Not only am I lazy, I’ve been busy with an assignment of mine. -_-
But I did remember this game I learned in class when I was in year 6 (6th grade). What was it called? I must be getting old, coz I can’t remember the name of the game, what subject it was or the name of my teacher. ^^’ We used video cameras, that’s for sure. ^^ Ok, so what we did was video tape something really up close for 5 seconds, zoom out a bit and wait for 5 seconds, zoom out a bit for another 5 seconds and then show the whole thing (or something like that ^^'). We would show the class and everyone would have that 15 seconds to guess what it was before they could see the whole thing. I thought maybe I could do this here? And instead of taping something, I’ll take pictures. If you think it’ll be fun, tell me and I’ll write up the rules for it properly so that we can start playing next week. ^^
Here’s a picture of my Luna’s enemy. Her name's Lily and she's sticking her tongue out while sleeping on my mum’s bed. XP

My good friend Fortuna Jewels made me a new avi. You guys like it? ^^ I really like it. ^^ Thank you Fortuna! *hug*
Good night, sweet dreams, good morning and have a nice day. ^^
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